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[Update] opinions on visuals, content and experiences

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by behumble, 29 Sep 2017.


Like the update?

  1. Yeah man its rad!

  2. Finally! Love it!

  3. No, nothing works.

  4. still quitting

  5. nah, its not enough

  6. indifferent/no opinion

  7. its terrible

  8. its good

  1. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    I believe its whoever gets there first :)
  2. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Yeah I think it should be that way too. But if so then this is a bug since our guild definitely got there first then got bumped a spot down when the other guild tied our score.
    Last edited: 6 Oct 2017
  3. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It looks like its the opposite, although what you suggest seems more logical :)
  4. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    Nope, i think it comes down to guild rank, we got 52nd quest earlier than rank 2, but their guild rank was higher than us Screenshot_20171006-183049.png
    NightXO likes this.
  5. Kraptastic

    Kraptastic Active Member

    15 Jul 2017
    I really want to, but I can't give a positive vote to the update.
    The pop-ups are worse than ever. I was hoping they would nix all of them, but they made them worse. Much worse. It has negatively affected several of my games. I have to ask, "Why would someone think pop-ups placed right in the target area is a good idea?"
    Then again, I never realized how cool the leader, and the people, in my guild were until the update. They really have my respect. And I love the LOOT.
    So my experience with the update is one of Frustration and Joy. :mad:+:)=:confused: Wait a sec, that's what my overall experience has always been. I am going to hold off on voting, for now. Rovio deserves a chance to fix and polish. The game is still really fun regardless.
    Schrödinger and The Otherguy like this.
  6. ShiptonStreetEnd

    ShiptonStreetEnd New Member

    16 Sep 2017
    Overall I enjoy it more since the update, the guild quests are mainly good fun and the guild member interaction is great now
    But gameplay itself has often changed for the worse. Because people are fleeting up, im often in a team where one player has 500 infamy less than everyone else, and almost every time it happens we lose. Also people are using poor weapons in order to try and score quest points, or even farcical situations where teammates die because rather than finish an unfriend off, theyre waiting to be able to kill them with a particular weapon.
    Schrödinger likes this.
  7. NightXO

    NightXO Active Member

    21 May 2017
    Change every long shot highlights to one combined: x5 (icon) Long shot, per 5 long shots.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    How about this:
    Step 1: User gets a medal.
    Step 2: Medal sound, and occurrence on screen for a small amount of time. Medal is about 1/2 times the size of the initial medal, and disappears in 1/3 of the time it is now.
    Step 3: Medal whooshes to the left top of the screen among other medals OR nothing.
  9. stlrunner

    stlrunner New Member

    30 Jun 2017
    BB is really missing two things now that its trying to wear big boy pants. Auctions and Trading. The other game that gets my dinero is very seasoned and has both. I don't feel auction distorts the game but allows a player to unload a weapon that they built/won that they don't want. Currency would be gold to even the field but if you see that T5 whatever there isn't anything stopping deep pockets from getting it. Trading just makes too much sense inside a guild. Hey I got 7 rare snipers, who wants one. No brainer really.
  10. -SeeKnDeStRoY-

    -SeeKnDeStRoY- Member

    11 Oct 2017
    Yes I have similar problem when I used enforcer with frost launcher and all mortars. I couldn't see my enemy at all after a "LONG SHOT" or "NICE SHOT" because the viewing angle when I use all mortars is different.
    Schrödinger likes this.
  11. Schrödinger

    Schrödinger Member

    3 Jul 2017
    Every mortar shot after the frost launcher I do blindly.

    UPDATE: In new patch pop-ups is not so annoying ) Thanks!
    Last edited: 11 Oct 2017
    The Otherguy likes this.
  12. NightXO

