Hey guys I've been playing this game for about 3months now and I'm in love with it. As a game I really like I noticed a few things off with it especially the overlapping of roles namely when going up in higher tiers. Now I have a suggestion that I would like you guys to give me feedback on this would make each ship more unique in its role and add a level of strategy to the game,that suggestion is exclusive ship based skill(s):
Defender skill- Harden, increase the damage resistance for ship by 45℅,60℅,70℅,75℅ for 5,10,15,20 secs respectively as you increase Brock's/Defender overall level. Cooldown would be about a minute and some??
Shooter skill- Overheat, using this skill will allow the shooter to fire all his weapons in quick succession with no delay after switching weapons.(The weapons can probably be given a damage boost as well?). After using Overheat the shooter will be unable to fire for a few seconds. Massive cooldown. Leveling B'Hurt increases these.
Speeder Skill: Cloak, activating this perk will make your speeder invisible to enemy ships but your trail will still be visible in the water.Shooting while cloaked breaks effect, and maybe taking damage too? Duration 10,15,20 secs. Massive cooldown. Leveling Sgt Speed increase these.
Enforcer skill: Electronic Jamming, activating this effect makes your enforcer untraceable by auto aim all shot directed at you would have to be manual, while all yellow modules have a faster cooldown. Duration 5,10,15,20secs. Moderate cooldown. Leveling mad scientist increases this.
Medic skill: One for all, medic healing abilities such as pulse has increased range, healing bolt jumps from targets that are close and who has no terrain between them. Cooldown moderate. Leveling medic guy increases this.
Please let me know what you think about this idea, it's rough and needs a bit of refinement but I'm open to any positive criticism

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