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The ideal fixer?

Discussion in 'Strategy Discussion' started by Jennyfur3810, 23 Jul 2017.

  1. Krusty-

    Krusty- Member

    29 Jul 2017
    I hear ya. I wouldn't follow a speeder just rely on them to come back to get fixed up. It's mostly shooters that go off on their own with tunnel vision. Lol
  2. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    I know they feed us the line that this is how fixers earn battle stars. But I have kept the entire team at full health (including the high damage dealer) and been second in damage and still seen one star. I have done the opposite too, and received 3 stars. Star system for fixers...it's just to play with our heads. The only thing I do know is that fire damage helps tremendously. Healing...it is not where it is at.

    But I play to win. So starts schmars.
  3. Krusty-

    Krusty- Member

    29 Jul 2017
    If the most effective player doesn't take much damage it's hard to earn stars.
  4. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    I know you want to believe healing the damage dealer helps. But I have played so many games and just haven't seen any correlation. I have kept damage dealers from the brink of destruction, and I have done it often with little reward for the effort.

    Again...the ideal fixer. Ignore the rewards. Just win baby win!!
    Swarlos likes this.
  5. Krusty-

    Krusty- Member

    29 Jul 2017
    Most effective doesn't mean most damage, (Frost, stuns, burns, etc.) Also doin the most damage to the biggest threat on the other team probably helps. I'm not saying I do this, just telling the facts. No need to argue. Lol
    Last edited: 31 Jul 2017
  6. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    You can hear my tone? Hehe. Like I have said, I have healed EVERYONE in a match and they were all getting hammered. I did massive healing, more than double the amount of what any one player dished out in damage. And I have received one star for the effort. This is just how it is. Many healers on this forum have pointed out the paucity of stars for the impact we have. And none of them play for the stars; it's just sort of bothersome since the game sorts battle performance based on stars. Recognition denied...
  7. Krusty-

    Krusty- Member

    29 Jul 2017
    Yes I am a fixer, and I usually get 2 or 3 stars. But I also am usually one of the top damage. This is just something that my brother pointed out to me (Who is one of the best fixers I know) and I noticed it afterward, trying to pass it along to others. I haven't had an issue with lack of stars in a battle, don't know what to tell you otherwise. Just seems like you like to argue with me.:(
    Totoro likes this.
  8. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    Yep. If I want more than one star, the participation star essentially, I have to do damage and a lot of it. When I do fire damage, the result is even better. Healing...pfft.

    Replying is not arguing. Don't take it so personal, man. We are all giving our opinions.
    Krusty- likes this.
  9. Krusty-

    Krusty- Member

    29 Jul 2017
    Okay I may have misunderstood your tone. Sorry bro.
    Totoro likes this.
  10. CheekyDevilGod

    CheekyDevilGod Well-Known Member

    23 May 2017
    If it's any consolation, even the top dmg doers don't get 3 stars, it usually goes to the guy who hit somebody with a flare or fire bomb.
  11. Zangetsu

    Zangetsu Well-Known Member

    4 Jun 2017
    Mini rant - FIXERS ARE NOT SUPPOSED TO ACT LIKE DAMAGE DEALERS. Just lost a game cause the other fixer prioritised on acting like a shooter with a cannon instead of helping the team, would rather just have been solo and a shooter replacing his spot. Stupid double fixer teams.
    aKifer and Jennyfur3810 like this.
  12. murius

    murius New Member

    1 Aug 2017
    Pulse would be great at the start if everyone stayed together or started off in the same spot - I only use pulse at the start if I have 3 around me. Even dropping a box at the start is useless since no one is going back to get it at the spawn point. Plus it will be gone by the time one needs it. Team needs to stay close for anything to really work or at least come back and be repaired. Too many times I see shooters come back and not even take a box....
  13. murius

    murius New Member

    1 Aug 2017
    agreed - i run fire bomb or mines because i can just fire them off without having to concentrate on aiming. Torpedo's may work to but i think they take some time aiming. On a good team, i am always 3, its rare i out dmg others but when I do its frustrating to find out they are running all mortars and 80% of them hit the ceiling..... Just remember people green means go, if you get the green light on your cross hairs then you can fire.... Please use some logic in this game rather than button smashing!!
  14. Syla5

    Syla5 Active Member

    29 May 2017
    Who you heal has no effect on stars.

    Winning the battle, damage done, damage taken, all have a much bigger impact on stars and rewards then healing does.

    I tested out this theory and saw no increased benefit of healing the best performer on the team.

    Many of my 3 star games have come from taking very little damage, and doing a nice amount of healing to everyone, with an average contribution to damage.
  15. Tahirri

    Tahirri New Member

    27 Jul 2017
    hahaha you really don't play fixer for the stars xD some games you play like a god and get one star, other games you suck and get 2 stars. Don't get. Ive done game with 22-24k healing (which is alot at my lvl) and didnt get any stars after the game ended in a draw -.-
  16. Syla5

    Syla5 Active Member

    29 May 2017
    Who said anything about playing specifically for stars? We are talking about what effects the stars you get :)
  17. Tahirri

    Tahirri New Member

    27 Jul 2017
    Yeah I know. I was merely saying that those who play fixers don't really play for the stars but to win. It was an agreement with what Totoro said earlier. Might not have been clear enough.
  18. disorder

    disorder Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    A Question about that,
    A Pure selfish build with fixer (bandage , duct tape , teslashield, etc...) is possible or not ? It will make A sort of big tank ?
  19. Tooony

    Tooony New Member

    11 May 2017
    Is it just me or does it seem like most of the time I play as fixer my wins and losses are based on pure luck on getting teams that stay roughly together when I yell together or players who completely ignore me and run their separate ways to get killed.
    Battle Bay Scrub likes this.
  20. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    You only carry 20% of the team responsability, so its like that for everybody. Its very noticeable as a Fixer though, but I reckon that its the case for most classes.

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