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The worst weapon of all

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Wishaal, 11 Oct 2017.


If you were to receive a legendary weapon, wich one would you consider as the worst?

  1. Standard Canon

  2. Carronade

  3. Standard Mortar

  4. Swift Torpedo

  5. Mine

  6. Napalm Launcher

  7. Another weapon, I'll explain with a comment

  8. Triple torpedo

  1. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Why is Standard canon listed? Because it just sucks damage wise compared to every other weapon.
    At high level you got shooters with 5 weapon slots, and defenders and enforcercers with 3 weapon slots. So for these ships a low cooldown weapon with low power isn't all that helpfull.
    As for speeder, you just want to get in, hit hard, and then run away again instead of leaving yourself in danger with a low cooldown weapon.
    And for fixer, you should concentrate on healing your team instead of dealing damage.

    Why Carronade? Because of its really short range and not really powerfull against shooters, and just weak against defenders. Bevacuse of its short range you can't use it most of the time unless you want to put yourself in great danger.

    Why Standard mortar? Because out of every mortar standard mortar is simply the worst.

    Why Swift torpedo? Because it's nowhere near as powerfull as big berta. And because it's still a torpedo it's really hard to hit with it.

    Why Mine? In order to get a hit with mine you really have to hope that some enemy player is playing blindfolded. And its range is also worthless. Most of the time of you want to plaace it close to enemies, then you will have to put yourself in danger. And if you don't place it to the enemy, you got to hope that enemies will take the route with your mine on it before it disappears.

    Why Napalm? Because napalm is more for area control than dealing damage. Whenever people get hit by napalm they immediatly rush outside of it, that means that they just will take little damage. On top of that it's a 2 slot weapon. Of course area controll is extremely powerfull in thid game, but you get the same effect with a rare napalm. I think most people rather want a legendary hard hitting weapon instead of a legendary weapon just for area control.

    I had a really hard time deciding my worst choice. Eventually my vote goes to Napalm. With all other weapons you may at least inflict some decent damage if you hit with it. But Napal, on the other hand, it just creates a circle that people will avoid at any costs.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  2. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    Boy, I'd sure hate to receive a Legendary Sniper Cannon. I mean, that would be just ... just awful. It would really make me salty. Totally.

    rovio plz
  3. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    i would say none of these weapons are bad... they can all be used to great effect.

    Standard cannon is one of the best DPS weapons, perfect for defenders specially when you combo it with an incendiary (try a standard cannon, explosive cannon, and firebomb combo on your defender, your gonna love it)

    Carronade is a shooter's worst enemy, i kid you not, max carronades can dole out 1,600 damage every 5 seconds and it has debuffing effects on its target. perfect for speeders and enforcers that like to duke it out up close. it's only real weakness is range and fully upgraded defenders.

    Standard mortar is much much better than the berta right now... fastest cooldown among the mortars and has actually higher dps than the berta if properly upgraded and its projectile flies faster than the berta's. enforcers and shooters can really have fun with this weapon.

    swift torpedo is awesome bro, very fast and accurate if you max out the skills for it. combo it with frost and you're looking at 2k damage every 10 seconds. it's best suited for enforcers and shooters. if you're looking for a counter to shields, this is a good choice.

    Mines... i don't understand how you could consider them as one of the worst... i don't use 'em but they are freaking game changers and an absolute pain to deal with. look out for kenzer, twistedmetal, ckim, master baiter, riptide, diet coke - they all have nasty mines and are very smart with where they place them.

    now napalms, hmmm, never used them but i've seen how much they dictate the flow of the match... they rarely kill but they almost always swing the battle in your favor if used well.

    my choice for worst weapon is the berta... without a frost combo to help it, good luck hitting anyone with that...

    bunny, _devill, Excism and 3 others like this.
  4. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    What? Swift torp is quite easy to hit with, and why are you comparing it to big berta? It's a 1 point weapon, berta is 2 point.

    My vote would go to triple torpedo.
    _devill and The Otherguy like this.
  5. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    *Official voice*
    As a representative of Rovio, I officially award the following to CaffeinatedChris. May it crit often and well. :D:D:D
    (Photo credit, @Nedhudir )
    Last edited: 12 Oct 2017
  6. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Totally with you there.
  7. obscenery

    obscenery New Member

    18 Aug 2017
    Yellowocean nailed it.

    Just curious, is sniper c not a good combo with incendiary weapon?
    The Otherguy likes this.
  8. JustPlainSowad

    JustPlainSowad Active Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Product Manager//Technology Entrepreneur
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
    If you play speeder and want to use cannonades - how would you use your best judgments in selecting the talents? Please advice or maybe even write a guide on it. I'm interested to know more.
  9. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    sniper is good but for a defender... you prioritize DPS and a defender is a bully by nature so the best defenders wait for an opportunity to rush and when they do, they need fast hitting weapons.... so with the combo i mentioned and why i recommend it is because a standard cannon's CD is at around 5 secs, an explosive cannon is around 10 secs and the firebomb at 15 secs. so your opening move should always be a fire bomb. when it connects, shoot the EC then pepper your target with the standard cannon - rinse and repeat... if you have died taking out at least 1 enemy with your teammates almost at full health then you have done your job as a defender...
    Wishaal likes this.
  10. Rivet

