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Devs don't care

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by kylek33, 16 Apr 2017.

  1. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
  2. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It's pretty clear they'll ignore what we want and what would make a good game if it earns them a few dollars. That's probably why this forum is so empty now. I'm one of the few stubborn enough to keep trying. Not for much longer though...
  3. Shekelsteen

    Shekelsteen New Member

    12 Apr 2017
    "B-But leveling up items is easier now, I did the math."
  4. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It's cheaper, not easier... actually it might not be. As far as sugar is concerned it's cheaper but epic parts are so scarce you have to buy most of what you need from the shop and they are not cheap.
  5. Shekelsteen

    Shekelsteen New Member

    12 Apr 2017
    I Was just giving you Miikas bullshit standard answer to every complaint people had ever since the 2.0 upgrade.

    Of course its bullshit and everyone knows it. Time to stop playing.
  6. ToddTHY

    ToddTHY Member

    5 Apr 2017
    While, if their intention is really the money, then I don't think they did a successful job. Fact is I have been paying much much less since the update because I don't think it worth the money anymore.
    Last edited: 17 Apr 2017
  7. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Admitting the time and effort (which I'm sure was considerable) they put into the update was poorly spent isn't something they're keen on admitting, I'm sure. I certainly wouldn't be chomping at the bit if I were in their position. They have a vested interest (their employment) so they'll adopt a stance of "wait and see" and "going global will change everything". I waited and I didn't like what I saw. I don't think going global will solve the issues, it may mask them for a time under a flood of fresh and eager players coming in, but sooner or later they too will realize just how poorly built the system is and they'll leave.

    As far as money goes, freemium games earn almost all of theirs from about 1% of users. If you know this there are really only two avenues a freemium game can pursue:
    Path 1: "carrot and stick" create a system that encourages purchases by limiting the viability of non-purchasers (i.e. Game of war)
    Path2: "mass appeal" have such a large following that purchases by the 1% equal high profitability (i.e. Pokémon go)
    Now any of us gamers would immediately say path 2 is the better approach but there are intrinsic values hidden in path 1. By keeping the number of total users down you keep the quality of players high and server space required low. Path 2 requires more server space and therefore more overhead, a crucial factor for any business. Path 2 is also much harder to maintain over time, people are fickle and keeping high numbers of them happy is no easy task, as Pokémon go learned. It's important to note that game of war is still by and far the most profitable freemium game and many have tried to copy or clone their success.

    It's disheartening when a game you love chooses path 1 but it is a business first. Maybe someone will make a clone and choose path 2. This recently happened with one of my favourite games. "War Robots" went further and further down path 1 and now the original creators have left and are making "Battle Titans". There's nothing like competition to inspire a business.
  8. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
  9. Shekelsteen

    Shekelsteen New Member

    12 Apr 2017
    The problem in my opinion is, that the hard player base is not that great. I have 2300 infamy and see blacktail frequently which is just nuts. There aren't enough players between 2300 and 4000 at any given time to fill 10 slots?

    If you want to milk these people at the top hard, there don't seem to be that many.

    Ba Lance is already out of the window, participating in games where I get instagibbed with 3000 HP because someone has an Evo 5 rg is absolute shit, for him as well as for me. Why would he pay for that experience, why would I keep paying for it?

    Ever since the upgrade u also have no way to achieve better items in time. I would have to pay a massive amount just for the random chance of getting what I wanted, while other games allow me to directly buy the items I want.

    I Also don't think that the new system hooks players as much as the old one. When I start new games I don't shell out money immediately. I test it for quite some time and then decide to pay.

    If you just started playing and can't do anything because you don't get enough scrap and sugar to level 2 or 3 items at once, you quickly lose any motivation to keep going.

    There will be changes though, there is no way in he'll they keep the system as it is.
    Rusty Scupper and P0rthos like this.
  10. "har"Smash until the end

    "har"Smash until the end Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Somewhere in the earth
    Pay 2 win #battlepay :confused:
  11. AndyAshton

    AndyAshton Member

    5 Apr 2017
    We shall see what will the new update offers. If we still have to put up with power cells, same rarity items and shop offering random items for pearls, then it is not worth playing this game anymore.
    ToddTHY likes this.
  12. ToddTHY

    ToddTHY Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Looking forward to the new update. And we shall see.
    AndyAshton likes this.
  13. "har"Smash until the end

    "har"Smash until the end Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Somewhere in the earth
    Want tornuments also :)
  14. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    totally agree with all your comments here... the next update will be critical in determining how the devs want to take this game moving forward... gameplay is hands-down one of the best and most addicting that i've experienced in mobile format.... but the none battle mechanics right now are less fun, less rewarding and too much RNG...

