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(Suspended) For being creative. Prevent getting reported = 100% win rate?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Miku Da Yo 39, 23 Oct 2017.


Do you guys think it was right for me to get suspended?

  1. It was Bias

  2. It was Just

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  1. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Look at mk5 you can only bring one weapon. You cant be doing enough dmg to make up for the fact none of your team mates will be healed.
    If you wanted to play like defender/speeder, play enforcer with bandage.
    Having a fixer changes a lot of players game play, and when they arent healed at all im not surprised they reported you.
    obscenery and Ship for Brains like this.
  2. battlebaymembers

    battlebaymembers New Member

    8 Jun 2017
    fixer is about healing your teammate,not just yourself. LOL
    I would report you for the triple tape. :)
  3. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    When you have two tier 5 legendary weapon and can kill any ship single handedly at mk6,maybe i will change my vote.Seriously why can't stay behind and heal. If you like to attack and kill people then there are 4 other ships available man, use any of those...
  4. Procrastinator

    Procrastinator Member

    10 Aug 2017
    I don't like fixers using duct tape but suspending an account for just using an item is ridiculous.
    Maybe make petition to remove or rework this item but banning someone for this is stupid.
    Nikkie!, Ovidmikel, D3X and 2 others like this.
  5. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    I would like to point out that self heals are never displayed in game. if only you guys can see how much dmg I can absorb for the team. It would go to show how much of a flex speeder and defender hybrid this build can be.
  6. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    If you are willing to turn a blind eye at mk6 that is just insult to my creative freedoms as a mk5 player. With a legendary sniper I can do enough DPS.
  7. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Based on the screenshot it shows he was banned for intentional losing. I assume these are the frustrated players that reported him for not doing what he was expected to do even before they saw what his items are.
    kat Boylan likes this.
  8. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    This i agree with. Self heals are viable and important to results too.
    And if they really dont want them to be displayed on the end result, they should at least be in the battle log like before. It was really nice to differentiate self vs team heals
    Nikkie! and Spinners71 like this.
  9. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    So, while I don't recommend most players do this, clearly if he's climbing, something about what he is doing is having a positive effect over time.
    Is it what you "usually expect" from a fixer? No.
    Do you "feel good" about what you're getting from that fixer? Probably not.
    But can it be an effective strategy? Absolutely!

    As Yellowocean just posted in his Speeder guide, Speeders are usually the scouts causing distractions...
    But we all know how delicious a Fixer out in the open looks...
    So if he made himself obvious, and draws all kinds of fire, but has somehow found a way to survive...
    That means his teammates aren't getting targeted...
    And if the team figures out the benefits of this strategy, I can see how it's just another variant of having a distracting Speeder on your team.

    I think Rovio has caused a huge disservice here by facilitating this suspension.
    Here they have an item (Duct Tape), and some player has invested in upgrading it, and found a unique way to use it -- TO POSITIVE EFFECT.
    He is winning. Using items they created in a unique way.

    Fellas, experimentation and variety are good for the game. Variety of ships, weapons, builds, strategies, tactics, etc...
    It all makes this game so rich and deep.
    Please use extreme caution and discernment when Reporting anyone trying to find new and unique ways to play.

    A team rushing in together can be frighteningly dangerous and effective.
    A team holding back together can be brutally hard to assault.
    There are a million different tactical variants in this game.
    Why is yours right, and another's wrong?
    How many times does someone not play with the same tactical style as you?
    For me, it's all the time!
    We don't get to discuss strategy before the battle, so it has taught me to watch and adjust on the fly.
    It has also taught me to be patient with players who approach the battle with a completely different tactic than my own.
    Just because that's not how I wanted to fight that match, doesn't mean it's not a good strategy (at least sometimes).
    Sometimes we lose because I didn't adjust to them.
    Sometimes we lose because they didn't adjust to me.
    Sometimes we win because one of us adapts to the other, and it works.

