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[Feedback & suggestions] - Guilds

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by *Rubber Duck*, 30 Sep 2017.

  1. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    yep when i am fleeting with a player that could help with a quest i always ask if they can hop over haha :p
    But i know its definitely difficult when youre growing faster than the players in your guild. Best of luck :) Stick with your guild, so long as your willing to spend the time to keep it active and such!
    The Otherguy likes this.
  2. disorder

    disorder Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    it's easier to farm battle than fighting with friend/guild, especially with vip.
    well, as a suicidal tendencies enforcer, i like this, i work better in teamfriend.
    in fact the guild quest improve my gameplay
  3. Clashinkov

    Clashinkov New Member

    24 Sep 2017
    yes please please implement this , just once per mission set , 90000 damage with napalm is impossible , thats 3000 second of burning if we considered the average is 30 per second
  4. WaveMaker

    WaveMaker Active Member

    20 Jul 2017
    I think some of the total damage quests are really too high it might be easier for players with maxed weapons but for everyone else not so much...can you lower that number until hard/very hard. [or have it tier differently from easy to very hard] easing the requirements for easy to medium and steepening the hard to very hard...also how many boards are there?
    Not every guild has 25 active players, furthermore they may not have all 25 whom could participate in the same quest. Or if you keep the total damage number that high then you need to remove the "must win" factor because it's just too many hoops to jump through.
    -food for thought-
  5. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    The damage should probably be adjusted per-weapon but I think they're fine for the most part. Most of them can be done fairly easily with mid-level weapons, especially if there's more than just one person doing them.
  6. AoiTenshi

    AoiTenshi Member

    16 May 2017
    Still waiting for bigger guild :D
  7. tgtv

    tgtv New Member

    10 Jun 2017
    Please give an option to not use available Boosters.

    Example: Our guild has a good lead over other teams with 3 days remaing. So we don’t really need to use our remaining boosters for quests we have left. Would like to save them for next week.
  8. Sir Fix-a-Lot

    Sir Fix-a-Lot Member

    6 Jul 2017
    Guild trophies need to be rethought a little bit. Great idea overall, but clearing a quest on the first board shouldn’t be worth the same as clearing a quest on the 4th board. I’d like to see how much people have actually contributed
    FearsomeChicken likes this.
  9. Crashedup

    Crashedup Well-Known Member

    3 Aug 2017
    while the new changes to guild quest is welcome and its quite good however the problem remains the same we (guild) don't have all the weapons for specialist quest for ex : my guild has to do 400k dmg using carronade which is stupid because the rate of usage of carronade by players in this game is the lowest among all weapons so i cannot even recruit any other player who uses such a weapon and its dmg is quite low which makes the quest even harder being said that if i (and my guild) use low rarity carronade will be get banned because frankly its not our fault and as the system is forcing us to do so and it also provides advantages to our rivals if they didn't get carronade quest.
    pls fix this and pls remove carronade quest from guild quest
  10. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    How about stopping the use of alt accounts by players in the guild quests.

    For everyone who yelled about token farmers. Many people who stayed in same guilds brought in alt accounts of baby ships stacked with rare and epic weapons to achieve quests.
  11. Clashinkov

    Clashinkov New Member

    24 Sep 2017
    people would stop using alt accounts if the guild quests didnt threaten the main accounts infamy by forcing the guild to use a weapon that no one in the guild uses , one might not want to kick his friends to put several people with napalm launchers , so he just makes an alt with a napalm launcher and farms the bots
  12. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Using alt account is equal to token guild farming. Devs miika.

    Look what he already costed lots of other players.
  13. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    The simplest solution I can think of is..Guilds are locked after 1st board is complete. It gives time to recruit and then it's a FAIR thing for EVERYONE.
    No more Guild hopping..no more switching to alt accounts.

