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Down over 700 infamy since last update

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Shamus-6-6-6, 18 Oct 2017.

  1. Shamus-6-6-6

    Shamus-6-6-6 New Member

    18 Apr 2017
    Matchmaking for players not in a fleet is more broken than ever. Mismatch after mismatch, most games are not even remotely close. Glad I cancelled my subscription, won't be renewing unless this garbage is fixed.
    Cpt.urdad and HighHammer like this.
  2. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    I've gone from 1700 infamy to 3000 infamy in the last 3 weeks and have only ever played two games in a fleet my entire career. You are the problem, not the matchmaking.
    Mr. Chompers and behumble like this.
  3. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I just wanted to say something.

    It starts with one person. Bad matches due to people with outrageously high weapons in lower leagues happen because of our laziness. If all players report a particular person in a match for this, the player will be reviewed for sure. New players do not have the knowledge and/or the daring to report other players. We do.

    I request anyone with alternate accounts to report people with OP weapons. Mark that this does not mean a mk5 shooter with mk5 common weapons (ive run into them). It starts with us, people of the community. Let's help create a better atmosphere for the new players.

    Sorry for the offtopic, but I had to say it.
    Mr. Chompers and _devill like this.
  4. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    IMO, at this point, this has nothing to do with the matchmaking algorithm, your personal skill level, or other players cheating/tanking. Let me explain...

    In any game where matches are short and teammates are mostly random, there will be a natural fluctuation to your personal ranking.
    You will go on both winning and losing streaks, based largely on things other than your skill.

    Before this massive update happened, personal rankings were mostly settled out (most players who had been playing a while were probably ranked about where they should be).
    Whenever a player gets a new piece of gear, or invests in an upgrade, they get a little stronger, and their ranking may rise a little as a result. But others are buying/upgrading gear too, so you may also not see any rise in ranking...

    Since the massive update, I think we can all agree that gear, perks, and resources are all coming in faster than before.
    This, unsurprisingly, has a bit of a 'shakeup' effect on all rankings across the board.
    Now, ranking changes that may have taken weeks previously, may only take days now.
    Think of this as someone tapping a fishbowl to create some ripples... (perhaps an aggressive tap if a player gets a legendary!)
    But seeing more legendaries pop up doesn't mean they're cheating. It just means players are getting these things faster than before, and the system hasn't sorted them [up] yet.

    Guild quests...
    Players EVERYWHERE are now using ships and weapons, that are not their best, to accomplish guild quests.
    In some cases, the ships/weapons being equipped are so vastly under-powered compared to the average for their ranking, that... well... you can guess what happens.
    Now, the matchmaking is still pairing people who used to be ranked closely together, but it doesn't take into account anything like a "currently equipped gear score".
    (Quick note: I do not want to see them implement anything relating to gear score!)
    So, based on nothing more than "luck", you may or may not be paired with one (or more) teammates sporting sub-par gear in each match you play.
    This isn't a problem with matchmaking.
    This doesn't mean you're a bad player.
    Even if you lose 800+ infamy!
    It simply means that, as long as people are prioritizing guild quests, and as long as matchmaking doesn't take that into account, this new effect of performance variability will have a pretty severe shakeup effect.
    Think of this as a toddler picking up the fishbowl and shaking it.
    The result? Streaks can happen more frequently, can last longer, and can have a far greater net gain/loss than before.

    The only way to convince the toddler to put down the fishbowl? Get rid of weapon-specific guild quests.

    IMO, I'd just have 6 guild quests per board, make them all non-weapon-specific, but scale the completion criteria accordingly.
    That would settle things down a LOT.
    Mr. Chompers, Anshak, _devill and 3 others like this.
  5. RunAndHide

    RunAndHide New Member

    18 Oct 2017
    what if the person just sucks but spends $$, they should be reported for that? maybe if you see someone with really high season top infamy relative to their current, but you can't report people for sucking at the game or else there would be like 50 people playing
  6. Shamus-6-6-6

    Shamus-6-6-6 New Member

    18 Apr 2017
    Some very good thinking here especially regarding the Guild quests & underpowered ships being used to complete them. I myself have even been guilty of using lesser weapons to help complete quests but have started only focusing on one at a time so I don't totally nerf my boat.
  7. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Well, the devs DO look at footage, so if the player just plain sucked, you can rest assured that the devs wont ban them. Also, you can also look at the replay before reporting, something that I also do
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  8. BattleRascal

