First off, I'm gonna keep updating this as I do this in the future

Second, shout out to Captain Gilligin, he did this twice!
Basically, for those unaware, you can mass buy common items from the shop and scrap them in hopes of rare parts etc.
Also, I don't record uncommon parts/cells because those are pretty useless for me
Total Scrapped: 600
Total Gold Spent: 3,000,000
Total Rare Pieces: 55
Average Gold per Piece: 54,545
Last Updater: Captain Gilligan
1 legendary power cell
11 epic power cells / 0 epic parts
26 rare power cells / 147 rare parts
6 rare
green item pieces
30 rare
red item pieces
5 rare
blue item piece
14 rare
yellow item pieces
1 epic
red piece
1 legendary
blue piece!
1 legendary
red piece!
1 legendary
green piece!
Interesting that epic pieces as of now are rarer than legendary? Likely due to small sample size is my guess
If anyone would like to add onto this list, go ahead and try it out yourself and post on this thread, I'll make sure to update it with everyone's results

. The more we have, the more accurate our % will be!
Contributors: Ian92999, LotharusMaximus, @Climax, Captain Gilligan (Last Update = August 26th)
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