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The Bay is getting thin

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Jdm7, 17 Sep 2017.

  1. Jdm7

    Jdm7 Active Member

    14 Jul 2017
    Has anyone else noticed how empty the Bay is getting? Matches for me at 2k infamy are taking forever to start. Please wake up Devs don't let this game die it's great and I enjoy playing it. Unfortunately, with you taking little interest in it, it's tanking. So sad.....
  2. KRMcP

    KRMcP New Member

    3 Jul 2017
    very true
  3. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    It's your net. At 2700-2800 the matches start instantly for me.
  4. EyeOfDoom

    EyeOfDoom Well-Known Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Because main rush is over and devs failed to capitalize that.
  5. oDDD

    oDDD Member

    9 May 2017
    Lack of updates is astounding. No announcments, no future plans being talked about (much) Devs practically mutes. Its sad how stagnant this game is. I quite like 2 months ago it seems and been checking forums every day for some sign of an update or something new to a meta shift. Nothing. War Robots has updated like 3 times in that time. Other games i play intermittently jave updated 2 times. This game is just sad. Wanted to jump back in but doubt i ever will. Bet there are alot of players just fading out due to NOTHING HAPPENING.
  6. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Devs thought it was cool to release an unfinished game globally then decide to have a summer break, great planning.
  7. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    I havnt been playin much ether. Just go to collect past few days. Same with my husband. Fuck it..waiting for something new and fun and to fix the bs matchmaking. Idc for the explanations about why they think their matchmaking is fair. Because well..it's not.
  8. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Been waiting on dupes for wayyyy to long. My main weapons are only t3 and i bounce from 2000-2200 where most are t4+ and legendary. And the 2 fixers vs 1 or none is bs...yes ik ik POSSIBLE to win but lets look at the stats..how much more possible is it for the team healing everyone compared to not? Obvious they have an advantage. And some days thats allllll my matches. Un friends get healing and we dont. Idc for people trying to argue that dont waste ur fingers.
  9. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    And the whole forced to win 50% n lose 50% is bs.
    Jdm7 and Ovidmikel like this.
  10. JustPlainSowad

    JustPlainSowad Active Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Product Manager//Technology Entrepreneur
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
    I have so many different perspectives in my head rn. I don't even know what to say. I'm kinda speechless.

    If I was one of the team member who created this. I probably wouldn't be able to control myself in front of you. It's their baby man. No one wants to be a failure - see their creation go to waste. Good game developers want to create great games played by many. I'm sure the management knew what they were doing/devs didn't agree or not etc. But I do think maybe global launch should've been delayed. And getting item duplicated (at least for rares) would be easier. Matchmaking was fair and that guilds were actually functional. Too many things (features) - you probably have no idea how each feature is broken down and what needs to be done for each stage. I think they're following AGILE/SCRUM. But as far as I know 11 team developer for this huge game is a lot of pressure for them. I know they're not purposely doing this to mess up our time with battle bay. They probably have to compete with other rovio games and if the revenue isn't good who knows if the management would keep the game. I'm sure the management and developers know the scope and what this game can be its potential. I'm sure they're trying their best as fast as they can. I really hope things work out at the end. We can't really blame them. At the end its our time - we can play whatever we want in our free time for fun and enjoyment and the devs will care for the game - its' their creation. it's their baby. idk man I'm just putting myself in your shoes, my shoes and theirs. Loads of things to consider. And I do understand Rovio needs to take control of this ship otherwise soon this toxic mentality would grow and everything would go upside down.
    Jumppanen, TheAntiSnipe and Wishaal like this.
  11. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    I would have vastly preferred the game being delayed globally when looking at its current state right now. There's just so much unfinished business right now:
    • Shop still sucks; playing underlevelled because having "skill" pushes you up beyond the average, feels like a punishment and isn't fun
    • Gold is annoying yet sugar is so easy to come
    • League rewards suck
    • Calendar sucks
    • Guilds are useless (currently fixing but how did basic functionality escape them in the first place)
    • Lack of diversity in ship at early-mid games; commitment to one
    • Matchmaking for some people I guess
    • Ships aren't balanced at all; speeder/shooter dominated
    • Lack of events???
    There's probably more but these are what I currently dislike about the game. I've given the game this much chance because the concept had real potential to pull off but ofc followed by poor management and planning (LET'S TAKE A DAMN HOLIDAY SOON AFTER RELEASE) combined with their small dev team, it's simply not enough right now for me. The next update is probably what makes or break this game for me (released in 2030).
  12. - Oskar -

    - Oskar - Well-Known Member

    27 Jun 2017
    it´s a mess that is sure, matchmaking constantly keeping even 2000 different infamy players, just not fun. They die in two shots...same players and maps once and once...
  13. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    Moral of the story is a ton of us quit when we couldn't upgrade anything anymore.

    I can deal with crappy MM and a stupid infamy-based rating system if at least I'm playing for a goal of upgrading something. But when it's scrap, scrap, scrap, it's no fun.
    Kazeshini likes this.
  14. Zachiderp

    Zachiderp Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    This game forces you to play one ship/weapon or play with the parts you get most often. If not progression is siignificany
    JustPlainSowad likes this.
  15. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Have never had to wait longer than 10-15 seconds for a game.
  16. KILGOR

    KILGOR Member

    27 Apr 2017
    Zangetsu, you summed it up nicely. This game has many serious problems and no one seems to be fixing them. They rushed the global launch when the game wasn't ready and this game is not as fun since then. Many games are unevenly matched and it is increasingly difficult to upgrade. Rewards are not commensurate to the amount of effort a player puts into a game while at the same time the game seems to punish players every chance it gets. The things you need to progress are hard to come by whereas you guild mate who doesn't use what you need, gets them in pads. I have the following items: 50k common, 30k uncommon, 3k rare, 90 epic, 70 legendary.....and NOTHING TO UPGRADE.

    I personally am loosing interest as I find it more frustrating than enjoyable.
  17. KILGOR

    KILGOR Member

    27 Apr 2017
    ....gets them in spades....
  18. CaffeinatedChris

    CaffeinatedChris MVP

    4 Aug 2017
    3200-3300 range I've been noticing up to 20s queue time.

    But if it gets me good matches I'm okay with that.
    retryW likes this.
  19. JustPlainSowad

    JustPlainSowad Active Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Product Manager//Technology Entrepreneur
    Dhaka, Bangladesh
    someone explain this to me maybe? I've seen this happen often (i even checked - not the same time on different days and sometimes twice/thrice a day). does this have to do with my location? infamy range? and the time I'm playing?

  20. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Do you mean the bay being nearly empty? Players are always distributed into instances of max 30, and how many you see there does not have any correlation to how many are actually online.
    Elena Kr and JustPlainSowad like this.

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