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Losing interest

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by CanCockSin, 6 Sep 2017.


still interested or loosing interest

  1. Still interested

  2. Loosing interest

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  1. CanCockSin

    CanCockSin New Member

    2 May 2017
    I've bin playing since pretty much battle bay came out and I don't know what it is maybe the lack of getting the weapons I want or lack of gaining infamy or how long it's bin taking to level up my characters even when buying pearls or it just seems that teams seem unfair at times or the lacking communication during game play has just started making me loose interest in the game. I seem to just load the game up to get my free care packages and don't even bother playing a battle cuz 9 out of 10 times I play I loose but have the best battle score on my team. Does anyone else feel the way I do ? What do the other pirates of battle bay think about how the game started out from to the controversial update that change the game play and weapon acquiring dynamics To what the game is now. Is it still as fun as when you vets started ? Is it fun for all u that never got to play the game before the up date or is there other people loosing interest like me?
  2. Sewah

    Sewah Well-Known Member

    14 May 2017
    I play to win battle and also i play to experiment items (thus i create selfish fixer).

    So, if i lose or win, i still have fun.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  3. BasedCarpen

    BasedCarpen Well-Known Member

    15 Jul 2017
    Im about done as well, I'm just fed up with the matchmaking and infamy reward system. And yes having a fixer on your team does give you an unfair advantage, I've played thousands of battles
  4. SharkTank

    SharkTank Active Member

    19 May 2017
    I went from what felt like 50 battles a day to 5.

    Once you stop leveling up your weapons consistently and realize that you can't really ever get a better hanger without years of work or paying a lot of money, it becomes less fun.

    Couple that with winning 50% of the time no matter how good you are, and it's inevitable.

    The bottom line is that this game is very one dimensional. There is little overall team strategy or team building. There is a small online community. There is little chance of seeing the "light at the end of the tunnel," which is what keeps most people going.

    Once you realize the light is merely a reflection of others' tail lights, the game becomes far less fun.
    D3X likes this.
  5. Zusay

    Zusay Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    There was a little holiday update break but there are great things to come soon, so I am actually looking forward to that a lot!
    Skye likes this.
  6. Rated R

    Rated R Member

    26 Jul 2017
    Thanks Kati Levoranta

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