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Support the Newbies

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by GuruM, 14 Oct 2017.

  1. GuruM

    GuruM New Member

    14 Oct 2017
    A message to the Devs, I started playing this game yesterday and what I found was, the low level newbie players got crushed by experienced high level players...
    After the guild quests have been added some players who play legitly are working hard to finish the tasks and some other players try to find different types of exploits to complete those tasks.

    As a result high level players started to remain idle all the time in the battles so eventually they're making themselves and others in the team lose the battle, and they reduce their infamy.
    After reaching 200-400 infamy range they start playing against weaker lower league players,by the term lower league players means newbies who just start playing the game...
    Thus as a result most of the lower league newbie players stop playing the game, that's why there are lots of inactive players in almost all the guild...
    And when I tried to convey this message in the Facebook page my post got deleted in a second...
    Suspend the players who are using this exploit or please create a new matchmaking system...
    Anyone who agree what I say please support, I'm not asking this for myself but for the other players like me...
    Thank you for the wonderful game
    And thank you so much to everyone

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    *JAWS* likes this.
  2. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    This is has been stated a ungodful number of times. Do next time do a simple search instead of cluttering the forums
  3. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    Indeed it has been, and ignored or reasoned away. I kind of like a new player complaining about it rather than the usual. If I had mk4s when I started I know I would've quit.
  4. GuruM

    GuruM New Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Then what is point of playing when you already know that you are going to lose against mk3's and mk4's huh...
  5. Eeyore

    Eeyore Well-Known Member

    15 Oct 2017
    Rio de Janeiro
    Lol. Mismatch is a problem from a long time ago. Never stopped happening.
  6. GuruM

    GuruM New Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Mismatching is not a problem, seal clubbing is the problem
    MasterMind likes this.
  7. Zerolive

    Zerolive Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    What we need is Infamy barrier w.r.t ship tiers. My suggestion is :
    Mk1 -> any infamy is fine
    Mk2 - > 200 infamy barrier
    Mk3 -> 400 infamy barrier
    Mk4-> 750 infamy barrier
    Mk5 -> 1100 infamy barrier
    Mk6 ->2000 infamy barrier
    Mk7 -> I don't know and I don't care...

    This is only my opinion and I don't think it is going to stop seal clubbing but I can say it will help new player get to know game better before seal clubbers destroy them and make them lose the will to play game.
  8. GuruM

    GuruM New Member

    14 Oct 2017
    This is a great idea and thanks for the support buddy
  9. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Like Fr4nk1yn said..it's been ignored or reasoned away.
    Yes there's been MANY threads about matcmaking..no doubt there will be more..but imo it has got a lot worse for new players because of Guild Quests..seasoned players using alt accounts or plain and simple sealclubbers looking for easy kills/damage for quests.
    I'm guessing in time it will be less so..it HAS to..if not..MANY new players will quit which isn't good for the game.

    How long would you carry on playing knowing most games you stand very little chance?
    MasterMind likes this.
  10. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    I don't think seal clubbing is the problem. I think players are getting pushed down by the infamy removed from the game each season.
    When I started I'm pretty damn sure mk5 ships weren't seen until about 1600-1700. And I didn't start too long ago. This is a relatively recent thing. The more people make nightmare the more infamy removed from the game, the farther down higher lever ships are going to go.
    MasterMind likes this.
  11. Zerolive

    Zerolive Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    I disagree. Seal clubbing is the problem. There is no reason for a mk5 ship to be below 1k infamy even if they are pushed down. Solely by health and extra weapon slot, they are at advantage. We can see many mk5 floating so that they can destroy players at low infamy to complete achievement or to complete quest or anything like that. For whatever reason tanking is wrong. I can see your point but it is not only about mk5. Mk4 and Mk3 ships are at 200 infamy crushing newbies and patting themselves in the back. I sometimes play my brother's account which is mk2 ship and at 250 infamy I had an encounter with mk4 ship. They can two shot at you and you deal 200 damage and die. 100 infamy is gained from bots and tutorials and other 100 is gained from having fun. After 200 infamy mk3 and mk4 newbies hellish battle of unfair matches. They didn't just get there by pushed back infamy. They got there by seal clubbing, tanking or whatever the reason is and they shouldn't be there. Thats all.
    _devill and fr4nk1yn like this.
  12. GuruM

    GuruM New Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Exactly seal clubbing is the problem, what are those mk5's with all rare and epic items doing in the lower level league...
    Do you think that they got pushed down or they cheating huh?!

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  13. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I don’t think you can blame people for getting stuck below 1k. I was really hoping to reach Masters this season, but the competition is brutal.

    This is my first game from this morning...


    Four mk5 on the other team (all below my infamy), and what do we get? A pair of mk3s (one of whome is fleeted at half my infamy).

    We did get one mk5 on our team, but even if he is the best player (which he arguably was), what’s he supposed to do?

    It’s easy to say mk5s shouldn’t be below 1k, they must be infamy tankers / bad players. But if you’re running into whole teams of mk5s at 1k then, obviously, being in a mk5 yourself isn’t any advantage.
    fr4nk1yn likes this.
  14. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    all nightmare players have gone through that... just suck it up, learn, improve, grind your way to improving your gear and then with all that combined with some luck, you can push your way up... hang in there... i'll be waiting for you in nightmare...
    A55A51N, Tirth2_, MatCool1234 and 2 others like this.
  15. GuruM

    GuruM New Member

    14 Oct 2017
    Definitely buddy
  16. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    They haven’t all been through it though. Many nightmare players started months ago, when you could ride your mk3 all the way to 2k.

    Not only is the competition much harder now in the lower leagues, the rewards are much lower for equivalent progress.

    It’s not as easy to grind your gear up, when your gold and sugar quotas are balanced for Ace league players, and you’re stuck in Warrior.

    I’m not in any way salty about it, nor am I complaining about it. I’m perfectly happy to play for fun, grind my gear up, and ignore infamy.

    However, what does bother me is veterans, who clearly had a much easier ride up the ladder, telling me that I’m behind where I should be, and asking why there are mk5s below 1k. That’s just the way it is now, there are loads and loads of mk5s at 1k and well below.
    Last edited: 16 Oct 2017
  17. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    oh that thought never came to my mind... i agree with you though, lower leagues are probably tougher to go through nowadays, but what i said remains true despite the increased difficulty :)

  18. Zerolive

    Zerolive Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    I have weapons very similar to yours (probably even lower level than yours and I am at 1800+ infamy. You should be atleast at 1500 infamy. What is dragging you down? May I suggest using another boat for change? Yellow boats are known to help clawing up infamy if you get used to it! Try using some other support items I guess.
  19. disorder

    disorder Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    when did you start?
    i created an alt account 2 month ago, mk4 shooter and speeder, T3 rare weapon, really difficult to reach 1800 infamy, i'm more around 1100, and got 6K fight on my main...
    time have changed, fighting against T3 epic MK5 with good experience when you are MK3 or MK2 Free to play, with at max T2 rare is really difficult.
  20. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    Isn’t this your boat? That you posted yesterday...


    How is your stuff lower level? You’re in a mk5 with loads of epic gear. My captain level isn’t even high enough to get a mk5 yet. And you appear to be 1600... :rolleyes:

    This exactly what I’m talking about. Nothing is ‘dragging me down’ my infamy has been increasing since I started playing (about 8 weeks ago). This is just as far as I’ve got. I’m sure in a few more weeks I’ll get up to 1500. It just takes time.
    Disguised and disorder like this.

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