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ok am fed up

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by Sultanma, 24 Oct 2017.

  1. Sultanma

    Sultanma Member

    1 Sep 2017
    heres the situation

    since the new update came in match making is destroyed i have dropped from 4700 upto 3500 infimy and from what i have noticed players tend to suicide or to not plyay well by just camping and doing very low damage or just rush to suicide just to make it look legit and am sure plenty of people agree with me that this happens often to them am not blind i read the vip chat often and i hear dozzens of people complaining about the match making so i wouldnt say its not rovios mistake for i know rovio is trying to improve the game but theres always someone who think hes smart by losing for another guild to gain the points most likely this person has another account there so he thinks he could get points via guild quests because i dnt think people from nightmare league are too stupid to play this sorta game style specially after spending hours and days to improve their gears / talents to reach such a level thats what i came up as a conclusion

    so i suggest that rovio allows us to implement a fleet of 5 so we can really play together having more fun with guild mates and friends to have better gaming experience so in case if this fleet loses no one would blame rovio unbalanced match making as it is now when im at 4-4.5k between say level 40-44 or so facing people who are 5k+ infimy who are level 50 and having powerful legendaries and in my team a mk4 guy who ls at 3.8 or 4k infimy and dont tell me hes a real good palyer for i know he has his own ship at mk6 or mk5 cuz thisnship wont last for two hots from a mk6

    so to stop all the mentioned points from happening let the players chose who they want to play with instead of forcing them to play against people who wouldve ruin their infimy and gaming experience

    ps we are in 2017 not in year 1998 and i dont think it is hard for rovio to perform such an option specially with programmers .. the very programmers who created this game with all the details in it i dnt think they would find it hard to add the 5-5 fleet or guild wars

    and please dont tell me its a matter of time cuz i can stop playing until the time comes when guild wars are on or the 5-5 fleet can be performed life is not just about gaming to me i got plenty things to do really if i want to but when i play i expect to play in a well organised game not a game where cheeters / gold farmers just play not to compete but to ruin other people’s gaming experience

    thank you
    Rokstrmahesh and xxxBISMARCKxxx like this.
  2. Kuwait

    Kuwait New Member

    24 Oct 2017
    And one thing more why its so hard to but how many days lift for the vip sub
  3. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Damn, do you guys have community or what, every 4-5 threads there is one thread asking for 5 vs 5 fleet..:confused:....
    The Otherguy and TheFixer27 like this.
  4. Kuwait

    Kuwait New Member

    24 Oct 2017
    Yeah coz this is the only way to prevent those players who only floating or just want to lose the game
  5. Sultanma

    Sultanma Member

    1 Sep 2017
    it has been a high demanding thing by community and its my forst time righting this kinda thread :) and no we are not in a community its just random players

    and this is what need tocbe done for the sake of players
  6. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Fun for you. Not fun for the 5 non-fleets on enemy side
    The Otherguy and TheFixer27 like this.
  7. Sultanma

    Sultanma Member

    1 Sep 2017
    i believe they have a choice to form a fleet too
    xxxBISMARCKxxx likes this.
  8. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    I agree that people shouldn't have to go against 5 man fleets in random queue. But that is not really a big barrier to having 5 man fleets, which so many people want. Implementing 5 fleet vs. 5 fleet is way simpler than other changes that have been made.
    Rokstrmahesh likes this.
  9. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    5v5 fleets would be soo unfair... if all the best [ Insert Ship Here] Played Together. It Would Really Ruin The Experience For Others

    I can see all the people with tier2 and up legendaries fleet.

    Horrible For Free To Play People Like Me With Measly Rares
    The Otherguy likes this.
  10. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    plus devs could do this if they wanted
    this question has been asked many times and the answer remains NO
    Joey who likes this.
  11. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Orpheus, MasterBaiter, Bunta, Peelah and Brizo in a 5man fleet vs 5 nonfleeted players

    Who wins?
    The Otherguy likes this.
  12. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    I’d like to see the best players match up with each other, and they climb infamy while we sit here and lose every game.

    The Otherguy, Elena Kr and behumble like this.
  13. OurTeamIsNoob

    OurTeamIsNoob Active Member

    4 Jul 2017
    Optimus is Orpheus + 4 team fleet

    Bumblebee is Regular team

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  14. Rango8

    Rango8 Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    So many people randomly complain about themselves dropping infamy and noticing an uptick in bad players, yet I’ve noticed I’ve kept my same normal infamy range. I wonder what’s really going on here.
  15. Rokstrmahesh

    Rokstrmahesh Active Member

    29 May 2017
    It would be better if game only match the 5vs5 fleet teams in same battle, else no 5vs5 fleet, it ruins the game. If we play as single, we would be against normal team as it is now. Sorry for grammatical errors.
  16. Sultanma

    Sultanma Member

    1 Sep 2017
    please read comments before u reply bro :)
  17. Sultanma

    Sultanma Member

    1 Sep 2017
    ur talking avout 5 guys only and i dont think the game is all about them / besides it could be done to be 5-5 and also u can chose ur friends cheers
  18. Sultanma

    Sultanma Member

    1 Sep 2017
    i can see that how good normalcteams with afk / suiciding players and i have dropped because of that from 4700 to 3500 cheers i wouldve advanced more into infimy but unfortunately for some reason people are intending losing

    not to mention the nightmare players can be divided into groups like ace and lower divisions instead of having a group of 4000 to infinity numbers jn this current game division in nightmare i believe divisions can be adjusted eg 4000-4449 can be in one division / 4500 - 4999 can be in another division and 5000+ can be in another division and they cant play with lower lvl people thats how it shouldve been done instead of being in nightmare and playing withc3100 infimy people and cause us to lose and waste huge time

    for people who whine about it ( the 5-5 ) i believe its because of current matchmaking is unfair at all and needs to be adjusted and looked in besides that the 5-5 teams shouldnt be mixed with normal play match making is that too hard tocfigure out ? please be more smart and stop giving childish answers or replies
    Elena Kr likes this.
  19. Rokstrmahesh

    Rokstrmahesh Active Member

    29 May 2017
    Wtf, when did i tell you 5 fleet team should be matched against normal random enemy team? I said if players choose to play 5 fleet, they should be matched only against 5 fleet team not normal random enemy team.
    Please read the fucking reply clearly before you show your fucking talent here.
    xxxBISMARCKxxx likes this.
  20. Sultanma

    Sultanma Member

    1 Sep 2017

    lol accidental reply sry bud meant to be in general not by mentioning ❤️

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