Wow! Thank you, Reboot

We're working hard to make the next tournament even more EPIC
We've got
TWO new things to announce today:
1) COMMUNITY FIGURES --- To make the tournament super fun & interesting we've reached out to a few dank 'community figures' in the BB scene and offered them a ticket to the tournament.
They are: Genki Gamers, American Marauder, Diet Coke, and Bastone!
Welcome to T2, guys! Anyone who knows these guys knows they are very active players, streamers and/or forum contributors. If you compete in the tournament you might be staring down one of these guys. We're super excited to have them and look forward to seeing what skilled players they go head to head against.
As you guys know, the STAR system has its own proprietary algorithm and while you can get some really sweet stuff in the crates you unlock with stars, we've been interested in making the tournament EVEN MORE FAIR to all players of all ship classes so here's what we're proposing for scoring T2. (Shout out to
@American Marauder for his help conceiving this idea with us)
A match between players will be scored in BAE pts as follows:
- 2 pts for each STAR
- 2 pts for each KILL
- 1 pt for each 2500 dmg/healing done - healing points will only be awarded to fixers (bandaids don't count)
** This is an open forum guys & a discussion. Let us know what you think about these updates if you have an opinion and registration is extended until the 29th where we will have a lottery and live stream all the tournament competitors who are selected.
** UPDATE: We will be revisiting this issue tomorrow after we've gotten feedback from the BAE WATCH discord (120 members & feedback funneling in as we speak!) and confirm that we will use STARS or BAE pts. Thank you
Good luck to all of you in battle & we will see you on the Bay
PS guyz- The tournament date isn't set in stone yet but will be sometime in late October!Click to expand...