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Block player from grouping

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Schleprock, 1 Oct 2017.

  1. Schleprock

    Schleprock New Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I will be the first to admit I'm not the best player, but I do have common sense and can learn a game fairly quickly. I'm so tired of trying to advance in the game only to be paired with complete idiots who make it impossible to win with their play. This goes from the guy who takes off to the heart of the enemy to be killed within 10 seconds of the game, to the floater or solo player who thinks he can stay back and morter the entire team into oblivion. I wish there was a way to block these players so they cannot be paired in your grouping. I wouldn't mind waiting for an additional time just to avoid these fools.
    Tmfh67401 likes this.
  2. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    This would at some point put matches to a hault...everyone would have someone blocked while being blocked themselfs....
  3. *Rubber Duck*

    *Rubber Duck* Well-Known Member

    9 Jul 2017
    5 players just for a small scale
    1 blocked 5
    2 blocked 4
    3 blocks no one
    4 blocked 3
    5 blocked2
    So here 3 blocks no one but can no longer play a match with with 2 if he gets matched with 5, he can't play with 3 if he's matched with 4 and so on and so on...u should get my point here...it would effect EVERYONE in ur infamy rang when one person gets blocked
    The Otherguy likes this.
  4. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Also, though you may not realize it, it's you as well... :rolleyes:
    Nothing you can say can convince me that it's not you as well. I've seen an mk2 reach 900 infamy...
    Zerolive likes this.
  5. Schleprock

    Schleprock New Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Ya was being sarcastic, but valid point duck. I guess it validates that there are a lot of people like that in the game. And don't be that guy otherguy
    *Rubber Duck* likes this.
  6. Jlteedee

    Jlteedee New Member

    21 May 2017
    I'm one of the idiots the charges, but if your team reacts accordingly, while the opposite team is bombing you your team mates are bombing each one of them and you getting one b4 you die makes winning that much easier, because your team has all there imfamy, but I do get it, have lost many while they watch me die instead of shooting
  7. Schleprock

    Schleprock New Member

    1 Oct 2017
    I get your point also, but now your relying on a lot more factors where just working together as a team always seems to yield better results. And I apologize for usin the term idiots, was really pissed when I wrote it and I think you get the idea.
  8. Schleprock

    Schleprock New Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Just had a thought come to mind as duckie had pointed out that this would now way be able to work. How about being able to click on options much like reporting floaters ect after a match where options would be solo playing. Enemy rushing ect or whatever to build a player profile. Upon matchup you could review players in your group and have a brief moment to opt out. Again this would further confuse things a bit, but I know I'm not the only one who has a problem with this. I see so many in VIP logging off when they start loosing trophies saying they will come back and hopefully have better players on
  9. Cpt Obvious

    Cpt Obvious Well-Known Member

    2 Jul 2017
    That would kill match making as well. It would probably work something like this:
    1. Matchmaking round 1, wait 10-15 seconds for 10 players.
    2. Present match to players, allow them to opt out. With 10 players there is a very high chance of someone opting out, either because they don't like ships, don't like a player, etc.
    3. Redo matchmaking, move those that opted out to a different match, wait for new players in the current one.. 5-10 more seconds depending on number of opt outs.
    4. Present proposed match again, oh damn, now one more player i know plays fixer joined on my team, i hate double fixer matches, I'll opt out!
    5. Redo matchmaking.....
    At some point you hit the critical cut off time that is the doom of many online games with match making - the magic critical elapsed time where players just give up waiting and exit. Once this starts to happen any match making system falls completely apart. Players quitting the queue causes more delays so that more players quit the queue, which causes more delays, it's a cascading effect.

    This particular effect is why battle bay have to mix 3k players with nightmare players, without it waiting time becomes so long that people quit the queue.

    So IMHO, opt out is a terrible idea.
  10. Schleprock

    Schleprock New Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Again, I get it. But as fast as the worlds pace has become, and the "I need it now" world we live in. I myself wouldn't mind waiting a bit longer. I'm not saying this has to be done and everyone should wait. Unfortunately this is a team game but much like any other team sport, if your not good enough, you probably won't make the team. Or your team will never advance in anything. I don't have the answer, just throwing it out there so peeps like you that obviously play more and have a better grasp at things, might have a better idea of how to address this issue. I got almost to 1900 infamy last night only to loose 6 in a row and shut it of lol. I'm a fixer and get very frustraited when everyone goes different ways so I just try and stick with the big gun on our team
  11. Schleprock

    Schleprock New Member

    1 Oct 2017
    Not trying to change the game, just make it better for those who get the concept and don't want to be brought down by those who don't. No offense. Went down to 1500 and worked back up to 1700 so things are looking up lol

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