    it's a basic marketing principle... you can't sell a product successfully if the buyers don't exactly know what they are gonna get... it's like buying a cake, you don't buy a cake for the icing on top, you buy a cake because of what's in the cake itself... why would you pay, let's say $10, for a random chance to get a chocolate, mango, or vanilla flavored cake when what you really want is the chocolate one?... i'd be very surprised if pearl purchases have gone up since this update came out.
  15. Zeus

    Zeus Developer

    4 Apr 2017
    QA Lead
    Helsinki, Finland
    "We" is a broad word to use here, as there is no way to please everyone no matter how you design a game. Even if you please a majority, it doesn't automatically make it the best decision either, but i'll humor you and answer what you outlined as i feel you have some valid points.

    Let's start with "what we wanted";

    1. Guild wars - We answered this countless times. It's not feasible with the current playerbase as we aren't global yet. Most likely will have some iteration after we go global.
    2. Team play - Also answered, we want to have it but we want to figure out the best way to do so.
    3. Enhanced reporting for floaters - Agreed, reporting could be better in general.
    4. Chat mute for spammers - Already happening
    5. New maps - You're already getting new maps now and then? Do you want a new one each update? Imagine how quickly that would spiral out of control
    6. New weapons - Fair enough, we always want to add new weapons but we have been prioritizing other features that feel more critical.
    7. New ships - Fair enough, we have been working on this but it's kind of the same as team play, we need to figure out the best way to introduce it.
    8. New crew - As in new crew members or new levels? If you're not level 50, you still have a way to go :)
    9. Chat translator - We're not making this but releasing something even better as soon as we're done with it.
    10. Matchmaking fix - Fix what?

    and then onto "what we got"

    1.Star system overhaul that discourages playing - so if you're not able to constantly wait for a free epic/rare you feel like it discourages playing? Instead of basically always having something available with a chance to give you something good? Then we will just have to agree to disagree.
    2. Upgrade system overhaul that makes upgrading harder - If by harder you mean cheaper then i'd agree, but of course we're looking to balance it wherever it may lack. We have a few ideas we want to do already for the next update.
    3. Increased rewards that are useless without the parts you need - Not sure what you are referring to with this?
    4. Torpedoes that shoot vertically - So you disagree with balance changes. Agree to disagree once again.
    5. Selling items now limited to perks - Selling was always the least effective use of an item in the previous system, and was often used as a way to stockpile overflowing gold, which is not the intended use. It's unlikely that we'd be adding the sell option back for all items.
    6. Ads that crash - Obviously something we'd never want to happen, and we always aim to look into any crashes asap.

  16. k406k

    k406k Active Member

    10 Apr 2017
    Thanks for answering Zeus. Any word on when the next update is planned to be released?
  17. Zeus

    Zeus Developer

    4 Apr 2017
    QA Lead
    Helsinki, Finland
    Whenever it's ready, can't give you a date yet but it's getting there!
    mammoth1946 and Bomby McBombface like this.
  18. "har"Smash until the end

    "har"Smash until the end Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Somewhere in the earth
    I guess next update will be global launch
  19. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    By "we" I mean the majority of players that have voiced ideas, concerns and complaints on the forum, chat and Facebook. I am active in all three. You're right about never being able to please everyone, that fact is indisputable, yet you created the scrap and parts system to please the few players who were having trouble with the previous buy and consume system. Or was there an ulterior motive for that? I ask because that particular change certainly didn't please the majority, quite the opposite in fact.

    What we wanted:
    1. Guild wars: it's not "feasible" until the game goes global? If you can't create and manage system with 100 guilds what makes you think you can do it with thousands? Isn't it wise to use the current player base as a testing ground before sheer numbers complicate the issue?
    2. Team play: trying to figure out the best way? You're over-thinking it in my opinion. A simple squad leader invites and highest infamy sets the difficulty system to start, tweak as needed.
    3. Reporting: just enable the profiles from the scoresheet, problem solved.
    4. Chat mute: Great news
    5. New maps: I'm speaking for myself on this one but I wouldn't mind a hundred or more maps. When you play often it's nice to have variety. I can't imagine there ever being too many maps.
    6. New weapons: other things have higher priority? Fair enough, and rightfully so in some cases although I think if it were put to a vote before the last update new weapons would win in a landslide versus the new parts and scrap system.
    7. New ships: yes I know it's more complicated than it seems. You need to decide where on the speed/health/firepower triangle any new ship would go before anything else. Again I'd have given this a higher priority than it seems to have.
    8. New crew: I meant new crew members, you know I'm not level 50 lol
    9. Chat translator: "something even better" was what you said about the scrap and parts system before its release so consider me skeptical.
    10. Matchmaking fix: fix what? If you haven't heard any of the complaints about the current system you're more disconnected than I thought. There's a lot of room for improvement when it comes to matchmaking and pretending there's nothing wrong with it doesn't inspire confidence.