    BattleRascal Well-Known Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Yes, sometimes I'll get 5 to 10 game stretches where it seems like my teams literally SUCK. They are horrible. I'm a MK4 speeder and I outdamage MK5 Shooters 2 to 1. Or we get a fixer that does 200 healing for the whole game. Anyway, it happens. Sometimes when I get into those losing streaks, then I start playing differently to maybe change things up. Then after losing another 5 in a row, I realize I AM now making our team worse. You obviously had a play style that that got you to a certain infamy. Take a break for a night and then come back fresh. I've been all over the place lately. I was playing consistently at 1500 infamy. Dropped to 1050 during the last "Kill based" guild quest rivalry and a day ago came back up to hit my personal high 1803 infamy. Just don't let it bother you. When you drop down, just know that you will be getting some easy matches coming back up the ladder.
  9. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    5-10 games is not a "long" streak. I have been on 25+ game losing streaks before, even where I thought I was playing really well for most of them... That definitely started to feel long. (I have also been on 25+ game winning streaks before, which feel great, but while I'd like to take credit, luck is irrefutably a significant factor.)

    People. Please do something for me.
    Track your wins/losses. All of them.
    Then when you look at a 10-game losing streak, you can look a bit further back, and realize "oh, hey, well I won 40 of the last 65 games before that... so I guess 40 out of 75 wins is still pretty good!"
    PLEASE DO THIS! You will save yourself so much stress over short win/loss streaks.
    If you add to your chart a notification for significant purchases/upgrades (like ship mk+, or weapon tier+), you may also begin to notice how important those are in terms of impact on infamy (perhaps immediately, but definitely over time).
    Mr. Chompers and Anshak like this.
  10. irnavy

    irnavy New Member

    20 Oct 2017
    nope mate , you are the lucky guy , how this can be a win game while youe team ships are mk2 mk3 and unfriends are mk5 mk4 , would you please explain this ? if you want i can upload tons of screen shots to show this issue on matchmaking system
  11. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Mk5 and mk4 ships around your infamy are either p2w players or idiots who think it's fun to lower infamy and bully lower league players. I have a duplicate account and what you say is correct. It saddens me to say that only the worst offenders are ever punished. People with tier 3 rares should not be in the 500s! Rule of thumb: if he has 1000+ battles, looks skilled and has heavy weapons, report him.
  12. Ability6

    Ability6 Member

    5 May 2017
    But how does that explain a game with all shooters, one team with four mk4s and one mk5, and the other team with four mk5s and one mk4? How easy it would it have been to switch one mk5 with an mk4 and make it at least seem more fair? :confused:
  13. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    At mid infamies(1000-1500) mk is just a number, trust me. I've eaten mk5 shooters for breakfast with a mk3 speeder. No biggie. We're talking about mk5s in the 500s and below, which is just stupid. Also, man, I feel for ya. A new mk4 entering the shark tank will feel this to be wrong, but when a mk4 has t3 rares and t2 epics, it becomes a fair fight.
  14. KiloMeda

    KiloMeda Member

    20 Jul 2017
    Meh, the game is encouraging it. Using my uncommon triple torpedos today for a guild quest and dropped 400 infamy. Good thing is that we completed the guild quest and are on track for another 40k in tokens + whatever tokens we get from other quests which will give me more parts, materials and pearls than winning games would.

    Just had 5 games in a row end in the first 1:15 since many players are doing the same. Just gotta hope you get the luckier group!
    Last edited: 20 Oct 2017
  15. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    I'm not lucky. I put in the time and the effort into improving my own gameplay and skill level.
    If everyone is trying weaker weapons and ships because of update, that means your enemies are too, so it should be easy to climb.
  16. irnavy

    irnavy New Member

    20 Oct 2017
    how we can report ? forum reports not working , cause rovio cant ban some one to play on 500 600 700
  17. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Go to the report tab on the user's profile, then report in-game after the match ends.
  18. irnavy

    irnavy New Member

    20 Oct 2017
    thanks bro , i have sc from all the games like these matches , if rovio wanna see i can upload like a phoro album for them , more than 100 sc s
  19. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    I've said this many times to people who hate matchmaking. I'm going to say it again.


    You are ruining the fun of your game. Be happy that this game still exists. Have fun, while it lasts.
    Mr. Chompers likes this.
  20. irnavy

    irnavy New Member

    20 Oct 2017
    but developers can rework this matchmaking system , thats not hard , their code based on infamy and the problem is here , they should code based on weapons and levels to solve everything on every infamy , this is the solution , why players would DEAL WITH IT ? developers SHOULD fix this issue , cause players are their customers and they should keep their customers not force them to deal with this
    sorry for my bad english ,

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