    Whatever has happened recently is in the past..I hope many have learnt..INCLUDING Devs..I just want a fair playing field for ALL.
  14. KiloMeda

    KiloMeda Member

    20 Jul 2017
    Some feedback:

    The focus on completing guild quests has made infamy less important to me and has gone a lot way to reducing the stress of proving myself. It is easier for me (and guild too) to enjoy just playing the game with each other to complete quests. Sure, it forces us to use certain weapons when we may not want to, but at least we are trying new things out and sharing the experience with each other. I don't want to drop too low, but the day to day changes in infamy are less impactful compared to the common goal of those sweet guild tokens.

    However, I think it would be nice to have a one day gap between guild rivalries to:
    • Take a breather! Grinding guild quests on the last day to get the win can be intense
    • Complete your own daily quests that you may have put off a couple days
    • Let the guild have time to regroup and decide if people need to start specializing in different ships/weapons or if new people need to be added
    • A day to look back at how the previous rivalry went - who helped, who didn't etc...
    Spinners71 likes this.
  15. *JAWS*

    *JAWS* Well-Known Member

    13 Oct 2017
    I'd appreciate guilds able to have 50 players.

    War machines has this. Should be simple for battle bay
    behumble likes this.
  16. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    The problem I see with this is..25 high infamy players with good boats/equipment and the same 25 using alt accounts.
    I'm not saying alt accounts is wrong..my point is..better experienced players will be going against new players and easily destroying them. It's hard enough for new players as it is with the amount of mk4/5 that are way below 1000..even 500..due to them "dropping" to complete Guild Quests easier.
    The game needs new players..but I imagine many are/will quit due to getting destroyed most games..therefore not getting resources to upgrade and not having the chance to progress.
    mpqw likes this.
  17. Spinners71

    Spinners71 Well-Known Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Guild quest damage requirements should be scaled to total guild infamy.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  18. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    At the beginning of each guild quest set, team will let most members go and let them back in after the set appears.

    One thing Rovio can do is disallow people to collect prizes if they join the guild after guild board refresh. If you join a guild after the easy board already appeared, you're ineligible to collect any tokens for that rivalry set. That would stop all the guild hopping. Of course, than you need a grace period before each rivalry to let people change guild and take a breather. Or have a quick 1 day set for small bonuses.
  19. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Current structure of guild quests does not exactly encourage MAXIMUM BEST EFFORT to win battles... item and boat specific quests are the main culprits here... just yesterday, nightmare match, somebody was using a tier 1 UNCOMMON ballpark mortar (hope his gadget crashes). if the devs want to encourage maximum effort in each single battle fought by each player, here are my suggestions (some have already been mentioned in my other posts):

    not in any particular order, each bullet point can be independently implemented or combined with the other ideas:
    • take out item specific and boat specific quests, players just can't help themselves from using underpowered items and boats to help their guild complete quests.
    • total gained infamy during the rivalry season (either total net infamy gained or only total positive infamy): this can be incorporated into the guild quest boards or into the rivalry final tally itself.
    • make battle badges/highlights matter: let's not limit those cool badges to just aesthetics, why not make them quest goals also? (ex. complete X number of triple kills, quad kills, or pentakills; earn X number of life saver badges; etc) OR even make them the primary parameter for settling rivalries (race for points - tougher to get badges have higher point equivalents and easier badges give out fewer points) Rivalry results should not be affected by boosts.
    • other types of quests that may possibly encourage optimal gameplay performance:
      • quick wins - win X number of matches in under 2 minutes, or maybe 3 minutes
      • precision - win X matches with at least 10 shots fired at 80% accuracy
      • Dominance - Win X matches with at least 3 boats afloat on your team, win X matches without losing a teammate
      • win streak - accumulate X streak points (streak points = each consecutive win, starting on the 2nd straight win, you gain 1 streak point and an additional streak point for every successive win) (ex. 3 match win streak = 3 points, 6 match win streak = 15 streak points, 10 match win streak = 45 streak points)
      • each of these can have a fleeted version as well
    jSwtch, Babablacksheep and Biffter like this.
  20. NaveFantasma

    NaveFantasma Member

    21 May 2017
    What about a pause between a guild war and the next one? I think its needed ... many games offer like one day with no war to allow to the players a bit of "rest" after a war between guilds... every competion needs a start, an end and a short pause before the next one...
    Babablacksheep, mpqw and KiloMeda like this.

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