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Why do I need a 2nd item to evolve the one I already have ? And how do I even obtain a second one

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Fiendish Fire, 18 May 2017.


Do you think it's BS what it takes to evolve an item or just confusing?

  1. Total BS

  2. Just confusing,hard to figure it out

  3. Both BS and confusing

  1. Fiendish Fire

    Fiendish Fire New Member

    18 May 2017
    i think it's lame that it takes a duplicate item to evolve one and since I already have one ,it won't let me buy one..is this a glitch or what? There's no buy option for it in the market. so now I have to hope I get one by chance,after I spent lots of time and money just to get the one I already have to the level and triaining required just to unlock evolve. What gives, am I missing something or is this really the BS that it is?
    rahman66w likes this.
  2. mammoth1946

    mammoth1946 Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Yo. your just confused.
    1. its not a glitch its a way fo them to earn money, you can get the item @ random on the crates and boxes.
    2. Its a the way it is or else they wont earn. after all its free to play game. if you really need it you need to pay or invest more time. :)
    HÜLK likes this.
  3. Sarleon

    Sarleon Member

    8 May 2017
    Belgium, Antwerp
    I think it's no bullshit. If you don't need a duplicate, you can upgrade it faster. This make the upgrade much harder to achieve. For me it makes sense. Otherwise, you see everyone with great weapons who has a lot of sugar and parts to upgrade. Now, you need luck to get a duplicate and it makes it a little bit less p2w.. With this method you play much more to get the extra part and that's good! Then if you achieved the extra, it will give you more satisfying :)
  4. GuerrillaPvP

    GuerrillaPvP Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Its not really that hard to get duplicate pieces for lower level items and just invest more time for higher rarity items.
  5. Fiendish Fire

    Fiendish Fire New Member

    18 May 2017
    Ok but how do I get them if it won't let me buy them?
  6. Fiendish Fire

    Fiendish Fire New Member

    18 May 2017
    Ugh ,ok so looking to the future ..leaving my first lvl 10 item behind..good bye old friend lol. am I reading right that you don't need a duplicate to evolve an item if it's rare item or higher? Thanks for all your input and insight the more the better!
  7. mammoth1946

    mammoth1946 Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    @Fiendish Fire . you still need a same item rarety to evolve rare & epic & legendary items. sorry, it will take you longer.
  8. Sarleon

    Sarleon Member

    8 May 2017
    Belgium, Antwerp
    That's obviously because you have to earn it by playing the game. It will satisfy you more when you can upgrade it to tier 2 :) It can be annoying but otherwise they will be a lot of players with better weapons (more p2w then)..
  9. rock3r

    rock3r New Member

    14 Nov 2017
    what is the hell is going on ?!?! i already have a rare big torpedo and i cant evolve it ?? i have all the requirements. what is this !@#$ about ?

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