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And we expected Rivalry Rewards..

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Fixer sa Recto, 26 Oct 2017.

  1. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    There should be a warning or info before implementing new rules. I mean people are expecting their earned tokens and *poof* surprise! surprise!

    These harsh decisions are piling up.
  2. Princess sarah94

    Princess sarah94 New Member

    26 Oct 2017
    I am done exspecting anything from this team.... I am also done spending money.... ppl will get seriously tired... ppl leave guilds all the time for many number of reasons... you guys calling that a exsploit??? Is redicoulos... so a few players get 42k who didnt earn it... what about the ones who did earn it... we spend hundreds of dollars on boost.. and you screw our guys for helping 2cnd an 3rd guilds... why dont you guys spend your time more wisely ? Like fixing the frost???? Because that's a exsploit..fr also .. your lack of communication is legendary ...
    mpqw, chrisNazty, Eeyore and 2 others like this.
  3. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Agreed that a fair warning would have been appropriate.
    But I also strongly agree with the chance made (although Id probably find a way to ensure some reward so being g-kicked isnt a double penalty). Now if people would stop trying to use gaps for personal gain, then the system wouldnt have to be as strict. But that is naive I guess.

    Are we really argueing that its an issue that you cant leave your primary guild (once victory is secure or once board5 is only hopeless quests) and go ruin other guilds rivalvy? Sure you can make it sound noble, but when you go farm for your 2nd/3rd guilds you also screw the 4 guilds they are up against.
    Netsa, Zangetsu, Biffter and 2 others like this.
  4. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    The game is great actually but the way they manage recently is disturbing. It seems players' voices doesnt count. What they say they do no consideration whatsoever.
  5. Princess sarah94

    Princess sarah94 New Member

    26 Oct 2017
    Farm???? Like there is no farming involved helping guild members do quest isnt farming in anyway shape or form.... smh
    We dont have 3 guilds we have one .... we are a tight knit group... and when someone is struggling you go an help... wth is wrong with you ppl?? In two weeks it will be my guild leader or officer kicked me... you guys cant see where this is bs?? Not sayin I have all the answers ... but this sure doesnt seem like it.... and also they hurry up an *fix* this? But frost is way out of balance???? Wth??
  6. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Again, agreed that its too harsh if the guildhopping change penalized for the last season. But going forward do you really think a majority of players think that the few willing to bend the rules should prosper?

    Fixing the board 1 exploit was listening to players, so is the guildhop fix. Obviously creating a 1man shell guild to ensure walkover opponents was not the intended method to create Rivalry leagues. But a subset of players insist on forcing devs to adopt harsh unflexible rules, if you want to blame anyone then blame the people who are incapeable of resisting the temptation to exploit.

    I get that the cheaters are a very vocal grouping, desperately trying to restore the stolen goods that was taken from them and trying to spin things to make them appear as victims.
    A55A51N, Netsa and Vile Kyle like this.
  7. Princess sarah94

    Princess sarah94 New Member

    26 Oct 2017
    For real its not cheating if a dev tells ya to do it.... an also this is the first time I have said anything ... because this is bs... it isnt fair to everyone or not even half ... if your a big azz known player an have control of a guild all cool .. but the majority of the game isnt in the top ... elite popularity club ...lmaof get realzz
    Babablacksheep and Eeyore like this.
  8. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    THIS 100%
    IMO it should be..you join a guild to work as a guild.
    Hopping guilds to "help friends" is NOT fair on the other guilds that are in rivalry with them.
    And why someone would want to leave a guild..just to show friends a replay is laughable..are people that vain?

    Simple solution..bind players to a guild..if they leave or get kicked..they cannot join another guild until next rivalry..BUT they will get the rivalry rewards from the guild they were bound to. BUT..they have to have contributed a certain amount of trophies.

    Guild quests have opened the greed floodgates..nowadays it's all about getting them tokens.
    Anyone remember the days when "most" players played to win to climb infamy?..well..not anymore..there's a HUGE amount of players who have intentionally dropped so they can complete quests easier.
    Players have been getting great perks/legendary and way more gold by farming tokens..than by getting gold rewards from games played..so they don't mind that they dropped below the 800 penalty.

