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This game make me so mad

Discussion in 'The World of Battle Bay' started by Blueeee, 11 May 2017.

  1. Blueeee

    Blueeee New Member

    8 May 2017
    Like really there are alot of players here in this game like there lost no one works with team eveyone all over the place there hardly persons who know how to play and it seems like if i dont kill everyone i lose due to the fact no one on team know what there doing and i am sick of losing becsuse of my tesm dont matter how hard u try once u got a bad team its over witch is 90% of the time and come on the set up for games are lame lvl 3 and u got guys with over 10 lvls u hsve to vs i love the fact lvls dont really count unless for ur tree but dam give a guy a break now and then its hard enough with team but giving u a mk2 defender with over 1k hp to a guy with 650 anf not even good guns yet this needs to be address
  2. HappyEvil

    HappyEvil Member

    7 May 2017
    I think it is fine. Try not to worry about your teammates mistakes and just focus on your own play and how to get better :)
  3. Zên

    Zên New Member

    7 May 2017
    When more people join the matchmaking will be closer. When guilds get fixed you can match with your friends.
  4. Steel_Wall

    Steel_Wall New Member

    10 May 2017
    This doesn't seem to be a problem for me, all the games I get are fair matches, with less than a 40-point difference in Infamy level, most of the time less than 20. Don't blame your teammates, just focus on getting your own skills better, get better weapons and stuff. And if you say you are always stuck on bad teams, then there's a good chance that the other team you are facing is bad too. There is no way you can always get bad teams. If you want to win, communicate with your teammates with the chat button (bottom right), and tell them to stay together. Staying together is key because when a target pops up, especially if it's along, all your teammates just pummel it to it's doom. Never go alone, always have backup until your team has won or you're the last player alive on your team.
  5. MyLittlePony

    MyLittlePony New Member

    6 May 2017
    This game is new but try to find a WOTB player it basically the same but with ships
  6. Razerx100

    Razerx100 Member

    4 May 2017
    I'm around 1400 infamy now I think. I meet 1800 infamy MK5 ships, and sometimes 700-800 infamy MK1 ships too. I would not say the Matchmaker is fine.
    But of course, I'm not sad about Teamworks. Sometimes I myself make mistakes, can't blame others. Sometimes we beat MK4 teams with MK2 ships. So it's fine imo
  7. Never0dd0reveN

    Never0dd0reveN Member

    14 May 2017
  8. Razerx100

    Razerx100 Member

    4 May 2017
    Never0dd0reveN likes this.
  9. Never0dd0reveN

    Never0dd0reveN Member

    14 May 2017
    Thanks. I'll be here all week!

    Razerx100 likes this.
  10. Razerx100

    Razerx100 Member

    4 May 2017
    Wew. This song. OP op
    mammoth1946 likes this.

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