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Poll: Broken Matchmaking

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by GGodHand, 19 Jul 2017.


Does matchmaking need a balance revamp?

  1. YES

    75 vote(s)
  2. NO

    31 vote(s)
  1. GGodHand

    GGodHand Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Please vote! I feel like this game may eventually start losing its player base if it doesn't fix its matchmaking for the better. It's the complaint that repeatedly keeps being brought up and I can't help but agree. Rovio keeps on insisting that an infamy based matchmaking is fine, but let's face it, it's not fine! Infamy can be manipulated, therefore it can never truly be balanced. They need a better, fair, balanced algorithm. I suspect it's the reason why we don't have guild wars yet either. World of Warships Blitz for mobile has already soft-launched and once it goes global, I can only imagine Battle Bay players will migrate over. The matchmaking for the PC version was well balanced, lightyears ahead of Battle Bay's broken infamy based algorithm. I love Battle Bay, but I can't help but hate it when you're thrown into an obvious bad match-up, which happens quite often to the point where it's the norm. If this continues, it's only a matter of time before people quit and seek an alternative, especially when World of Warships for mobile is right around the corner. Please share your thoughts!
    FALCO likes this.
  2. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Yah another matchmaking topic, good job!

    Ill go rip my eyeballs out now.
  3. GGodHand

    GGodHand Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Oh right, let's just stay silent about an obvious problem so that it never gets fixed...
    HighHammer, FALCO and Andrew Smith like this.
  4. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Thank you.

    At the very least you could post in one of the many other threads on the exact same topic.
    Matchmaking is fine, most games are winable and more often than not its poor teamplay that leads to defeats.

    The infamy system is set to give everyone a 50/50 win/loss experience and it solves that just fine.

    "I win because I'm an amazing player & I only loose due to broken matchmaking and poor teammates"

    I'm sorry, but its getting old.
  5. GGodHand

    GGodHand Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Majority disagree.

    You know, you can always just avoid clicking on such threads.

    For someone who thinks they're getting old, you often like to jump into such threads to post a comment.
  6. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I know this might be shocking news, but most people don't go to internet forums and make appreciation threads about things they think are working alright.

    I'm happy to do my community service and do an trash post put down or two a day!

    But lets for the sake of argument pretend this is a useful topic; What do you want to change?

    Now: Matchups based purely on past performances, win rates for everyone near 50%.

    Your suggestion?
    Miathan likes this.
  7. GGodHand

    GGodHand Member

    1 Jun 2017
    You're already set in that Rovio does no wrong. It's obvious anything I say won't change your mind. If that is not enough for you, you may refer to my opening statement. Not going to waste my time on someone that will keep repeating the same excuse we get from the devs.
    Mamamyers likes this.
  8. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Nothing broken about matchmaking.

    1) Matchmaking has been discussed a great many times, including dev responses, do a search before making a thread
    2) Matchmaking is the way it is because it works best this way

    What most people perceive as a bad matchup is perfectly winnable anyway. How you play is far more important than what you play with. Some examples:

    - Ship MK level really doesn't matter, I've played with and against so many higher MK ships that sucked
    - If the enemy has tons of legendaries, you can just kill them. Recent example of mine: a shooter with 4 legendaries at 1900 infamy, he didn't perform any better than the average player with t3 rares
    - If the enemy has more fixers, it doesn't mean their win chances are any better, uneven fixer matches have statistically, according to the devs, no bias towars the more fixers side

    There's always the small chance that a good player has only just obtained their next MK level or their legendary, and are on the way up, but the vast majority of matchups that people whine about are perfectly fine. The matchmaking does not try to match sides with equal ship power. It tries to match sides with equal win chances, like it should.
    iRSS, FloydTheDuck and H.A.D.E.S like this.
  9. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    So because I dont agree with you on this being a problem you wont talk to me, superb :)
    Happy to complain when I think something is wrong (refer to the shop thread or patch notes), but also happy to speak up about the things that doesnt bother me.

    You probably wont convince me, that much is true. But I might understand what you are hoping for if you would post something concrete rather than "matchmaking is not fine" "matchmaking can be manipulated" and "x other game is much more fair".