    NightXO Active Member

    21 May 2017
    A few suggestions from me.
    • New achievements based on battle medals!
    • Add weather effects:
      • light rain, storm, snow, *fog
    *Fog reduces range of vision
    • Add change time:
      • Day (as we're playing now)
      • Night (lighting as from moon)
    • Guild War! 5v5 fleet only in Guild vs Guild battles
    • Guild wars Tournament
    • Button offer to guild fight in a another guild
    • Guild war tab in Guild menu
      • Option to filter those who can throw the offer to fight. I think it should be based on total guild infamy. (Example: We set [30000] - [empty] in filter, and now only guilds with more than 30,000 infamy can throw you a call)
      • All requests are displayed in a list. It looks like:
        • Guild name - Total infamy - Ready for battle - Chat button - Buttons to accept and reject. Example:
          • Accept button [✅] becomes active only when 5/5
          • After click [✐] opens a chat with this guild. List of requests is replaced with a chat. Closing chat returns a list of requests.
    • Screenshot_2017-10-13-15-28-21-550_com.rovio.battlebay3.png Screenshot_2017-10-13-15-30-10-311_com.rovio.battlebay2.png
    • *Barrels:
      • frost, explosive, flame
    *Barrels are random creation and quantity. Barrels have HP (I think about 3-5k HP. If they need one shot to explode they are useless). Damage from barrels belongs to one who blew them up.

    • Display battle highlights during replay. Showed only from main player.
    • Speed up options 1x - 2x - 4x
    • Enable fog of war! Without it no real situation on the battlefield during replay.
    Last edited: 13 Oct 2017
    TheAntiSnipe and Schrödinger like this.
  13. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Even I believe that guild wars would be fair and balanced, because they would revolve around a separate matchmaking service, where no infamy(in my opinion) is won or lost, so as to prevent farming and ensure that people also play solo and two-man fleet, but you get guild quests done. Also, it wouldnt be unfair, because the opposing fleet would also be 5 players. One thing I should add is that, in lower leagues, all fleetmates should be within 100-200 infamy of each other, to ensure perfect matching.

    I, for one, would'nt mind waiting two minutes for a guild war to begin.
  14. Carnistix

    Carnistix New Member

    18 Sep 2017
    As far as i know, yes. I play the same account on both my android phone and my ipad.
  15. Carnistix

    Carnistix New Member

    18 Sep 2017
    Love the game so far. The one change i would like to see is badges displayed on battle results screen, as well as the bonus screen. Let everyone see the badges.
    Edit... Ps. I have noticed that some badges are a bit off... Like getting a team player (teammate destroyed by hit you took directly) when I'm the only one who died. Have also gotten i love torpedoes when i never saw a torpedo (let alone multiples) and took almost no dammage.
    Last edited: 14 Oct 2017
  16. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Do you mean 5 of the same Guild vs 5 of the same from another Guild?
    If so..major flaw..
    Guild A vs sister Guild..Guild A throws match..next game..sister Guild throws match=farming guild rewards easily.
  17. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Random guilds. Not choice guilds.
  18. Carnistix

    Carnistix New Member

    18 Sep 2017
    Still having an issue with targeting. Three actually. First is targeting tends to shut itself off. Or i take a hit and weapon turns 90 degrees and locks on furthest player from me. Or worst of all, I'm targeting edge player ( i.e. far right or left target) and the corresponding targeting directional disappears, but i make turn in battle, and the far opposite target is now on that side up close, but to target that threat, i have to cycle backwards the opposite direction throught all the other players to get to him. Very annoying.
    SHOCK151! likes this.
  19. Carnistix

    Carnistix New Member

    18 Sep 2017
    Had 2 fights today where targeting problems were an issue. First i was shooting the guy behind me and targeting shut off when i reingaged the targeting it targeted the ship infront of me out of range. It spun my turret 180 degrees away from the guy i was fighting. The second fight i was heading toward a group when i guy on my right started shooting me. Though i could see him, i could not target him since there was no right arrow. It only gave the left arrow even though all targets were either in front or to my right. I was traveling staight with no turns or circles. Why R the devs ignoring this?

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