    I don't see how this is any different.
    This guy is playing Fixer in a unique way, that has every potential of being a highly effective distraction tactic.
    If he is honestly trying, none of you have any right to Report him for that.
    And no, I don't feel bad that he's not playing the way you want him to.
    I would personally never play Fixer this way, but I can't fault him for (a) trying it, (b) enjoying it, or (c) finding success with it.
    And you shouldn't either.

    The Report button should only be used on floaters who do nothing.
    Obviously if someone is moving around trying to do stuff, at the very least they're causing a little distraction.
    They're trying to contribute.
    If it's a bad strategy, their infamy will fall.
    Let the system handle that.
    You don't need to Report them.

    (For the record, I have no interest in playing Fixer of any variety, but this guy getting suspended made me upset.)

    If I were this guy, I would demand that Rovio immediately reinstate his account.
    I would also demand that Rovio explain publicly what is the INTENDED USE of the Duct Tape.
    Because if how he is using it is not it, then what the heck is?!!
  10. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Thank you for the support, I appreciate it. I did contact Rovio and hope they can at least explain the situation at the least.
  11. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Usually, yes, Fixers heal others.
    But that's not a RULE.
    Duct Tape exists.
    Care to explain your thoughts on proper Duct Tape usage?
    He explained already how he plays, and how that can be effective.
    I applaud his creativity!
    That doesn't mean I would enjoy games with him -- but I don't know, maybe I would!
    But it means I sure as heck won't Report him for trying something new and unique.
    I think you're absolutely unjustified to want to Report him.
  12. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    1. You're Mk6 running double Pulse and want to make up for the 50% nerf to self-healing
    2. You can't self-box yourself effectively and need to git gud
    3. Trololololololol
    Nikkie! likes this.
  13. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    1 and 2 are legitimate.
    I can think of several more.
    The fact that ANY good reasons to use Duct Tape exist means this guy did nothing wrong.
    This suspension is unwarranted and unjust.
    Shadow Moon! and Ovidmikel like this.
  14. Killerduck

    Killerduck Member

    1 Oct 2017
  15. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    1 and 2 are reasons to have a single Duct Tape on your loadout, not three.
    "The fact that cars have engines means that I did nothing wrong by speeding. This ticket is unwarranted and unjust."
    Nikkie! likes this.
  16. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    But speeding is against the law. Did Rovio state a law regarding duct tapes? Should we goto court about restricting my creative rights and freedoms?
    Or maybe it's just stubbornness to adapt. I explained my strategy and how I play. Now can you adapt and live with it or do you want me to receive a permanent ban for 3 duct tapes?
  17. Griffinx37

    Griffinx37 New Member

    20 Sep 2017
    Ok from now on I am gonna report all shooters who have 3+ mortars.
  18. SeadraJ

    SeadraJ New Member

    18 Sep 2017
    Why would you think people would think that you have no heals. You are a fixer so you can't think people will know you have no heals. 3 tapes are trash. You should upgrade you shields or use shields.
  19. Miku Da Yo 39

    Miku Da Yo 39 Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017

    1) I don't throw any boxes down at start.
    2) I don't blast a pulse at start.
    3) i use tapes at start so team can see self heal effect.
    4) I spam help and negative.
    5) most importantly, I nitro away from the team and say Attack attack waiting at center field.
    Nikkie! likes this.
  20. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Chris, I do not believe you're being fair here.

    Here's an example:
    If my teammate has one Mine equipped, I'm like "I don't like mines, but hey, I guess he's entitled to his way of playing."
    But if my teammate has THREE Mines equipped, I'm like "wtf dude, don't you know that could be a horrible strategy with a possibly very low chance of payoff?!"
    He's playing NOT how I would want him to play.
    But.................. if he's very good at setting Mines................. then it's a viable strategy!
    Let the system take care of which strategies are viable vs. not viable.

    And your analogy about cars is not really applicable.
    There are written laws and posted signs about exceeding speeding limits.
    There are no rules about exceeding self-healing limits.
    If his use of Duct Tape is against some rules or TOS, please provide that written evidence.
    If you cannot, I encourage you to please acknowledge that you're just trying to influence someone else to play how you want.
    Ovidmikel, Disguised and BomberRspn like this.
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