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[Feedback] - guild quest exploit and actions

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by The Grim Repair, 13 Oct 2017.

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  1. The Grim Repair

    The Grim Repair Community Manager

    26 Sep 2017
    We understand this is an important matter to many of you so please use this thread to share any opinions in a friendly and constructive manner.

    We do not wish to censor anyone - so stick to these simple rules.
  2. FearsomeChicken

    FearsomeChicken Well-Known Member

    16 Aug 2017
    Thanks for rewarding honest players with 42k tokens, and doing a full rollback which so many exploiters are crying foul now. Next time they will think twice before cheating.
  3. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Thanks for applying consequences to everyone, including the "whales"
  4. Wainwright

    Wainwright Member

    31 Jul 2017
    I’m extremely grateful the devs came up with a fair solution to this problem. Thanks for making the Bay a better place.
  5. MidnightXDawn

    MidnightXDawn New Member

    30 Jul 2017
    To my understanding, those who are punished are not complaining about that. The punishment is fine and as someone who cheated myself, I accept it, but there are some people who got their accounts rolled back and this included tokens/rewards earned honestly. This is the issue.
  6. GenkiGamers

    GenkiGamers Member

    9 Apr 2017
    Is there any compensation for legitimate players that were sitting near the token limit and couldn't get the reward? ;)
  7. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Well, I get what I "deserved" right? My account got a rollback. That's right, even I have fallen to "the dark side".

    (For everybody that wants to insult and flame me for cheating/exploiting, plesse remember that I'm punished already, and I got a hars punishment. If you despite all of that still want to flame or insult me, please do so in a private message, but keep this thread clean.)

    I think this "exploit" was the best thing that ever happened. A pay 2 win game has changed into a play 2 win game. But that was not my reason for guild hopping.

    Me and my friends were having more fun than ever with this update (exploit). We were really working together as a team to complete the quests as fast as possible. We all had the same mission, all of us were working together. Because I joined lots of guilds I met lots of new people. I made lots of new friends. And I fleeted with lots of other people with who I have never fleeted before. It was so cool to see how total strangers became friends instantly, and instantly worked together with each other really well. And that's my reason for hopping. Because it was so much fun.

    But now I got an account roll back. I have played all that time for nothing. So did all of my friends. Sorry Rovio, you made a big mistake in the first place, so I think it's not fair to punish us that hard. Well, maybe it is fair compared to the non exploiters, but that doesn't matter anymore. None of this would have ever happened if you guys didn't make a "mistake" that big.

    You have lost me and my friends for good rovio. No more VIP subscription for me, and no more pearl buying, because I quit. All my friends are quitting too, and that's even worse for you since several of my friends were whales. You now have killed alot of whales. So don't be surprised when you see your profit dropping now.

    I wish the best of luck to people quitting this game just like me and my friends, and I wish the best of lucky to all people that continue to play the game. Hopper, or honest player, doesn't matter, I wish you guys the best of luck

    Good bye everyone,


    Wishaal (also known as Dinoguardian)

    (Sorry for double posting, my other thread was deleted, So now I'll just post it here as the grim repair has asked)
  8. KSA

    KSA Member

    13 Oct 2017

    I earned a lot of itmes during that days, I didn’t farm all my perks and part, you delete all of them, i even farmed one day only, you toke back a lot of things and give me back only 111k pearls that i bought during that day

    I spent money, time, work to have these items, perks; you come with one button to take away all of that! Don’t put your foult on us.

    You made announcement then i stop farmed .
    Now all my friends are quiting because of your actions

    You should only upload the patch and leave it there
  9. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    Dear Rovio:

    Thank you for taking a clear stand against the players who were exploiting a system which was flawed, and patching the holes in it, rather than letting the bad apples ruin a positive change for all of us. The people who played legitimately appreciate the fair, even-handed response on your part, and I for one have gained a lot of faith in your ability to respond appropriately to these situations. I don't spend a lot of money on mobile games, but following this action, a larger portion of it is certain to head your direction. I'm very happy to see you guys doing your part to make the game a better place, and it's good to know that you take feedback from your legitimate players seriously, regardless who the remedy for these situations affects.
  10. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    @Wishaal its been a fun time :) no regrets? :D not gonna go for nightmare league though?
    @KSA hope you get a refund. You are a great player...
    @Evilchicken235 hope you are doing alright as well...

    A lot of exploiters were rolled backed/put into debt of tokens they earned honestly. Even more importantly with roll back, items they earned honestly. So no, I am not happy. Not for myself, but for my friends.
  11. Boaty McBoatface

    Boaty McBoatface Member

    10 Oct 2017
    @Grim Repair, you have said "Every personal issue can be brought up either directly or through player support."

    but the asian guilds that exploit the loophole the most did address it through player support. and i guess the replies from devs were silence.
    it's ok to roll back but only after the announcement. i know alot of people will disagree but think about it in the perspective that you, ROVIO is a government and us players are your citizens. getting punished for a law that didn't exist or acknowledge is WRONG. even confiscating assets that was gained lawfully with proof is unacceptable.

    my tokens after guild quest reset was over 70k and we know at guild quest reset the exploit has been plugged. now my tokens have been rolled back pre-exploits days. this is just one instance of my legit assets being taken away due to the blanket rollback.
  12. Maxpuma

    Maxpuma Member

    13 Oct 2017
    Hello devs,

    First, I think rolling back is a huge mistake, you will lose so many active players, yes some players will stay, but big chunk will go away, meaning legit players will have less opponents to play with.

