After reading tons, TONS of people
crying because of infamy lose and bad matchmaking, I'll write a few words...
- Seems like it wasn't a few words after all, lol.
You can't expect to win, it would be unfair for the opposite team if you had an advantage most of the time.
(And then they would rage in forums, because they didn't win)
- Someone has to lose, and it can be you, just as much as the others.
Don't you know what 50/50 matchmaking means? It means you can't be sure if you win or lose.
(I know, this is where the skill part steps in, I'll mention that further down)
- Haven't you played casino or coin flip before? If not, let me tell you, there you also have the chance of losing 8 times a row with a 50/50 odds.
*cries after bad memories, lol*
Yeees yes, there are times where it's almost impossible to win... Well, if it was you who was on the good team, you wouldn't complain.
(very funny, huh?)
- If matchmaking should be 100% 50/50% fair, finding a battle would take
hours and then people would start complaining about that..
Same goes for other games, such as Battlefield, Counter-Strike and other online team-play games. Sometimes there are people who are "one-man-army" and can do more than most.
- You can do the same, if you find the perfect weapon combination, and use tactics.
(Instead of rushing out alone...)
I've also tried fighting with MK5 team against people such as, P0rthos, BITTERSTEEL, Miika and so on.
(We/I got banged hard lol, and it wasn't the only time - but I can tell, that I've also won those battles before)
But that's just a part of online gameplay!
Otherwise we all could look at "Finding a match" for 10min, instead of ~30sec/1min.
- As a bonus, I can tell, I've had a team that's:
x4 MK6 and x1 MK5 (my team)
x2 MK6 and x3 MK6
guess what, we lost... and I thought we had it from the beginning.
I know, people with different opinions will arrive, but hit me up, it's good.
I'll try to stay as active as possible,
if opinions will arrive

I'm just a player who think matchmaking is ok.
- I know and understand it can be
better, in some way, but I'm not sure how. When talking about "more fair and balanced matchmaking", only i can think of is added time in battle queue.
- Pic for showing that i have just as good and bad times as you.
(5 hours between the win/lose wave)
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