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Bug- reconnect with ghost fleet of previous battle

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by SotalyTober, 29 Aug 2017.

  1. SotalyTober

    SotalyTober New Member

    13 May 2017
    about once to two times a day , i get disconnected, and when i reconnect, im in same battle arena with the same ppl, at start of game clock. Usually the only ones that are active are me and the entire enemy fleet. Ive had this happen a total of about 8 times now. Obviously its a loss upon reconnecting when my entire team isnt present and if the prev game was a loss im getting two losses each time this disc/reconnect bug happens. Photos included.

    Attached Files:

    Alanroy32 likes this.
  2. SotalyTober

    SotalyTober New Member

    13 May 2017
    Including a copy of conversation with someone from opposite team that was in both battles

    Attached Files:

    Alanroy32 likes this.
  3. SotalyTober

    SotalyTober New Member

    13 May 2017
    Still happening, just occured again today, battle was almost over, ingot disconnected and reconnected. Same mal same players. Maybe 2 on my team and 2 on other team were actually in play in the new game, everyone else were floating targets.
    Alanroy32 likes this.
  4. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    It's been seen and reported and caught on video, but they still haven't figured out whats up.

    (I personally would love to experience this glitch, it sounds fun!)

    Also, super weird!
    fr4nk1yn and Alanroy32 like this.
  5. fr4nk1yn

    fr4nk1yn Well-Known Member

    19 Jul 2017
    I got that 3 times one night. My theory is it's not a ghost fleet. Just a soulless one. If you stay in that battle long enough the team will join as they leave the previous battle.

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