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Discussion in 'Bugs, Issues & Inquiries' started by Berzerk9x, 2 May 2017.

  1. Berzerk9x

    Berzerk9x New Member

    16 Apr 2017
    Don't have anything to spend sugar on , and just end up wasting rewards , it's just stays full with no use , ,
  2. Bennunator

    Bennunator Moderator

    3 Apr 2017
    Hi there!

    Things like sugar usage is something that's monitored all the time and we've been trying to find the perfect balance. Better too much than too little ;) Once you level up a little bit that shouldn't be a problem anymore, as it'll take more sugar to train your crew etc.
    What level are you? Do you always have a crew member training? Are you upgrading your items every time you have a chance?

    Hope you're having a great time on the Bay!
    pdcpdc and Mr squiqqle like this.
  3. Berzerk9x

    Berzerk9x New Member

    16 Apr 2017
    It's fun to play , it's just either trying to save materials or not enough materials , what would help is the item shop, if I could buy more than one item , would rather have certain upgrades than just using materials on anything ,
  4. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    I have similar problem at the moment (or actually it has last already over two weeks) I just can't use sugar fast enough to get it down for longer than a day after adding crew member to training. I'm lv 32 as a captain and every single crew member takes at least 500k sugar per training (highest levels of my crew takes already over 900k). I don't complain about sugar amounts, those are perfect for crew training but I find it a bit frusfrating that I have enough sugar for crew and weapons but I can't upgrade weapons because of lack of rare and epic parts. The problem is that I don't have enough gold to buy enough parts, for upgrades. When adding that I can't save for ship upgrade (Enforcer mk5, 3,2m gold) because then I wouldn't make any progress on weapons for a week or bit longer. I'm playing 4-6hrs per day so should get enough gold but no.

    I don't know how this can be so expensive when looking gold needs and comparing to sugar. At the moment I have less than 100k gold and over 800k sugar, tomorrow less thanks to crew training but still.
    My point is that we unfortunately need more gold to get enough parts for better progress and getting new weapons for testing (no one wants to test tier 1 rare weapon in ace or higher league) so I would suggest adding more gold to rewards or lowering a bit the cost of the rare parts (epics too but mostly rare parts).

    Thank you for noting this. Hopefully you developers at least consider this change :)
    Last edited: 11 May 2017
    HappyEvil, pdcpdc and Mr squiqqle like this.
  5. Greydone

    Greydone Member

    10 May 2017
    I'm in total lack of sugar, I play the game non stop cause I'm in dire need of sugar but then, I get too much gold :/
  6. TheRedSpeeder

    TheRedSpeeder Well-Known Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Wow, you must have plenty of parts so you dont need to buy them then. I play 4-6 hrs per day but still having sugar storage full all the time (in a day after placing new crew member to training) I'm totally in lack of gold and all the time I get more, it runs out because there's so many things I need it for. You will get gold down when you get a bit more progress in game. Then your sugar storage will go up and filled for sure.
    pdcpdc likes this.
  7. kenwa

    kenwa New Member

    11 May 2017
    It's great to see this issue has been flagged, as I've literally just signed up to the forum to bring this issue up.

    I really think it's just a balancing issue between amount of sugar and amount of gold rewarded! For me personally I've found the more I level up, the more this unbalances...I'm currently full of sugar with nothing to spend it on, and only 10k in credits, with materials purchased for the day! Plus I still have over 30k in sugar still to claim!
    pdcpdc likes this.

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