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The Story Behind..

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Gipsy Danger Jaeger, 27 Sep 2017.

  1. Gipsy Danger Jaeger

    Gipsy Danger Jaeger Member

    21 Jun 2017
    I do not want to make it long so..
    I quit the game and the forum, because there is nothing that can hold me anymore, PLUS it's so boring to see how salt this comunity is, I never seen another comunity being this salt, some of u guys want to much from a free game like this.. to much complaining, this is not RB6S or idk another game where the comunity is needed to complain for the things that aren't good, and need to be fixed, to be honest for a game that it's free, it's really really good, no doubt. And i'm really grateful to know an mobile game like this, entertaining that's for sure.

    The Story Behind Gipsy Danger Jaeger.
    I played this game since the begining with my college mates, I had since today 3 accounts 2 lost and this that i own it today, my first one I was pretty high i got all t4 rares and even some epics ( it was payd account ) i lost that account due to my android upgrade and i was sinced only with facebook, my second account i got it from one of my friends that was lost too due to, those weird adresses (email) wasn't big deal.. BUT
    Then my mates, motivated me to try again, and they said things to me from my past funny and memorable things,
    They said, "You can became now the legendary gipsy danger" ( if there is some 90's then you will know what, and who was gipsy danger in our child hood.
    So this is how " I became Gipsy Danger " was an nightmare cuz the journey of this account was only with farming, not even an penny put ... I decided not puttin my pocket again and then who knows losing it, it's an free game at the end of the day...

    My favorite quote from the Legendary Jaeger It's in my signature.
    There is a reason why is he called Gipsy DANGER.

    Not because he is an DANGER.
    BUT because he is NOT afraid of DANGER.

    Anyway if someone got this far I thank you, and i thank all of you that were kind and joyful talkin in this comunity. I hope you guys/gals have a great one. And I am sorry if someone got offended by my words adressed to this game in my post's or my comments, I am real, i say what i feel.
    I will come back If the updated will be solid enough, but for now it's to boring.. and i know that you don't care if i come back or not :) just sayin' :)
    Last edited: 7 Oct 2017
  2. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    What mk level and infamy range are you at, we should play if you decide to play again :p
  3. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Sorry for that, it's just that I seem to attract alot of salt these days.:oops:
  4. Gipsy Danger Jaeger

    Gipsy Danger Jaeger Member

    21 Jun 2017
    We've met lot of the times! not long ago was last time, 2 days i think, on subzero, sadly your team mates know'd already my name they concentrated fire at me, ( but i still got you )
    No offense, and no competition i'm far weaker than you, you got fire power... and that's why i needed before i'm gone, to try to destroy you, and i did, that way my team mates had a chance and they had, we won that match.
    It would be nice that they do not show the names till the end of the match :D that way they can't charge and concentrate fire at that one that they "want"
    I'm mk5, Main Defender Ace 2, my best peak was 2700 something, now i can sit only around 2500-2600.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  5. Gipsy Danger Jaeger

    Gipsy Danger Jaeger Member

    21 Jun 2017
    No need my bb friend, :) Your messages everytime entertained me , good to have you around :)
    Wishaal likes this.
  6. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Oh god, sub-zero is my weakness. My snipers hit every wave :eek:
  7. Gipsy Danger Jaeger

    Gipsy Danger Jaeger Member

    21 Jun 2017
    That's kind of the reason why i left the sniper it's a straight shoot it's really hard to get "green light " for your shots sadly but that crit makes it an good weapon...
    Last edited: 27 Sep 2017
    • Percy • likes this.
  8. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Yea, I used to use 3 snipers on enforcer but I found 2 was enough so I added in a mine
  9. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    o_O That would be cool!
    Gipsy Danger Jaeger likes this.
  10. Gipsy Danger Jaeger

    Gipsy Danger Jaeger Member

    21 Jun 2017
    Last time I've seen you, you were with triple sniper on your fat buddy.
    I see that it works for you this setup and this ship..
    I personally would not able to use a mine and to be effective, I'm dumb for that lol.

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