    I am genuinely curious to what 'fair and balanced' matchmaking you have in mind that is immune to manipulation. So please do enlighten me.
  10. GGodHand

    GGodHand Member

    1 Jun 2017
    In a perfect world where there is no infamy tanking and abuse, such a system would work, but we know that's not the case. Infamy is easily manipulated in this game. Therefore, a 100% infamy based algorithm can never truly be balanced. It needs multiple factors, not rely solely on only one factor. It needs factors that cannot be abused by a player. Floaters are still a problem, because infamy can be exploited. Anyone who denies this is simply in denial of the current state of the game. I'd suggest a power weight factor like Clash of Clans and World of Warships personally, the matchmaking in those games are much superior.
  11. GGodHand

    GGodHand Member

    1 Jun 2017
    Pardon me for not taking you serious after you chose to dedicate your first post solely to insult. Not only that, you claim you're tired of this topic. It's obvious you're not open to discussion. You're merely here to double down on your counter-productive state of mind. I'd appreciate input from the open minded, not the closed minded.
  12. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Seems to me that you are in denial of the anti-infamy tanking measures. I honestly haven't seen a single suicide player in well over a week. The patch with countermeasures hit, and then it took a few days for people to realize what was going on, and then it just stopped. That problem is solved.

    Manipulating infamy can only be done one way, which is by dropping on purpose, which now
    1) gives you fewer rewards, or even zero rewards if you drop too far
    2) puts you in matches with players of higher infamy, thus negating all benefits of dropping in the first place
    3) is easily reported and bannable

    Really, I don't see how it's still a problem.
    Totoro and behumble like this.
  13. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Stop being so narrowminded! ;)
  14. GGodHand

    GGodHand Member

    1 Jun 2017
    I've had a couple of floaters and banana suicide runs in the last hour alone. Then you have your new neo evolved floaters who get a couple of shots in in order to make their infamy tanking look authentic before they let themselves die a quick death. I'm aware of the anti-infamy tanking measures they tried to implement. I say "tried" because it is still an issue, maybe not on the same scale, but still an issue none the less. They can never completely fix such an issue because again, infamy can be manipulated and exploited. Apparently these scum of Battle Bay feel the return rate in gold is still worth it, despite the cut in rewards for seal-clubbing, as opposed to relying on a 50/50% slow grind. Truly, I don't see how anyone can think such a system is perfectly fine.
  15. Ow Stop It

    Ow Stop It Member

    19 Jun 2017
    It's not a problem. Rovio has built in algorithms to keep you as close to a 50% win rate as possible for fairness and for...who knows, maybe keep the Fleets in check?

    It ain't gonna happen. Focus on farming Gold/Sugar to buy better gear and the next thing you know, you'll get your new personal high Infamy. This isn't rocket science after all.
  16. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Keep in mind that both low speeders who die quickly and people who float part of the match may not be manipulators. People die when learning a new ship and making mistakes, and people float because of battery emptiness, internet outage or real life reasons. You can, however, still report them every time, and if they do it systematically they'll get many reports and get a ban.

    Can manipulation in theory still happen? (I say in theory because again, I'm not seeing it, and I'm a very active player) Yes it can, but any other matchup system would introduce bigger problems, which still leaves the current system as best.
  17. GGodHand

    GGodHand Member

    1 Jun 2017
    More proof you're simply here to troll. Truly a testament to the correct decision not to take you serious. You sure like to stick around topics you find boring and "old" lol. It says alot of what kind of person you are, definitely someone with alot of time to waste that's for sure. At least Miathan is trying to have a discussion.
  18. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    There's no algorithm to directly keep your personal winrate at 50%, it's just a consequence of fair matchups. 50% win chance is the definition of a fair matchup, therefore, in the long run, if all matchups are fair, then statistically your amount of wins will converge to 50%.

    In that sense, the fact that people's win % get closer to 50 the more they play is proof that the matchmaking system is fair.
    Captain Gilligan and Fiorell like this.
  19. GGodHand

    GGodHand Member

    1 Jun 2017
    That doesn't equate to fair. It simply means that skill is not a factor at all. You're statistically not rewarded for being a good player. You're basically proving the flaw of this system. In a balanced system, skilled players are not forced to stay in a 50% bubble. Think of all the geatest multiplayer games of all time, people would laugh at a 50% winrate in terms of skill, and laugh some more when they find out the system forces them to stay at 50% by design. In a balanced system, players are given freedom to let their skill determine their winrate.
  20. Kalbs

    Kalbs Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    I wonder how you can manipulate infamy lol

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