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[Feedback] - guild quest exploit and actions

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Grim Repair, 13 Oct 2017.

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  1. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    The purpose of the rollback was not to punish players, it was to repair the economy, which had been severely compromised. By the date of the announcement it was already far too late, the damage was already done. A rollback to that point would have been meaningless.

    My ‘personal’ feelings (as someone who steered clear of the exploit), are that I did not expect them to do a roll back, and I agree it was at the harsher end of measures (though it could have been a lot worse)... however, it wasn’t entirely unjustified, and it is their prerogative to remove items as they see fit without providing any notice.
    Miathan, A55A51N and lucky2431 like this.
  2. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    They certainly made some mistakes, which they have apologised for. However, you can’t expect them to compromise the integrity of their game. If the game’s economy is broken then they are compelled to fix it, even when the fault is partly theirs.
    TheCrisco and Miathan like this.
  3. KRaZE

    KRaZE New Member

    25 Aug 2017
    But in exploiting you did put yourself at an advantage over the non exploiters,thus taking away fun and victory cause you had items/perks you shouldn't have
    TheCrisco and Miathan like this.
  4. =Fee_KlocheTTe=

    =Fee_KlocheTTe= Member

    18 Aug 2017
    Did they apologize for the tokens, gold, items gained legally and now losts ?
    With their game's economy model (eg : 1000 pearls to change name !) and the money I've spend or many friends, I'm not scared about them to go to bankruptcy ;)
    Weapons are well balanced, but boat's/player's progression is a general exploit :rolleyes:
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  5. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    When I say ‘echonomy’, I’m talking about the game’s internal progression, and the relative value of items. Not Rovio’s finanaces.
    Miathan likes this.
  6. =Fee_KlocheTTe=

    =Fee_KlocheTTe= Member

    18 Aug 2017
    right sorry ;)
    3 months of 16x delivery refresh / day, and I'm not full epic perk ...

    They just should have stopped 2nd guild season to fix all bugs (not only farming), that would have prevent anything
    but ...
    they would have lost tons of pearl (money) spent by people for their own boosts exploit :rolleyes:
  7. XXIV_

    XXIV_ New Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Pls give me all my item and take my token instead
    MasterMind and Silver Skull like this.
  8. lucky2431

    lucky2431 Member

    7 May 2017
    I do not like the attitude of developers to the players. There was a bug on their part who knew about him, played at times more actively, with pleasure, gathered in friendly teams and carried out tasks together that the developers provided. Many were thrown back in the past, not having reimbursed the honest games they earned in two weeks. Many left everything as they did in roulette and performed absolutely the same as others, these tasks of guilds. We would select tokens for the first field and for the transition to the second field. Or to roll back everyone, but adequately .. Given the nuances, achievements, awards for battles / assignments outside guilds, calendar, store.
  9. =Fee_KlocheTTe=

    =Fee_KlocheTTe= Member

    18 Aug 2017
    Spending money put at an advantage over the non-spenders,
    this does not seem to be a punished behaviour :D
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  10. Cyn

    Cyn Well-Known Member

    20 Jul 2017
    I had originally made a statement in Wishaal's thread yesterday. For whatever reason the moderators saw fit to delete it completely rather than lock it down, even though the discussion did not seem to violate anything in the Code of Conduct.

    Just to preface my statement, I never left my guild. We earned rewards the way that the game was intended. We roughed it through Napalm and Enforcer quests. I got my bonus tokens. I simply didn't have the time, desire, or incentive to guild hop. I am not dealing with any rollback or token debt. I technically have no dog in this fight.

    With that being said, what could have been handled with the precision of scalpel was mauled with a chainsaw instead. I know that statement is not going to popular, but popularity has never been my thing anyway.

    I understand the position of both sides completely. There are a lot of us players that didn't take advantage of the 'exploit'. A lot of us feel that we were wronged by those that did. On the flip side, the situation has existed since the new build rolled out 14 days ago, yet there was no official statement in game that anything was going to be done about it until just four days ago.

    Had an immediate statement been made, 'Don't do it', then a lot of players would have stopped or not even started to begin with. No specific direction was provided. There were some mixed messages that led people to believe that here would be no sanctions against them. And yes, I understand the position that some people have, that such an obvious 'exploit' of the system outside of how it was intended to work should have been obvious to people not to do it. But so many people were doing it with the somewhat vague messages that it became acceptable for some.

    From a coding perspective, I understand that the simple solution was to roll back. But that has cost some players legitimately earned rewards, training time, sugar and gold. But is it fair to take everything away just to ensure that what was 'unfairly taken' is removed? Is there a more complex method to take away only what was 'unfairly taken'? My guess is that there is, but it would take a lot more work.

    I will continue to play the game, and I am grateful for the 'gift' that I did not take advantage of the 'exploit'. But I am disappointed to see some of my friends leaving the game, because they were harshly punished for what they believed would be allowed. In some cases, some of these players had paid substantial amounts to gain advantages in the game, and were simply trying to protect investments. If these other players were getting things for free and advancing (and possibly passing others up without paying anything), can you really blame those big spenders for simply trying to keep up and not lose advantages that they paid for?

