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7-15 mortars per game 2400-3400 inf ... it SUCKS

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by HighHammer, 26 Sep 2017.

  1. HighHammer

    HighHammer Member

    18 Apr 2017
    Btw there’s all sort of rules and regulations to stop people to point out the real issue in this game, I felt the need to post a thread about this issue since all the others ones are pretty much outdated ... I thank the game devs for making such a nice game but their lack of improving the game and maintaining a balance in the game is so disappointing and I as a player state my views on this forum hoping so they will be aware of the issue and again hoping so they will fix the issues.
  2. HighHammer

    HighHammer Member

    18 Apr 2017
    Stupid or not this the way it is, reason for it is that people who are experiencing the issue have no say on it ... all they’ve said on previous threads of the same topic is that they don’t see any mortar spam, yes cause you don’t see mortar spam in nightmare league ... they were at lower infamy ages ago and we are talking about the mid range leagues where non of these nightmare players play at so how can they comment on a subject they have no experience of as we speak !!? Right you call it stupid ..
  3. Iunch

    Iunch Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Big Bertha is already a two slot weapon, so is firebomb. Everything else is weaker and easier to dodge/predict.
    Well played mortars can be very frustrating, but players sacrifice the ability to do significant direct damage by having several mortars equipped so it balances out.
  4. HighHammer

    HighHammer Member

    18 Apr 2017
    Do you really think I don’t know how to dodge the mortars or I don’t know the edges deal less dmg !? Who do you think you’re kidding !!?
    Turbo/rudder combo works but at the expenses of less HP due to not being able to equip a shield on ... here is the question, what’s the expenses for those who equip 4 mortars on their ship !? Right there’s non... so a player gets to equip 4 mortars at will but to defend against is you must get punished and have a few limited options ... that’s called IMBALANCE. And that’s my whole point ...

    I absolutely rather people try to hit me with 8 torps/snipers because at the end of the day it takes some skills to land you shot using those weapons not sitting behind a damn rock and spamming mortars ... so yea you’ve got you answer
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  5. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    I do indeed think that you don't know how to doge mortars since you complain about it.
  6. HighHammer

    HighHammer Member

    18 Apr 2017
    Well sorry to disappoint you ... I know your life is full of it but add this one to it as well ...
    And you’ve just proven that your comments are not costractive and it’s all personal ... after all these comments of mine explaining why I brought up this issue again and yet you fail to understand it or too lazy to go through the comments ... either way you still have no arguements ... comeback when you have something intelligent to say!
  7. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    Something intelligent;)
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Ahem. I have seen mortar spammers. They. Can't. Be. In. Play. Continuously. They waste a shitload of attack power equipping those mortars, and cannot attack well enough.

    A mortar spam from multiple opponents is nothing more than good teamwork.

    Finally, if there is a single ship with OP mortars, it's easy to stop it... If you can target it. If you can't, it's not the spammer, but your team you should blame.
  9. Evilchicken235

    Evilchicken235 Well-Known Member

    18 Aug 2017
    CSIE Student
    I play at mid 3000s with over 10k games played as a shooter and mortar spam just isn’t a problem.

    You’ll gradually know which spots are mortar hotspots on each map and just learn to avoid them.

    Even if you do get showered on by mortars just move and find cover, if there is no cover nearby, your fault again, you should always stay near cover.
    Miathan and Wishaal like this.
  10. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Thread is full of trolls. You've all been in that situation where non-stop mortars rained down on you and you had no way out. Everyone can escape a mortar shot, 2 aswell, but when 5-10 are raining down on you no non-yellow ship can escape. No amount of rudders and turbos will help you with that.

    Though, I don't see a proper fix for mortar spam I understand your situation but I feel you're going through some serious bad luck as I see mostly torpedo and cannon type weapons at the 2800-2900 range (which I match up with players in the ranges you talked about).

    I have been in situations where I peeped my head out a corner and 5 mortars instantly starter targetting me. Was able to come back and get off their radar, then I went in middle of all teammates so I wouldn't be the 1st target lock (most mortar noobs lock on the first player they see).

    Anyways, I'm sure you know how to counter mortars, the excess amount some players can bring can be a little frustrating. All I can tell you is good luck with matching against non-mortar spammers
    Last edited: 26 Sep 2017
  11. Gipsy Danger Jaeger

    Gipsy Danger Jaeger Member

    21 Jun 2017
    Kind of salt this thread, the internet is the way to become an Warrior, Keyboard warriors only of course.
    I don't want to argue on this, BUT i fell you.
    Not long ago i encountered 2 teamed up mk6 shooters with all torps/triple.
    Nightmare on water, I wish i could transform in an airplane in those moments LOL.
    Last edited: 26 Sep 2017
    iRSS, Riddlerpaji and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  12. Gipsy Danger Jaeger

    Gipsy Danger Jaeger Member

    21 Jun 2017
    That's true.
    Yep, and even if you're equipped with those, you will be nowhere cuz you sacrificed your hp for that agility and speed...
    Joey who likes this.
  13. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Yup, as a speeder torp spam makes boards like subzero impossible to stay alive in
  14. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    When they're not on my team they're annoying; when they are on my team they're always hiding behind walls not hitting anything.
    iRSS and Gipsy Danger Jaeger like this.
  15. Uerguy

    Uerguy Well-Known Member

    23 Jul 2017
    Shooting torps and cannons.
    nowhere in particular
    I love mortar spammers, just not on my team. Since they tend to camp, but when they are on the unfriends, it's usually a quick match for my team. I'm at 2.4k infamy, so don't give me excuses, boy. A well coordinated enemy mortar spamming team is annoying, especially when your team is oblivious to mortar fire. You can focus on everyone around you and give them the blame, but that won't change anything.
    "You can't change the world, but you can change yourself..."

    Now I'm not saying that you are a terrible player, what I'm referring to is by changing your attitude about certain situations. I know that sounds cliche but it's true! In some days in which I feel down I tend to perform worse. And I also used to blame everyone around me for my losing streaks. Remember to keep a cool head under pressure, especially when a meteor shower is pointed at you. What really helps me when I'm stressing out mid game is by changing my perspective on the situation. Instead of getting pestered by shooters who are mortar camping, I drive out of their range and use their position (given off by the mortar fire) to plan a surprise attack. You try to think up of anti-mortar spammer tactics and practice them in the field. Also try to relax while playing. I'm not telling you to be a better player by changing your tactics, I just want you to use your own unique strategy and be yourself.
    Evilchicken235 and HighHammer like this.
  16. ~ HuNteR ~

    ~ HuNteR ~ New Member

    18 May 2017
    Talking about multi sniper shots coming at one's way... Just killed an unfriend today in less than 2 seconds... When three of us shot snipers n all of us got critic hit... 45oo health gone in a second... Wish i could record it ;)
  17. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    If there's anything that's OP in this game it's sniper rifle crit chance. All the devs probably use it though so no change.
  18. Disguised

    Disguised Well-Known Member

    11 Jul 2017
    Actually, lot's of devs use blast cannon.

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