    Yes..I understand the players who have spent on pearls for boosts and SHOULD be reimbersed.

    Basically..Rovio has closed the barn door after the horse has bolted.
    It's staggering how they put guild quests through without thinking of what "could" happen..there was even posts by some players warning of what could happen..but were ignored.

    I've said it before..I'll say it again..

    RIP Battle Bay..welcome to Guild Quests.
  9. Vile Kyle

    Vile Kyle Member

    15 Jun 2017
    I agree with OP their should have been a warning.
    Example me: I was in a guild and we were top guild for quests so we got 42k tokens. Immediately after I decided to find a new guild (more active) and did, I'm super happy in new guild and staying not hopping around and never did. Now because their is no guild war downtime me having joined a new crew I get screwed....
  10. Zotah

    Zotah Member

    22 May 2017
    I totally agree with that statement.
  11. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Getting old Kitterini. This has nothing to do with an exploit now. I didn't exploit. But changed guilds twice. And came back to my original guild. I didn't receive extra unearned tokens. Remember u can't receive the same reward twice.

    So this change affects people who weren't exploiters. At this point. I would suggest. U take a break off your high horse and leave chats for a while. U were wrong last time. U are wrong this time.
    All who celebrate the Devs cracking down like this ... This is the obvious next power being stupid model.
    Ever heard of executive orders? When it's your president in power it alright. And when it's the other parties ... it sucks?

    Same here. Developers need to communicate. They need to not punish retro actively. They need a guild rivalry breather of 1 day.
    And they need guys Like Kitterinin who is all ...yes the developers are my great friends. To realize. There is no game. Without the community. And when the community of players is pissed. Money dries up. No money. No developer pay. Game dies.

    Rovio looks at quarterly figures for player activity and money.
    This isn't gonna end well.
  12. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    So many things here -- Either you didn't bother actually reading what I wrote, or you choose to misread it. Both makes conversation challenging.
    1. I agree that making people who swapped guild last season lose their rewards is/was a terrible idea [and absolutely they should have communicated this & pushed it to live as the current season began]. Having said that, I think not doing this (or another similar thing) at the fix patch was an obvious oversight. They left a gap open & some guilds were using it to get a guaranteed 42k tokens every single season.
    2. Stating that I was wrong last time is a fair opinion, but it is an opinion not nesacarily a fact. We strongly disagree here, but you know that. I'm glad they didn't reward your cheating :)
    3. If your impression of me is that I'm a loyal fanboi then you read forums like the devil reads the bibel -- But its a classic internet ´argument´ to grasp for when you run out of actual ones, I get it.
  13. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    this is just like what u guys are saying
    btw: WDC MEANS We Dont Care Untitled.png
  14. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    but i think this is pretty fair to me sucks if u switched
    but warnings are definatly needed next time
  15. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I switched to show a friend a replay of a sick match. We both lost rivalry rewards after spending many pearls on 5x boosts. Does it seem fair to you for us? Should we lose our rewards just for sharing a replay?
  16. Fixer sa Recto

    Fixer sa Recto Well-Known Member

    25 Jul 2017
    Still terrible idea depriving everyone of rewards for the 'fear' of exploitation by the minority. They should make up some refund to the ones who used pearls for boosts. As they said in the other thread, Rovio gave everyone 42k last Rivalry and took it back this week. Very clever Rovio. Very clever indeed.
    Last edited: 27 Oct 2017
  17. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    ok... not fair
    There should be a 10 mimute grace period ? i dunno some kind of grace period
  18. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    There was an exploit there. You could freely join any clan that was first in their rivalry or close to finishing a board and get completion rewards without contributing anything. It's very easy to do for any open guilds. As has happened several times now, the way Rovio handled it was questionable, but the end result is good. Someone should be running Rovio's decisions through a filter since they seem to have an "ends justify the means" way of doing things, which keeps constantly dividing the community.

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