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Sorry Rovio, but I can't finance online abuse.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Admiral DrkRealm, 13 Jul 2017.

  1. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    I think u can't take a joke... Besides that @Miika already gave u ppl the answer of this problem.
    It's been a month or two since the game is launched....U need to give time to Devs to solve every single problem, so cope up.
    No game has a perfect global chat with all serious Players.
    Hope u understand.
    CrazyFixer likes this.
  2. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    I know it's a big problem and there should be a mute button in the game chat....But Devs will sure solve this in future update, so for now we can only ignore them.
    CrazyFixer likes this.
  3. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Yep.. I'm confident that they will.. I will just carry on reporting until they do..and I hope others will too.
    The Otherguy likes this.
  4. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Yes.. I can take a joke..but serious situations needs serious actions and not flippant posts like yours. Jokes and sarcasm can be misunderstood online..without emoticons..or jk.
    True.. all games with chat have their fair share of trolls..they are easily dealt with..ignore and they eventually get bored.
    What most people are trying to stop is the people trawling..not cos I'm a prude.. it's for the safety of youngsters who play this.
  5. Admiral DrkRealm

    Admiral DrkRealm Member

    5 Jul 2017
    Eastern Washington, USA
    In my experience, it isn't just kids that ruin online communities. That bears out from my time in-game, which has seen all manner of troll at a variety of ages.

    There are a lot of great kids that play this game too, and not all of them are 13. Protecting them is important, but the quality of the community is also important. I hope the devs put some serious thought into fixing this sooner rather than later. A ten-month timeline on this is disheartening, to say the least.
  6. Riddlerpaji

    Riddlerpaji Active Member

    5 May 2017
    Yeah kids these days.

    Attached Files:

  7. H.A.D.E.S

    H.A.D.E.S Well-Known Member

    14 Jun 2017
    I think u didn't see the emoticons... Anyways I know it's a big problem & soon Devs will fix this.
    CrazyFixer likes this.
  8. SmokersCough

    SmokersCough New Member

    8 May 2017
    Yesterday me and a lad were talking about how society is and all that fun stuff. And a few people butted into our conversation and twisted our words to make us sound like we were crazy or being inappropriate. High ranked infamy users singled me out and started harassing me, and it seems after that everyone jumped on the "but" kissing wagon because they see those guys as gods and started attacking me too, Saying I'm going to get reported and banned, so now I log on about 20 minutes ago and notice my global or VIP chat isn't working? What's up with that?
    Am I banned from chatting on Global and VIP chat because of people abusing the sport function?

    Please inbox if you could help

    ( If there's any information you need to know on what went on and what was said, please bring up the chat conversations from earlier)
  9. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    13??? And do you think kids pay attention to any of this? Have you met teens and preteens?

    Stop with the blame or ignore the victim already. Any good company simply does not tolerate this kind of abusive behavior and would shut down a forum if they cannot adequately manage it.
  10. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree

    You should post in support for a better chance of a response.
  11. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    Feels like more than 2 months...
    On globle chat, I just egnore the guys saying [s e n s o r e d] (sounds like beanus) and report.
    Now I miss the good old days of deagolazo~2nd, ~3rd, and ~4th spamming about his youtube chanel.:(
    Last edited: 15 Jul 2017
    The Otherguy likes this.
  12. Paccdaddy

    Paccdaddy Member

    31 May 2017
    I like the mute idea
    Admiral DrkRealm likes this.
  13. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Not actually sure the point of the chat in the first place? All useful info is on these forums, which lack all the content issues this thread comlpains about
  14. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Oops..correct..my apologies. Was multitasking..and yep..in time they will.
    Happy Battling
  15. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    Like @Epekka said. RIP @Sweaty Beaver. ;)
    @Climax likes this.
  16. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Problem is..my guess is the amount of new players who look at this forum is pretty low. Seen it many times..new players asking.."what's fleet".."how to use perks" etc.
    I try to explain to them and tell them to check forum for tips and advice. At least they're trying to learn about the game.
    IMO..chat is there for people to chat about the game..find someone to fleet with/guild members..and general things in life.
    This thread isn't about content issues.. we're just trying to find a way to clear chat up to make it both safer for youngsters..and more enjoyable for the people who actually want to play this game.
    I'm sure Rovio will come up with a solution..which will make it a whole lot better for the playing community. The trolls etc will eventually get bored of being muted or banned and quit.

    I've mentioned in another post..maybe they should have an automated message in all chat..every 30 minutes or so..warning of what is a bannable offence in chat..maybe it will deter some trolls then?
  17. disorder

    disorder Active Member

    7 Jun 2017
    rovio take money from us, quite normal it's business, but not moderator? that's not serious. But if you look to Yahoo, and other things like this, there is ton of racist/homophobic/mysogyn thread and no one moderate it...
    the worst for me is the friend invite , people insult you, and i did not,find how to wipe them...
    Babablacksheep likes this.
  18. Ashley Whalley

    Ashley Whalley New Member

    3 May 2017
    United Kingdom
    The mute thing is something similar to Arcane Legends. It would be a good idea but even if they ban. They'll make or use a new email and do the same thing over again
  19. m477h3w

    m477h3w New Member

    20 Jun 2017
    I’ve got 3 kids, one of which plays Battle Bay.

    Parents: Take an active roll in your child’s online safety. Pick up their phone or tablet and read what they’ve been typing and see who they’ve been chatting with. Sit down and have a talk with them. Explain the dangers associated with sharing personal info online. Tell them what sort of behavior you expect from them online and hold them to it.

    While I agree there are routes the devs/admins of any game or forum can take to help reduce the amount of crap you’ll see in game, it’s a daunting task. If you’re truly concerned, sit down and talk to your kids. Sometimes they’ll listen ;)
  20. KilleWh4le

    KilleWh4le Member

    30 May 2017
    it would be great if can mute specific person...
    Even in real life, we have choice to walk away from those who swear at us.
    Plus, trolls love getting attention, getting muted will discourage them from trolling.

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