Personally I don't think the "time span" should even matter due to the fact there was no warning. I could understand if there was a warning a few weeks or so ago or even a week, and if the behavior hasn't been corrected after a warning, then sure, you can dish out the punishment relative to the time span, and other factors. I just don't get how they never warn someone, which in return is letting them and the community think that said behavior is acceptable, but then out of the blue hand out a punishment like this. To me, If you think about it, then they are the ones that partially responsible for the situation, because like I mentioned, the lack of warning, and the allowance to let it keep happening. And because of these reasons how is someone supposed to know where the line is? But my biggest issue is how can you mention the time span and elude to that the punishment handed out is light considering the time span of abuse, when there was no warning!!?! Maybe it's just me, but that doesn't make much sense. I've been VIP since it went global, and enjoy the chat,community and the roasting as it's usually lighthearted (usually) and it's not like there's only one or a couple people doing it. It happens quite a bit, which again proves my point (or one of them), that it is acceptable to do so, and nobody knows where the line is. Lastly, I believe everyone should be treated the same and fairly, but in reality we know how the world works. With that being said, how do you not give a warning before handing out punishment to one of the games biggest, if not the biggest spender? But I guess that's just one more thing that doesn't make sense in what I would call a major CF

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