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Current Shop System, does it suck?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by D3X, 26 Apr 2017.


What do you think of the Current Shop / Item System?

  1. Needs work.

  2. Good.

  1. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    I'm not saying that people shouldn't use money to games. Go ahead and use if you want but what I was saying is that don't make the game be like buy all the time so you can progress. At the moment the game just feels like that you can't progress (at least not fast enough to keep your interest up) unless you pay hundreds and hundreds again.
  2. Albzi

    Albzi New Member

    12 May 2017
    Ah I see what you mean now. I'm still at a relatively low level so I've not ran into those 'pay walls' you speak about, but I'm sure without paying you can still proceed just not as fast as someone who pays. I don't think that's necessarily unfair.
  3. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    I edited my comment a bit just before you quoted it. Please check the edited part :) (marked as green)
  4. Jammo

    Jammo Member

    6 Apr 2017
    The Fighthouse
    I'm an educated person. I have a +$100k per year career and I'm a competitive gamer. I played BB for months during the soft launch before the 2.0 upgrade. I was willing to spend real money on BB (and I did). But it would be a total amount no more than what I thought the game was worth. However, the astronomical pricing system and pure RNG rewards has me literally laughing at anyone that is willing to pull out their credit card now.
  5. KnightOfZ

    KnightOfZ Member

    8 May 2017
    I've been around the block or two with online games.
    It's fine if there are paying players, however the question is how much is $1 compared to another players time? Is it an hour? A day? A week? Month(s)?

    In any game the strong stay/get stronger. It wouldn't be fair to them otherwise. The question is is the gap closeable for lower players or are we destined to swim in different ponds indefinitely? How long does it take to close the gap if it is possible? How much harder do I need to work/grind/play in order to close that gap?

    It's cliche but people really don't like uncertainty and at the moment it's hard to measure these things to give answers to these questions.

    You could theoretically make a prediction chart that indicates your player level, your daily gaming amount, your self proclaimed skill level, your infamy which dictates your league and thus reward amounts, your current equipment level, and the amount of money you spend monthly. You could then guess your progress rate and compare it to another persons.

    However most of those things are "vaguely" measured so in the end you can't even trust that chart to some degree. To throw that off, you can't calculate luck (I mean I guess you could calculate probability) but that's just adding more uncertainty. Maybe you'll get that item on your first role. Maybe you will never ever ever get it.

    I'm not saying it's wrong, pretty much any game these days has a gacha system. I'm just saying give players a goal to work towards. A goal they can see and set for themselves. Not one entirely depended on luck.

    In other games maybe you will never find that .01% drop rate item, but you can save up your ingame currency and eventually get it from a player who was fortunate.

    Maybe you can't or won't pay money for a cash shop item that clearly defines the meta, but you can eventually buy it from a player selling it for ingame currency/items.

    In other words, make unobtainable items obtainable. Give players more options to get to where they want. Cause at the moment it's pay AND/or leave it to fate. Hard work needs to be an option. It needs to be MORE of an option.

    Other wise it's like trying to pay for college so you can catch up to middle/upper class someday with a minimum wage part time job which has a 1/20 chance of paying you for your efforts.
    Last edited: 12 May 2017
    Jammo, D3X and TheRedSpeeder like this.
  6. Albzi

    Albzi New Member

    12 May 2017
    I think the problem is though at what point does it become too easy to get everything and then the game earns no money because it's all quite easily obtainable through normal play time? That just isn't a good business model in my opinion where nobody spends money.

    I have put hardly any money in (Just £5 for the special pack) and I'm having tons of fun still even against people who are quite clearly a lot better than me.

    I do agree with what you guys are saying to an extent, it's not fair for F2P players to be left in the dust and it be down COMPLETELY to RNG but I also think that unfortunately there has to be some element of RNG because then nobody would spend any money.
  7. Mr squiqqle

    Mr squiqqle Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Well I'm just putting this post here for the Devs so they don't ban me from the game. I'm hanging up my fixer hat for now. I'm gonna go speeder. I'm not very good, and my items aren't very high level, so that means my Infamy WILL drop. Currently @ 2600.. I'm guessing I'll be sitting about 1800. So just making my disclaimer now. I'm not seal clubbing, just not playing at my top potential as a fixer due to having been stuck at the wall since 2200, but have been carried up to 2600. Repeat, I am NOT purposely dropping infamy, I just know speeder isn't my best strength, but am gonna play it anyway
  8. Sifa

    Sifa Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Lol as long as you are actually playing and not floating afk, you are not breaking any rules. Of course people can try out different ships when they want and you are not required to have good items before you switch :)
    TheRedSpeeder likes this.
  9. Mr squiqqle

