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Infamy Droppers!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Tirth2_, 26 Oct 2017.

  1. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Damn!! Its like u just enter a room and everyone throws eggs at you and before u realise what's happening u r dead already!
  2. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Woah thats a detailed , very detailed version of what I felt and wanted to say! I just hope they eventually fix this up! Anyway on the brighter side we sharpen our skills by playing with player way too above us(I know sometimes we dont even get a chance but still :p, sometimes v do as in the screenshot I shared above!) :)
    Joey who likes this.
  3. WaveMaker

    WaveMaker Active Member

    20 Jul 2017
    Miika's thread (see link):
    When talking about matchmaking systems one fundamental question needs to be answered: What is fair? This might seem like an obvious question but it is actually not that straight forward.

    There are two main approaches to matchmaking:
    1. MMR based. In MMR based matchmaking players who perform on the same level are matched together. This is what Battle Bay has currently.
    2. Equipment based. In equipment based matchmaking players play together if the have similar equipment. This is essentially what you are suggesting.

    So which one is more fair? Equipment based matchmaking is essentially making a claim that players who have the same level items should be playing together. Surely fair right? However, that logic also means: "You have the same sneakers as Usain Bolt so you should be racing against him". All of a sudden it doesn't feel that fair anymore.

    However, an MMR based matchmaking takes a different stance. It says "I don't care why you are as good as you are, maybe it's skills, maybe it's items, but if you perform on a certain level, you should be playing with others who perform on the same level". Using the same sports metaphor it's saying "Oh, you run 100 meters in 13.7 seconds, so I'll put you against other players who can also run it in 13.7 seconds".

    So, which one feels more fair and more fun?
    1. Play with other players who on average perform on the same level and is guaranteed to always give you a meaningful challenge?
    2. Play against totally random people, as long as they have the same gear. Sometimes they run circles around you, and sometimes they don't even know how to shoot with their weapons. If you are one of the least skilled players you end up just losing all every time, and the game doesn't even try to correct that by adjusting the difficulty level, which doesn't feel fair or fun. If you are super humanly good, you keep on winning all the time and again the game doesn't even try to give you more challenges, which becomes boring pretty quickly.

    We, the Battle Bay team, have chosen the option number 1 because we feel it gives better overall experience for the wide variety of different players.
    So I linked this post in here because they are related. Miika - even so with this thread and so many like it, players are noting that there is an issue with facing ship classes they shouldn't.
    I don't know the answer purse' but I think change is needed.

    1] Skill - there are players who love the game and have "no skill" and "natural skill" and everywhere in-between.
    2] Upgrades - whether players have skill or not they can upgrade their ships and weapons given time or money.
    3] Infamy - You can raise or lower it from 0 - 4k+ (IMHO - There should be a drop threshold - don't penalize players; rather set a maximum drop)
    - IE., player obtains "Warrior" league their infamy can no longer drop below 500+; similar players with similar skills and/or gear will wind up in the same place. So they will end up playing with players with similar skills and ship/weapon loadouts more often. -if intentional losses are still reported you can still curb the players gains as a punshiment.
    4] I think having infamy is fine just tweak it - (Whether a player sucks or not - if they upgrade their stuff to a certain point) they should be (able to join) moved into the next league.
    - This protects the newer ships from getting pummeled by ships twice their class and load-out.
    - Less "skilled" players will still stay at the bottom of the new league until skills improve and the naturally skilled will rise to the top regardless.
    - Limit ship class or weapon tiers to each league. IE MK1s and common weapons in "Challenger", MK2 and uncommon in "Warrior" and so on. (make new leagues to accommodate this)
    Other thoughts - you can use the star rating system to separate the pack further - When a player earns 3 stars they get matched up to other players who earned 3 stars in the next game...those with 1 star get matched to those with one star....thus skills come into play (yeah; there are holes in my idea - like whomever does the most damage would get more stars in most cases)
    But in theory this could help like skilled players ban together and work as a team to rise.)
    - An "Extreme Challenge" option could be added for skilled players who want to face ships 1 to 2 tiers higher for better rewards. The player would check the box prior to entering the battle.
    -End- Sorry it was so long - rebuttals ready and go??
    Last edited: 28 Oct 2017
  4. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    I agree! Thanks for writing this! :)
  5. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Actually, I don’t think that’s an apt analogy. The impact of sneakers on running speed is fairly negligible, while equipment makes a big difference in BB. If equipment was so unimportant then we might see people make it to nightmare in thier mk2 with t1 uncommon weapons, but that’s not really possible.

    Sprinting is, actually, quite a good analogy for Battle Bay, because while technique can give you an edge in sprinting, it largely comes down to physical ability. However, in BB, equipment is physically part of your ship that gives it its stats. So it’s more analogous to a sprinters body and muscles, than to something superficial like sneakers.

    So a better analogy might be “you have the same legs as Usain Bolt, you should be running against him”, and if that were the case... you probably should.