    Second, there was no rule or restrictions said, that you cannot jump from guild to guild. And it’s fully your fault that you guys didn’t think of it on developing stage. You are fully responsible for the product you make and all bugs and mistakes.

    Third, i’ve got my IAP back, but never got back bonus items, I was buying daily deals, so parts from it are gone, which is missleading.

    And fourth, you rolled back to Oct 2, what about my achievements I’ve got and time I spent on game after 2.5.1 update, which is 2 days???

    That’s all frustrating and disappointing. You guys made first mistake releasing guild update without fully testing it, and now second rolling back players who jumped guilds. Devs you need to think twice or even more before taking actions.
  13. TheCrisco

    TheCrisco Active Member

    2 Aug 2017
    Your friends cheated the system. Anything they got in the course of doing so was tainted. To use a legal comparison, they have a concept called "fruit from a poisoned tree." It's generally used in the sense of improper search and seizure, any information gained from doing so is tainted, whether it's a direct result of said improper search and seizure or simply something which would otherwise be legal. All of it is rendered inadmissable. In this case, the tokens are the tree, and they precipitated lots of perks/weapons/parts etc, powering up exploiters far faster than should've been possible, allowing them to gain more rewards (the fruit of said poisoned tree) much more quickly than should've been possible.

    Regardless, they knew what they were doing was wrong. So:
  14. Arrow-->

    Arrow--> Member

    20 Aug 2017
    The punishment was too extreme since you have accepted that it was your fault in the first place. Some of your developers came on the vip chat and misinformed (Mikka) saying that people who did it were “clever” and there won’t be a punishment just an update fixing the loophole.

    I think rewarding players who didn’t exploit the system was really good however just token debts for players who did abuse the system might have worked for both players and rovio however account rollback was too extreme. We didn’t just lose the perks but at the same time any progress made during the 2 weeks period.

    Well since you have accepted your mistake officially makes it easier for us to get refunds. Here I report this issue to apple and hoping to get my money back (money I spent to support your game in the first place). Eagerly waiting for my $$$(yes I’m a whale spent around $10k) but enough is enough!
  15. Ningting

    Ningting New Member

    8 Oct 2017
    I have to say that the dev takes too long to respond to this guild hopping event. Now this roll-back action is really bad since many legitimately obtained items and resources got removed (anyway, dev should take at least half of the responsibility for this). Even COC knows to give 2000 gems to each bug exploiter (for the coc gem bug in 2014) for admitting their fault. Now many people are going to quit...
  16. Danyal khan

    Danyal khan Member

    3 Jul 2017
    Good action taken by devs.we really appreciate ur action and it will prevent cheating in future.cheaters had gained unfair advantage over honest players so u did the right thing.if u undo the action then lots of people will cry of being unfair to honest players and it wont solve the issue so best thing is to punish cheaters
    Bill Miller likes this.
  17. Boaty McBoatface

    Boaty McBoatface Member

    10 Oct 2017
    all your points are moot because a dev clearly said that this is a clever way of guild questing and that there will be no punishment. it is not wrong at the time. it was only wrong after they made a CLEAR announcement.

    now i understand if they rollback on the day they made an announcement that there will be consequences to this clever action.
  18. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Sure, but we arent talking about getting a roll back on stuff gained from tokens.
    We are talking about a blanket roll back on all items, upgrades, perks received organically from playing the game. (at least from my understanding)
    Stuff gained before they farmed taken away. Tokens gained from participating in main guild quests before exploits were also taken away or put into debt.

    Also like what a few others said, miika did say in VIP that there would be no consequences for exploits early on. If the problem was bad, they had the ability to send out a message saying their would be consequences earlier and leave it at that. OR even better was to turn off the guild quest functions until they were unexploitable (which im sure everyone wouldve understood and supported)
    Last edited: 13 Oct 2017
    ArromStone, Bill Miller, D3X and 6 others like this.
  19. disorder

    disorder Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    made a big work with guidl, tested and used different weapons, i usually play alone and learned to play more with friend.
    BUT, i've not use the exploit, the update was enough for having fun.
    I'm a semi whale, and never tried to be better than other by using exploit.
    and honestly i don't care, a lot's of friend wanted to leave because of team like you... now they want to stay, so everything is nice.
    Suru likes this.
  20. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    English please. Google translate for ya.

    these players did not violate any rules of the game. the game allowed to move from guild to guild, from here it follows that uv. the developers are allowed. and now when they realized that it hit their pockets, they decided to blame the players and punish them back. And taking away from them everything that was extracted and chests for the stars and for playing gold. do you think it's honest?)
    ArromStone, lakshya, XXIV_ and 4 others like this.
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