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Difficulties pushing infamy

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by FALCO, 4 Sep 2017.

  1. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    That certainly is the vibe we're getting but for our sakes I hope you are wrong.

    They have no real reason to not use an existing method which is successful and the players don't hate. Especially when our active member count is apparently declining with matchmaking being a big part of the reason
  2. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    You missed the part where I said if those items were reworked
  3. FALCO

    FALCO Active Member

    20 Jun 2017
    How does the war robots matchamking work?
  4. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    After a huge climb, the numbers do finally seem to be dropping. I think that is fairly common for a newish game, although I feel the current state of the early game is too volatile to keep new players in. Screenshot_20170906-232811.png
  5. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    A 10% drop over a month (on devices from a single manufacturer) doesnt show all that much :)
    3 weeks ago (when the number rose) people were complaining about exactly the same issues, yet more people joined. Careful to read too much meaning into narrow data.

    Games go up and down (with peaks around new large patches and drops inbetween). Freemium practice tends to be that new patches are launched once income drops too much, then you invent a new way to subtract $$$ and patch the game :)
  6. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    It is based on a number of things:

    1 - Infamy level. For this ranking, all players are split into "infamy levels" based on total infamy. But their infamy scoring system is progressive, so if you finish first in game, you get more infamy than the rest of your team. Finish first on the losing team? Still positive infamy points. The top infamy bracket is pretty wide, so it ensures decently good active people are at the top, while some top players who aren't active are still in the top group as well.

    2 - What level bot you run. Putting it into Battle Bay terms, it would mean capping the spread of boat levels at no more than one level different in each game. Meaning MK5 and MK6 can be in the same game, but not MK6 and MK4.

    3 - What level weapon you run on your bot. Similar to boat, it would mean that the weapon level and damage are similar for all players.

    4 - You can run full squads, but are matched based on the strongest player.
  7. FALCO

    FALCO Active Member

    20 Jun 2017
    Yeah that seens very good i used to play war robots but when i got to the workshop points it got sooo boring to have to wait all the time so i got bored of it
    And now like 3 years after i deleted it i downloaded it again and i lost all my progress so i didnt want to restart

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