How about THIS for maximum saltiness?..
This player was an old guild leader..We fleeted a few times and were the only ones who used guild chat. I left because it was boring..and the leader was getting weird.
After I left he sent me messages about revenge blah blah.
Eventually we got teamed up against each other.. I didn't even realise until after when he messaged me.. apparently he'd killed me with torps(which was a lie.. I checked battle log).
I replied telling him he had issues and laughed about how many battles he'd played compared to his infamy.
A few weeks later I saw him on my team as a he spams negative and rushes at the enemy and intentionally dies. Happily for me I did my highest ever damage and completed an achievement.
A couple of days later..same again..he was fixer on my team and intentionally I told him I'd reported him.
That's when he lost his mind I think
and he spammed me with abusive I unfriended him.
Today..he was in my team again!! a shooter..yep..he raced at the enemy and intentionally I sent a friend request to ask what his problem was.. I didn't have the chance..he spammed me and unfriended careful whose guild you never know what sort of nutter the leader is
Here's a few pics..
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