    Another analogy might be Formula 1. Skill matters a lot, but the best racing driver in the world isn’t going to beat a Formula 1 car, in a Ford Pinto. If you have a Formula 1, you should probably only be racing against other Formula 1s.
    A Wild Zee Man likes this.
  6. ECTO_1a

    ECTO_1a New Member

    8 Jun 2017
    its a P2W game you could probably get a Mk5 filled with legendary weapons without even playing a match if you had the money. i will say this it does fell good killing that bagger or out damaging that guy with all those legendary weapons. if you have the skills you will pull yourself out of the Mk3 and get to that Mk5 and realize that shit like this happens at every infamy.
    A Wild Zee Man likes this.
  7. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Moreover, playing with mk5 at 400 infamy is like playing hide and seek , with the opponent having a tracking device on steroids(many of them). Not only it is overpowered but way too much for you to even survive!
  8. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Immediate reaction:
    - I'm glad you're attempting to clarify and communicate your logic
    - I'm glad you are open to the idea of making adjustments
    - I'm glad you have asked the community for feedback
    - I'm glad you are attempting to use critical thinking to consider all proposals
    Thank you!

    I have lots of feedback about everything you wrote here, specifically that you are missing a key fundamental issue in your analysis. But despite that, you have some good ideas, some not so good ideas...
    OMG I wish I had time to actually type everything... but unfortunately I won't have time to type it all out until another day or two... Sorry to keep you waiting...
  9. Danyal khan

    Danyal khan Member

    3 Jul 2017
    I remember when i started this game in may.i reached 800infamy in my first season and got the first prize.when i reached 1300-1400 i saw mk5 shooter for the first time and it was rare to see them.when i reached 1800+ then i started to see mk5 ships more often.but now u can see them at 400 which is insane and unbalanced they dont belong there.i bet if i start new account today i wont be able to get out of warrior league as easily.i feel ur pain and i wish they resolve this issue
  10. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    As my phone just died, I'm probably going to take the opportunity on the new one to take a shot at "How the new player experience feels"

    Because from all of the reports and threads, it seems like there's been a major issue with the "infamy economy" - the players at Nightmare get reset to 4000 every season and a bunch disappears, they then get put in matches with people in the 3000s which makes them lose, who then get knocked down to 2000s, and so on and so on.

    That's how you get people in Mk5s under the 1000 mark just as a natural, long-term effect. Seal-clubbers are just aggravating the issue.
    Tirth2_ likes this.
  11. A Wild Zee Man

    A Wild Zee Man New Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Ft lauderdale fl
    You guys do realize that a lot of players get stuck, and don't realize that they suck, so they save up and uograde their ships, but it doesnt matter if you have a mk5 vs a mk 3, if your skilled enough, you'll prevail, in in master league and all my boats are mk4, but everyone around me is mk5, and I still do Good, so if you see someone with low infamy and a high mk shop, likelyhood is they suck. Plain and simple.
    Tirth2_ likes this.
  12. A Wild Zee Man

    A Wild Zee Man New Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Ft lauderdale fl
    You see, I'm one of the people your hurting right now with this infamy drop nonsense, I had a really good season a few weeks ago, and my infamy shot up to 2000, but I went to high, and ran I to mk6 boats, and the send me all the way down to master 1 and now, weeks later I'm suffering, I cant earn stars or no e.g. or gold, and I'm stuck in last place regardless of how good I do, and thats not fair to me, because I never chafed and never paid, ive been playing this gsme since it's came out and I've earned everything I have for so my boats, and now in being penalized because I went up to high, and my boat is a mk lower than everyone else.

    Attached Files:

  13. Danyal khan

    Danyal khan Member

    3 Jul 2017
    Woah im afraid of this too because i went to 3000 from 2000 in last two days and now they will drop me down because im stuck with t3 items and not getting duplicates.
    A Wild Zee Man likes this.
  14. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    I saw two mk5s FLEETED at 300 infamy. Absolutely ridiculous
    Disguised likes this.
  15. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    This is common sight at 450s !
  16. Danyal khan

    Danyal khan Member

    3 Jul 2017
    I think they spend money on upgrading ship level instead of spending money to upgrade their gears,thats why they r stuck high level ship but low level weapons.they probably thought they can rekt everybody by upgrading ships lol
  17. Tirth2_

    Tirth2_ Well-Known Member

    14 Oct 2017
    not when they have all epic items!
  18. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    All I can say is hang in there focus on upgrading your weapons and try to get good at game.
    PS :A infamy dorp survivour( was in same condition as you few weeks back) . Rn at 1800 infamy with Mk4.
    Rn struggling against mk5 with tier 4 epic/rare and leggy weapons.
    Piece of advice.
    1.Use only shooter at first as all ships r underpowered until mk4.
    2. Try to use more cover.
    3. Learn map routes and learn to use mini map
    4. Go for capture as less as possible.
    5. Stick with the team whether they are good or bad.
    Tirth2_ likes this.
  19. A Wild Zee Man

    A Wild Zee Man New Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Ft lauderdale fl
    What ive done is put on my best boat, which is the speeder, and my best weapons with is my t3 rare cannon doing 280 and my t2 epic blast cannon doing 567, and my best two items which is my t1 epic overboost and my t3 rare nitro, with a t2 rare bandage and a t2 turbo, and I've made back within my infamy range, I still have 700 to go untill I'm back at 2000k but I'm doing and if I'm doing it with an mk4 speeder against mk5 shooter raining mortors and shooting deadly torpedoes you can do it at the lower infamy, because trust me, if I end up back in warrior league you guys will be complaining something fierce, and I dont want that and neither do you.
  20. A Wild Zee Man

    A Wild Zee Man New Member

    24 Jul 2017
    Ft lauderdale fl
    I didnt mean you specifically just the people complaining in general, your penalizing people who dont need to be penalized.

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