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Friend Chat Improvements and other Friendly fixes

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by benguin8, 2 Nov 2017.

  1. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    Friend Chat needs a major upgrade. Glaring problems include no sorting, the game prioritizing recent chats vs people who are online, and no way to clean house!

    The game can be more social and build a tighter community with some improvements:

    • Friend Chat needs multiple tabs.
      • One would sort by who is online now.
      • One to sort for when online last. This way I can scroll to the bottom and kick friends who have not been on for weeks. In fact, on the right side of every friend it should say when the logged in last (last on x days, hrs). This could be combined with the first tab I guess.
      • One tab to sort for most recent chat. Maybe you want to write back to someone you just played with or chatted with the next day.
    • Friend chat should show if someone is fleeting!!!! The fleet symbol can go right next to their name and if I click it should show who. I am tired of having multiple guild members on and having to ask each one if they are fleeting or not and with who. It should be immediately obvious from my friend chat list.
    • Once you click on a friend, you should have 2 tabs - One for the chat, and one for stats. Stats would show when they were online last, how many times you fleeted with them, and number of wins. I am all for more stats too like total damage together, total stars, whatever.
    • For Guild member lists, we need a visual way to tell if you are a friend with them or not! Just a simply symbol or make their name appear orange to you instead of white. This is huge to keep a guild organized and close.
    • Speaking of color, I would like all my friends to appear as a different color in global chats. Currently when I post or someone tags me it is orange. I think any friend comment should be orange too so that when I get out of a match, I can more easily see if it is worth reading.

    These are all simple changes but will have a huge impact. Any other problems connecting with people post below and we can find some solutions.
    Anshak and Miathan like this.
  2. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Good points. Tbh I don't care for the last 2, but the others would be great. Online now and last online could be one point though. If you sort by last online, that would automatically put everyone who's online now at the top anyway.
  3. Mariam

    Mariam New Member

    4 Jul 2017
    I partly agree with you on this idea. But haven't you ever told someone you don't want to/ can't play with that you are fleeting? That would be hard
  4. benguin8

    benguin8 Well-Known Member

    13 Jul 2017
    @Mariam I don't understand what would be hard? People message you to fleet and the fact that you have to wait until a match is done to even respond is wasted time. Putting the fleet symbol next to player's name would let me know to ask someone else. I could still message them and ask for a fleet next.

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