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Top used items all legends!

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Memorize, 14 May 2017.

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    BITTERSTEEL Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Actually, Rovio's marketing department has been giving away free pearls, and perhaps even real money, to popular YouTubers in hopes of popularizing Battle Bay. Check this out:

    In the first few seconds, he's thanking Rovio for sending him all those free pearls. Obviously he hasn't bought 40k with REAL money. Who's to say the original post isn't another Rovio sponsorship?
  2. peaceful monkey

    peaceful monkey Active Member

    5 May 2017
    omfg in my currency thats enough to buy a car or a 3 ps4's omg
  3. Emilia

    Emilia Member

    7 Apr 2017
    I actually said to Zeus when the totally new shop and way came out if it was possible for people to just buy their way to the top. Not only do you have these examples but also ones like smann in Zeus' own guild who has bought their way into basically nightmare rank with no effort.
  4. D3X

    D3X Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Yep, smann is moving up the ranks quickly. His skills and talent shows, but there's no denying that items contribute a huge part of that to allow him to move up that quickly. Soon when the players who buy into this game will catch up to the 40+ soft launch players (heck it's only been 2 weeks since Global release) with T4 or T5 level Legendaries, let's see if there's a change of tone with our current leaders.

    For myself, when I am able to upgrade an item from T3-T4 etc even in Rare or Epic form, it bumps my infamy level up noticeably. So for these high paying players, it will be way more prominent.

    (Note: these playing players are already level 30+, which took me about a 3-4 months of Freemium with some P2W splurges; They are Going at a MUCH more rapid pace, they will probably reach Level 50 in about 1.5-2months time.)
  5. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I totally agree with this. Despite skill being crucial in battles and your wins, items also play a part of your battle. For me, I got speeder MK6 + Epic T4 Flare gun just weeks ago, and my infamy went up by almost 500, and now I'm in nightmare league.
    So, I think that in order to really progress, not only that it takes skill and practice, items also play a part of progression.
    Really... That's why some of us are here -- Some (maybe most people here) got a lot of skills and practice, but the under-levelled items cost the progression and rise in infamy.
  6. "har"Smash until the end

    "har"Smash until the end Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Somewhere in the earth
    Example could be me.if u notice,actually I got the skills of being a fixer since I watch videos and learn from it.bit the only problem is my LUCK.the result of being very unlucky,I combined an epic duct tape and need to find 10 green piece to a chance of finding epic repair plus again.......know what my epic repair pluse is keep waiting for me to evolve.....#poorepicrepairpluse
    Result:2.6 k infamy.... :'( can't fleet with nightmare players.
  7. Charlotte Douche

    Charlotte Douche Well-Known Member

    27 Apr 2017
    Douch Land
    Talking about LEGEND stuff, The damage jump for EXPLOSIVE CANNON is crazy. Cant imagine low level dude getting hit by 882 starting damage
  8. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Ahh @Charlotte Douche! That's how Smann got up to nightmare league easily with his T2 legendary Explosive cannon!
  9. Winkleberry5

    Winkleberry5 Active Member

    11 May 2017
    Yes I agree with you guys weapons do play a big role in the game but I just can't seem to reach anywhere near nightmare league, and I have T3 Legendary cannon and another T1?legendary cannon mounted on MK4 Speeder. So I would say Ship levels play a pretty big role as well.
  10. "har"Smash until the end

    "har"Smash until the end Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Somewhere in the earth
    Believe me,smann is not that hard to beat.he is too proud and goes for the enemy and suicide
  11. Jammo

    Jammo Member

    6 Apr 2017
    The Fighthouse
    You've been playing for 3wks. The progress you have made in that amount of time is sickening and proves BB has become P2W. A normal player grinding for 12months and spending about $100 would be no where near the level you are now. Rovio have made it pretty clear by way of their actions that your demographic is the target group.
    SCOOTY PUFF Jr likes this.
  12. Faze Rug

    Faze Rug New Member

    14 May 2017
    If you believe it is p2w, then what?? Are you just going to quit? There's really not much to complain, as for a lot of given online games there will always be users investing a lot of their money in their interests. No need to hate, people can spend money on what they want, if you dislike it you can quit.. I'm sure there are plenty of f2p games out there that may be more so-called "fair" as you describe than battle bay.
  13. Jammo

    Jammo Member

    6 Apr 2017
    The Fighthouse
    Take a deep breath @Faze Rug .

    Let me explain my issue a little bit more simply for the sake of BB noobs like you.

    Soft launch good! Shop good! Item upgrade system good! @Jammo spend money. @Jammo have good time. BB good!

    V2.0 upgrade bad. Shop bad. No choice to buy items bad. RnG only bad. Power Cells bad. Scrapping items give useless parts bad. @Jammo spend less money while giving new update a chance. Less fun had bad. BB bad.

    Global launch good. Whales join game bad. Whales spend $1000s to buy OP weapons bad. Whales catch up to original players who spend a little money and much time bad. Whales make @Jammo 's weapons that he spent real money on useless and uncompetitive bad. @Jammo spends no more real money because previous investment has become worthless bad. @Jammo quits and complains non-stop about how good BB was and warns other players of end game myth bad. BB bad.

