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Rep points system and other suggestions

Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Dez Lew, 18 May 2017.

  1. Dez Lew

    Dez Lew Member

    18 May 2017
    If you're an active player on Battle Bay, you will probably agree that the current way Rep points are given are one of the biggest issues we players have with the game. When playing on a team with AI/bots or someone who's just a sitting duck, you're more than likely going lose and unfortunately lose 24 or 25 Rep points as a consequence! This can be VERY frustrating, because this system does not accurately represent a player's skills. I would like to start a conversation suggesting a better way to rank players, that would more accurately reflect a players skills and abilities. (And some other suggestions) Simply this: I believe that a Rep formula that took into account the number of kills and damage dealt, higher than the number of wins, would easily fix the current, unfair, ranking system. In addition, giving guilds the option to create a fleet with 5 people instead of just 2 and adding in the words left, right, and stay back would also help with communications, strategy and competition. Please post here if you agree with my ideas or have amendments and additions. Hopefully the battle bay programmers will consider this in their next update.
    A-ghost likes this.
  2. Counterpoints

    Counterpoints New Member

    12 Jun 2017
    I agree with the Dez Lew on infamy points. Maybe I can provide one more piece of rationale for such a change. My words are meant for intermediate level players with infamy 1000-2000.
    Battle bay is indeed a 5v5 game -- yet with very limited means of communication other than the meaningless "together" or "attack" (targeted attack feature is nice nonetheless). This shortage forces players to understand certain implications from the move of other players. One might have a good strategy -- such as flanking the enemy from the side through that tunnel, or retreating to set up a trap etc. Yet such good strategy cannot be voiced effectively, and is now mainly regarded as "selfish dive" or "total pussy flee". It is hard to gather the teamwork that could potentially lead to a great game. I would rather have our team execute a plan well but still lose, than win with abilities completely determined by ship, weapon levels and personal proficiency.
    Given the current way of team communication and its passive discouragement of innovation of strategy, the game desperately needs a new ranking/reward system. If this is a team game, then the players must be allowed to work truly as a team, without the worry of not understanding another player's implied move. This makes the equal gain/loss of infamy a much fairer evaluation because it is a team success/fault. If we do not improve the current communication effectiveness, then a player's infamy gain/loss should be entirely determined by a function of his/her ship level, damage output, ships sunk, damage taken, amount healed, or even "time distracted" (a pretty hard quantity to calculate). The better players in a lost match should be less punished. The players who did not contribute as much in a victory should be less rewarded.
    A-ghost likes this.

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