In this game we don't really have alot of guild functions. (Hopefully we'll have more in the future). That being said, I'm curious as to why you created a guild, or why you are managing a guild.
I'm looking forward to hearing the various reasons, but in the meanwhile, I'll tell my reasons for being a guild leader.
(This is kinda a long story, and I won't blame you if you don't want to read it. But nevertless, I'm still curious about your reasons, so please tell them wether you read my story or not)
As I just started this game, I noticed that there were several Dutch exclusive guilds in this game, so I joined a Dutch guild. (Because I'm Dutch myself). I have been in several Dutch guilds, however, I just couldn't find an active guild. In the meanwhile I was just high enough to join the top guild of my country. I figured that higher players are generally more active than the lower players, and will also stay active for a longer time. So I requested to join, and luckily they accepted me.
Being in the top Dutch guild was lots of fun, the people were friendly and active, and I felt kinda honoured that I was in the same guild as the best players from my country. I kept rising my infamy, and after a while I was promoted to officer. In the meanwhile the guild leader became inactive, and the guild was slowly getting inactive. So I started kicking the inactives and inviting new players. I hated it, but I didn't want the top guild to fall apart. And while the other officers were still active, they didn't help out in any way.
After a while I finally convinced that guild leader to make me the leader. I don't really like it. I hate kicking low people, and I hate demoting officers, and deciding who to promote to officer next. However, I wanted the top Dutch guild to stay active, but nobody else would do their best. So that's why I am the guild leader. If I won't do it, then nobody would, and then I would lose my active and friendly Dutch guild. Luckily I finally have a few officers now who also do their best. (Unfortunatly they don't want to be the new leader, so I'm still the guild leader)
Ok, that was a long story, but my case was kinda special I guess.
That being said, I'm curious about the leaders of other guilds. And even better if you too have a long story like mine, so please share it with us.
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