    Mr squiqqle Well-Known Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I take pride in not ever being an afk-er. I may have afk-ed 2 times in my Battle Bay career, due to life commitments, but if it is at all possible, I never afk. I feel that is one of the worst things we can do to our teammates. But I felt, with all the talk of intentional infamy dropping that a record had to be made of my intentions
    JDAR likes this.
  10. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    I kind of did the same, but I created another account and in there i choose enforcer. It is fun to take down mk4 noobs with the mk2 enforcer. Another thing is that now is very hard to get enough gold to upgrade the ship, therefore those noobs are for sure paying so much money, they got level 3 rares and epics and have around 1800 infamy, which can't be achieved by normal means, they for sure are spending a lot of money. But even with my low level enforcer and T2 uncommons i make them sweat, although the problem is the same, if they get me, i'm down in two shots.
    With my main account, yesterday was in a couple of battles against @Pewpewdie, He have legendary torphedos I think, he took almost 4k in a single shot... That is just ridiculous. My T3 torphedo barely makes 1.2k, it is obvious we don't belong in the same league, the matchmaking system just sucks.
    Mr squiqqle likes this.
  11. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @Helius Maximus lol, give it a little time. The new players will be at your level soon enough. Then you won't have to see us big guys hardly ever. And everybody will be happy as a result. Hopefully it cuts down the whining a bit too.
  12. Helius Maximus

    Helius Maximus Active Member

    25 Apr 2017
    Monterrey, NL, MX
    Well I don't think the whinning will go, if anything it will increase, now that several mid-range battlers are grinding, those lower level noobs will complain about basicaly the same.
    TheRedSpeeder and D3X like this.
  13. RESQMI

    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    It is a vicious cycle which will repeat itself again, another 2 months down the road it will be the new players, starting from global launch to complain.
    Just hope that by then the player pool is bigger we can have a better match making update, maybe take player current league he is in with infamy points into consideration for a match.
    For me personally I don't mind the RNG system as I'm not a competitive player and I don't spend any cash for in game purchase. This game is more like a time sink for me, If I'm free will just try to clear the daily quest and play enough to get 75 stars to open the free crates. If I keep this up for another 6 months I may have gears decent enough to have a chance against the top players and wallet warriors.:rolleyes:
    Helius Maximus likes this.
  14. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Heyyy I know u @RESQMI! I featured your fine fixing in one of my videos... I think 29... with henrisonmd. You have a good future ahead of you in bb. ;)
  15. RESQMI

    RESQMI Active Member

    16 Apr 2017
    Lol nice to be featured in your vids. Defender with fixer is a good combo.:D
  16. HeroicBubbles

    HeroicBubbles Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    It seems like at least half the games now in the 2k+ infamy range are filled with chaos league players suiciding into the other team a the beginning trying to drop infamy. Really ruining the game for others like me. I guess this is side affects from having players with gear in nightmare that is no longer as easy to level.
  17. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    6 May 2017
    Yes but keep in mind the developers want to balance the game and it new so you have to wait and to see what will come
  18. Jammo

    Jammo Member

    6 Apr 2017
    The Fighthouse
    It's not new champ. BB is a year old now and has been going backwards since the soft launch
  19. Captain_Perry

    Captain_Perry Active Member

    6 Apr 2017
    I mean... Not sure. I have been playing since the soft launch, but I couldn't really decide if it's really going bad. First things first, allow me to explain (or maybe just guess) why we have the system like it is now.

    Long ago, shops have 12 slots, with complete items (common, uncommon, rare and epic) and star boxes (common, uncommon, rare and epic). You used to be able to buy whatever you want, then if you got something you didn't want you could either sell it for gold, or "fuse" into your other items and gain exp. You level up your items by fusing, and evolve by finding duplicates. Easy.
    However, the developers have found people not knowing how to level up items despite the tutorial, and people that complain about stuff they want not appearing for ages. Trying to solve this problem, the devs came up with this new system, so that levelling up is "simplified" to a fixed amount of parts and sugar per level, and buying only pieces from the shop so you are constantly collecting things.

    However, this new system was not perfect. No system is perfect, but this system received a number of complaints. People complain that obtaining items are more difficult due to the fact that you won't know what item you are going to get, and also how levelling up items and progressing still becomes harder. I've seen a lot of new players not even knowing where and how to find common/uncommon duplicates.

    Let me be honest -- a better solution for before was just to make a more advanced tutorial and make more features to guide new players.
    But since we have this new system, that doesn't mean that there are no solutions. I think I wrote about it a few pages before.

    Hope you guys can understand more from this story.
  20. "har"Smash until the end

    "har"Smash until the end Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Somewhere in the earth
    I think the item part should change.you can buy 2 same rarity item from the shop.and epic shouldn't cost that much pearls/change to expensive gold because 3000 pearls can highly be know as PAY2GETEPIC

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