    Just my opinion only. I realize that many will disagree with me. But maybe a compromise is to only roll back to when the in game warning was issued, or if there is a way to only remove rewards received from using the 'exploit' rather than taking away everything from the past two weeks that might be a better solution. Again, those are just my thoughts. This is a complex problem, and there doesn't seem to be one right or wrong solution.
  11. Fix-it

    Fix-it Active Member

    6 May 2017
    Grim repair asked him to copy his post and paste here. It didnt deleted. Just look through comments, you will see he made a small note to end of his comment.
  12. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    More specifically, Grim repair told me that comments Regarding this matter should be posted in his thread. I myself asked grim repair to send my original comment to me So that I could post it in this thread;)
  13. Boaty McBoatface

    Boaty McBoatface Member

    10 Oct 2017
    get your head out of your ass. if we couldn't believe a dev's words at the time who would we believe. that statement of his was not said 1 time but multiple times to multiple different people.
  14. Babablacksheep

    Babablacksheep Well-Known Member

    27 May 2017
    @Boaty McBoatface
    Never argue with stupid people, they will drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience.
    -Mark Twain
  15. kat Boylan

    kat Boylan New Member

    13 Oct 2017
    It saddens me to see this...

    By definition, one term for the word "exploit" is to selfishly use or abuse someone or something for one's own personal benefit. This is exactly the purpose for the use of this term in this case. People who are wearing it like a badge of honor because they found a way to buck the system...and then got mad when they got their wrists slapped for it...simply have a bit of growing up to do, that's all.

    It's not worth all of the arguing. The devs have come up with a pretty lenient course of action, truth be told. It could have come down to a first time ban, but it didn't. Just move on. It will pass. All things do.

    ...and btw...if you are one of the many who spend a lot of money on this game - used and abused its mechanics and honest players by exploiting them - and are now trying to make this rovio's fault...You must know that the only ones who share your opinion are fellow abusers.

    Call this thing what it is, all. It is not merely rovio's "mistake", allowing for the floodgates to fling open to dishonesty and abuse...no matter how much money you spend with the company. Yes, an error was made in the update's design, and by and large, honesty has prevailed.

    I do hope that no one feels the need to leave the game over this....however, I am grateful that rovio has taken such a stance on this issue. It means the they will likely see more money from me in the future.
  16. Aamos

    Aamos New Member

    13 Jul 2017
    It's not easy to say what would be right way to handle this.
    Rovio handled this poorly for sure, announcement came way too late, but still anyone guild hopping knew that it was a flaw in game and they took the risk anyway.

    All those pictures about devs answering that there won't be any consequences are cropped so you can't see the question. I haven't seen any picture where it is asked that "can I create guild after guild and only do the first board?"
    But bad communication anyway from devs.

    And complaints about loosing honestly grinded gear because rollback..Well if you use guns and perks that you got by exploit, it's not so honestly grinded anymore. So loosing everything you got with that gear kind of make a sense.
    I mean if you robb a bank and buy something with that money I'm pretty sure you can't keep them if you get caught.

    I hope devs learned something with this mess and react faster if something like this happens again. This could have been avoided by making clear statement that do not do it or else.

    That's about all I think, don't think I brought much more to this conversation but hey since so many has said something so can I :) Let's leave the fighting to the bay shall we.
    A55A51N likes this.
  17. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    All I see here is people repeating the same stuff over and over and over again. Its going round in circles. I have heard litteraly every argument from the "perfect" honest players, and I have also heard every argument of the hoppers. Please end this neverending circle.
    Last edited: 14 Oct 2017
    behumble, The Otherguy, Cyn and 4 others like this.
  18. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    Seen a few ppl say that tne devs need to stop being lazy, dont punish those who did not intentionally exploit....how exactly does a dev find out ones intentions? Screen threw 20,000(idk the real number of players) accounts.....found lets say 4,000 that progressed more than one board 1 in a week....now they must do what? Read threw every single chat those 4k ppl sent out to see if they said "hey ima go farm" or if they actually said "ima go help my buddies guild, they only have 1 quest left on board 1, napalm" (now this player collects from buddies board 1then jumps back to his guild as they finish up thier last quest and he collects board 1 again).
    Im not realy understanding on how some of you think they could have known wich was a real exploit situation and wich ones were not...please feel free to share how u think they should be able to find this information out on who was who.
  19. Maxpuma

    Maxpuma Member

    13 Oct 2017
    If you would be a developer, you would know that it’s pretty easy to track down by few database queries. So before write something make sure you know what you are talking about.
    D3X, Helius Maximus, Hodges and 6 others like this.
  20. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    I dont know what im talking about....that is why i asked how yall belive the details on who was who could be found...please explain
    Miathan likes this.
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