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Shooting Before It Turns Green (Advanced Tactics)

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Netsa, 22 Aug 2017.

  1. Netsa

    Netsa Well-Known Member

    9 May 2017
    Targeting in this game works a little strangely with the water. The reticle will only turn green if your shot would hit the target directly if neither you nor the enemy moved from your current positions. What happens after you fire is anyone's guess. Now that we have that basic information out of the way, let's get advanced. There are a few situations where firing your weapon without getting confirmation is usually a good idea. If you know an enemy is rushing directly for you but they're outside of your current range, pay attention to the range number and you can go ahead and fire your gun for the hit. If an enemy is sailing around a corner, you can shoot to hit the bow of their ship without waiting for the green. If an enemy is in fog-of-war (I know there's no literal fog in this game, just talking about lack of sight), you can still hit them with a well-placed shot if you know where they are. Mortars have extra range past their direct-hit reticle, so as long as they know there's nothing in their way they don't really have to wait.

    Things get even more difficult on maps with large waves, particularly Sub-Zero. The green reticle can almost never be trusted, because the vertical position of your target is shifting too much. Even if you're right next to a guy, if he's too much higher than you on an incline, your gun will act like it's an impossible shot, forcing you to manually angle your gun upwards.

    The point of this thread is to bring this phenomenon out of the shadows, since there hasn't been any discussion on this that I could find. The general consensus is to always wait for confirmation, but I believe we can become much better marksmen if we don't rely entirely on that. There's more situations than those I just stated where you can fire without a green crosshair and still hit your target. For example, swivel shots where you fire at where you would be leading your shot without locking onto your target first, alternate-target shots where you fire on someone you weren't directly targeting at all and, of course, blind shots where you just fire randomly and hit something.

    There's definitely something to learn here...
  2. Sightrasher

    Sightrasher New Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Yeah, I always do that. Another advanced strategy is that sometimes range and waves can get a (for example) Cannon shot even at 28+ range: if you are in a wave and your enemy is not, sometime you can hit him from lot more than weapon range due to longer drop trajectory.
    Also, often, especially with mortar like weapons, is a good idea to randomly shot them in the trajectory of running speeders just to give them some pressure, they often end up slowing down, wasting a yellow item or taking a longer route and someone can land a good shot on them.
  3. disorder

    disorder Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    => range change a little with wave, so can be useful
    => yes hit before green appear can work (function of range weapon/speed of it)
    => 3rd things i've seen, even when i focus a boat and my turret turn for aiming it, just hit before the end of movement turret, and it work .
    => 4rd things look at bittersteel video, he got one about aiming, a wonderful explanation.
  4. • Percy •

    • Percy • Well-Known Member

    10 Jul 2017
    9th grader
    A hospital
    Also, if you're really really really really lucky, you can shoot a carro over small rocks. Waveblower did it once in his livestream and it could possibly be the only time that's ever been done

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