    Rivet Active Member

    13 Jun 2017
    The Chill Zone
    For carronade, it's all about the perks and skill tree. Really, If you get both of these, you could increase your damage exponentially. The only problem is that it's such a late game weapon, having to upgrade it so much. Therefore I feel it's the worst weapon so far.
    Zachiderp, _devill and The Otherguy like this.
  11. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Surprised. All of those weapons above have their merits, some are even devastating at high level(carronade,mines, napalm).

    Why hasn't Triple Torpedoes or Ballbark Mortar made the list?
    JJf and The Otherguy like this.
  12. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    if i'm to use a speeder with carronades this is how i will set my swift skills: i'll only mention the levels where you have multiple choices of skills. (A-B-C)
    • level 2 - A (hp always)
    • level 3 - A (overboost is more useful)
    • level 5 - B (if you have good turbo, you can go for B so you can maximize your carro damage, otherwise, you may need to prioritze speed)
    • level 6 - A (carronade projectile is a must)
    • level 9 - A (if you think you are too slow, you can choose the overboost skill, but i say damage comes first)
    • level 10 - B (minimal turn speed upgrade, you won't feel it, go for carro range)
    • level 11 - A (if you have a good turbo, you can ignore the speed skill, go for damage)
    • level 12 - A (this is a very useful debuff specially against fellow speeders and enforcers)
    • level 15 - A (overboost)
    • level 16 - B (again, if you have good speed already, go for the debuff)
    • level 18 - A (pick projectile always)
    • level 19 - A (range is more important than the additional slow debuff, but if you can close the gap fast)
    • level 22 - A (this is where you have to also make a critical choice, my take is the turret turn speed debuff, this will allow to run circles around your target without them hitting you at all)
    • level 24 - A (turret turn speed debuff, unless you want to use a nitro, but the current skill trees don't really make nitros and carros a good combo)
    • level 25 - A (range unless you want to use a nitro)
    • level 26 - A (overboost of course)
    • level 29 - C (you need the HP more than the debuff)
    Based on the skill tree design, if you want to fully maximize your carronade without compromising your boat's upgrades as well, then enforcer is the better boat to use. if you're gonna put carro on your speeder you have to sacrifice some of the skills and choose which you need more. get a good turbo fast so that you can forego the speed upgrades and focus on your carronade skills.

    Now for the skills and tactics part... you just have to practice practice and practice some more... what i can tell you though if you're a carronade speeder, you have to be able to close the gap fast, you have to be an opportunist, look for the players who stray too far from the group and take them out fast and finish off enemies who are in critical health.

    Hope that helps :)
    bunny, TheAntiSnipe, _devill and 4 others like this.
  13. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    haha i just replied based on Wishaal's list... but yeah, tritorps should be a candidate... but berta is still the worst for me... ballpark is pretty good... you should see bergster use it
    The Otherguy likes this.
  14. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Funny how Triple Torpedoes used to be so good, I think they should tweak the spread on them to be a bit less than what they are now to make them usable. Not like how they were in the old days, but currently the way they spread now makes for the left and right torpedoes like stray spammers.

    I guess since the buff from the last update, Ballparks are decent. I haven't noticed Bergster using it though, aside from the larger radius, it seems like any other mortar to me (as a speeder).

    Berta I think bad due to the cooldown. The damage is good however, easy to tweak for better balance in my opinion.
  15. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    they made two adjustments to the tritorp when they nerfed it... they widened the angle of the spread and added 1 distance to its minimum range from 4 to 5. compared to swift and big torp which still remains at 4 distance minimum. that's why it's so ineffective now.... either they bring back the original spread angle or they bring down the minium range back to 4. that should mean a world of difference for the tritorps future in battlebay.

    well mortars always suck against speeders, but for the shooters and defenders, ballpark mortars are a sure hit :)
  16. Vile Kyle

    Vile Kyle Member

    15 Jun 2017
    Carronade for me cuz its whimpy at least mine is.
  17. Shadow Moon!

    Shadow Moon! Well-Known Member

    24 Jul 2017
    I don't know which one is worse.
  18. JustPlainSowad

    JustPlainSowad Active Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Product Manager//Technology Entrepreneur
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
    Thank you - I'm definitely considering using carronades. I'll save them when I get it from now on. Only got one rare so far.
  19. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Best of luck to you
  20. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Hey Sowad, Carronades are nasty, you can ask Bittersteel how much he loves his Epic T5. They are a late game weapon though, so start collecting them now ;)
    JustPlainSowad and Wishaal like this.

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