    What we got
    1. Star system: it discourages playing because no matter how much you play the best you can hope for is a crappy uncommon item or two. In the previous system the chance that an epic or rare box might show up spurred me to stockpile stars, now there is no urgency. I have 15 stars time for a box. Meh.
    2. Upgrades system: it may be cheaper in terms of sugar but sugar is just one part of it. The gold cost is through the roof. Epic parts drop so rarely that nearly all of them must be purchased for gold at the shop and they are not cheap, they're very expensive and we need lots of them. It takes more games played under the current system to earn the gold to buy the parts and upgrade an item one level than it took to buy the items and consume them to upgrade an item one level under the old system.
    3. Increased rewards: all the gold and sugar you can hold is useless if you don't have the parts you need to upgrade an item. Epic parts are far too rare and legendary anything is almost mythical. There has to be a better reward for time invested. A player that invests four hours of time into the game and is rewarded with a paltry sum of parts that can't even upgrade one item one time is going to feel cheated.
    4. Torpedoes that shoot vertically: this wasn't about balance changes, it was merely a cheap shot at the vertical turret glitch I threw in to fill out the right side of the graphic.
    5. Selling: yes it was used to stockpile gold and was a clever way to extend one's gold storage but it required a player to play a lot in order to make it worthwhile. Who cares if it was not the intended usage, it encouraged people to play more and that is a good thing. It was serendipitous and you quashed it.
    6. Ads crashing: another cheap shot I added to fill out the right side, we wanted much more than what we got and it didn't look right.

    I want to finish by saying that my criticism is borne out of love for the game and I am trying to help make it better. Blanket answers and vague remarks only serve to strengthen the disconnect i and others feel has formed between the devs and the players so I really appreciate your time in answering this post.
  20. Zeus

    Zeus Developer

    4 Apr 2017
    QA Lead
    Helsinki, Finland

    1. Because if we alienate a sparse player-base, the queue times for both guild wars AND normal battles would suffer immensely, and the matchmaking issues you are also complaining about would be immense. Imagine if you have the top 5 players all queueing together, who would you like us to match them with?
    2. That goes back to my first point a bit, if we allow unlimited team play, how do we matchmake without having a larger amount of players to choose from?
    3. Sounds simple, in reality it isn't.
    5. I would mind, especially if you're a new player. Imagine being thrown into a new map every game, it wouldn't really give you a chance to learn the layout of even one, which would feel quite discouraging.
    6. We can't develop the game based on votes or polls. If the player could choose, everything would be obtainable instantly and whenever a change is made it would be reverted because the natural human reaction to change is always negative.
    7. It's high enough prio in our opinion.
    8. Sure, but then what would you add? 3+ more weapons, a ton of talents and then balance all of it. Definitely something we want to do at some point, but it goes under the not highest prio list.
    9. As is your right :)
    10. No need for that tone, i'm simply not aware of any fixes we can make to the matchmaking system in it's current state without jeopardizing queue times across the board, which would then be the topic of complaining. In my opinion, it's better to have a larger infamy disparity between the highest member and lowest, instead of having to wait for 3+ minutes for every battle. Whenever the infamy disparity is high, it means there were not many people in queue to form a battle where all infamies would be in x-range. When we have more players, this problem will most likely solve itself and if it doesn't we have to figure something out.

    "What we got"

    1. As i already mentioned in my first comment, you can get way more than "crappy uncommon item or two". The boxes have a chance to give much better rewards, and even when you get uncommons/commons you will still need the scrap to upgrade higher rarity weapons.
    2. "It takes more games played under the current system to earn the gold to buy the parts and upgrade an item one level than it took to buy the items and consume them to upgrade an item one level under the old system." Absolutely, as 1 level in the new system has more impact than one in the old system.
    3. Have you played games such as diablo/wow? You can go weeks without getting any upgrades. If you play for 4 hours you will most likely be able to upgrade a crew member or buy some parts/perks. Keep in mind that without paying during these 4 hours you can see a maximum of 3 shops.
    4. Not sure why you feel why cheap shots are necessary.
    5. We care if it's not the intended usage.
    6. See point 4.
    Blueee and Bomby McBombface like this.

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