Meanwhile the crew training difference:Back then NO ITEMS ARE UNLOCKED RIGHT AWAY WHEN YOU START THE GAME,You need to train the crew that use that item high level enough to choose which to unlock(for example level1 bhurt talent have no choice but unlock regular cannon,level*somewhere more than 1 bhurt talent let's you choose to unlock sniper cannon or blast cannon.
-Interesting fact
You can buy, obtain locked items but can't equip it on your boat
If you have an item unlocked and it's locked again you can still use it
For example, you have Crew bhurt level99 and you chose unlock sniper cannon rather than blast and have sniper equipped to your boat AND THEN,you choose to retrained talent,switching from unlock sniper to blast, your sniper cannon equipped on your boat will just chill there and you can still use it!! BUT!!if you drag the sniper out of your boat, you cant equip it again until you train bhurt to somewhere level that let's you unlock another weapon from the choices (for example the last level you chose unlock blast this time YOU MUST CHOOSE UNLOCK sniper, and vice versa)
And also,each crew has a talent that increase fusing efficiency for items that that crew use
(ONCE AGAIN, FOR EXAMPLE, bhurt level? Offers you a "increase fusing efficiency by20%"
If you fuse something into a cannon to level the cannon up let's say it originally gives 100xpyou will get additoomal20xp for the cannon.
And the item bonus while fusing,you will get X% xp bonus for the fusing item IF YOU FUSE THE SAME EXACT item(except rarity don't need to be same, for example, you fuse an uncommon cannon to an epic one, you get the bonus till) (can't remember how muc%h)
Job done for my typing

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