    I'm not sure how I can make the concept any easier to understand o_O
  14. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    I hope you Jammo would understand that nothing on that front actually changed drastically in 2.0. The previous shop was also RNG, you either had to wait or pay pearls to refresh the shop and you didn't get anything back unless you also bought the item when it appeared. Now you open/buy RNG boxes but the difference is that you get the loot inside of the boxes for free. RNG before, RNG after, just in slighly different package.

    What it comes to "whales", nothing has changed on that front either. It has been always possible to speed up your progress by using money, both pre-2.0 and after-2.0, and people have been doing that, there is no difference. The only change is that now with global launch we have a lot of new players, which of course means we have more paying players also. They progress faster, but when they enter the battle they are completely on the level playing field with other players with similar progress, no matter how they got their progress. That is not "pay to win", that is "pay to progress faster".

    I'm sorry you don't like Battle Bay anymore but why spend your time here complaining about it then? There are thousands of new games coming to app stores every day and I'm sure you'll find something there to make you happy again. And if for any reason you don't then welcome back, the Bay always has room for one more ship!
    Memorize likes this.
  15. Charlotte Douche

    Charlotte Douche Well-Known Member

    27 Apr 2017
    Douch Land
    just say moar payer

    Also the problem is not because they change the shop or anything but the bay was open on 4th of may and the whale came in, what a fortunate bay :rolleyes:.
    Last edited: 17 May 2017
  16. Jammo

    Jammo Member

    6 Apr 2017
    The Fighthouse
    Not P2W you reckon @Miika ?

    @Winkleberry5 has bought enough epic containers for 4 Legendary items in 3 weeks. That is equivalent to atleast 40 containers worth a total of 156,000 pearls!!!

    How is your average BB player going to obtain 156,000 pearls? That is 1,560 days with the pearl diver purchase (equivalent to 4.2 years of playing and buying pearls). That is not a normal progression. Further, that is a progression line completely out of reach for the F2W players. The whales will reach the top players soon and no amount of skill will negate the DPS of their Legendary items.

    Your game is P2W.

    I'm pissed off because your update significantly slowed the progression for newer players like myself. Where it was once possible for me to catch the established Nightmare league players, the V2.0 update crushed that idea along with rendering the investment in real money I made worthless.

    Add to this the impossibility of paying players like me obtaining Legendaries and you have the makings for a game aimed directly at the super rich only.
  17. Jammo

    Jammo Member

    6 Apr 2017
    The Fighthouse
    Oh, and by the way @Miika , I bought an epic container before I quit the game.

    Wanna know what I was rewarded for the grind and real money spent?

    I got an epic standard shield and a yellow legendary item piece... f@#k your RNG system. What use does my shooter have for a yellow item? Why would I upgrade an epic standard shield when my rare large shield is stronger.

    That was the straw that broke the camel's back. All the disappointment of your game rolled into one moment.
  18. Jonathan Lin

    Jonathan Lin New Member

    12 May 2017
    You're blaming the developer when they're providing you a free to play game. Nothing in life is "free", SOMEONE has to be doing work behind the scenes. SOMEONE needs to get paid. Are you saying that Battle Bay should not have IAP at all? In that case, you can say good bye to Battle Bay and 95% of games all together. And, if you play any sort of other games, you know that there will ALWAYS be people who spend thousands and thousands if they enjoy it. Why is this a problem? Yeah you might have a few games that are imbalanced by heavy spenders, but if you enjoy the game enough to be playing, then deal with those 5 MINUTES of your life because those spenders are the ones funding the creators. And if you still feel so passionately about it then spend the money yourself. If you can't? Well that's on you.
    HeroicBubbles and Winkleberry5 like this.
  19. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @Miika The one huge difference before 2.0 & now is that we could choose not to buy items we didn't want before -- Now you have to buy the parts & then later find out that it converts into something you would not have bought before. Gold strain is incredibly tight now, which I suppose is intended to stimulate pearl usage. The last shop update I like though -- Perhaps long term there could be the added option of buying 1 duplicate pr month or w/e, would guarantee some hope of progression.
    The lvl 1 stats of legendaries is a pretty clear signal to potential spenders that you can buy easy progress -- Dump cash = 1 shotting profit.
    At the end of the day its your game, you can do with it what you want. Having grown up with games since the early 90's, I do find it sad that the freemium-model is turning into the dominant one. I'll bet you that none of you developers got into the industry hoping to design microtransfer stimulations that syphon thousand of dollars out of weak minds, but as usual the spreadsheet boys make the decisions not the game designers. Sad times.

    @Jonathan Lin Insulting a guy for his inability to spend money when he just posted that he did spend money is perhaps not your strongest argument?
    And yes, there is a problem. 99% of games released are trash these days, the freemium model is heavily responsible for that. Quality down the drain for an endless stream of half empty mobile apps. The consumers supporting this hidious development are surely the one's responsible though, companies obviously go where the money is. That doesn't mean that people have to like it though!
    Last edited: 17 May 2017
    D3X, Helius Maximus and Jammo like this.
  20. monobrow

    monobrow Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    @Jammo has plenty of time to spend on game to grind stuff, good for @Jammo
    @others have less time to grind stuff and more money to buy stuff, good for @others

    Overall, @everyone wins.
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