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The star system

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by ToddTHY, 14 Apr 2017.

  1. ToddTHY

    ToddTHY Member

    5 Apr 2017
    For the past three weeks, I have been feeling lack in passion of playing this game. I tried to figure out some reasons, so I can give some feedback. And here I got one: the new star system.
    I don't get why the devs weakened the usefulness and importance of battle stars. For myself, the star was a strong driving force to convince me playing more battles.
    Because, from each battle all we can get is gold, sugar, pearls, and the stars. For sugar and gold, the most efficient way to get them I think is the quests. Even if I watched all videos after battles, it still takes me 5~6 purely winning battles to get the same amount of sugar or gold with a common quest. And for pearls, we get maximum 4 after each battle, it's a really small amount, if I had to use them, I prefer buying.
    Therefore, I don't think playing many extra battles after completing all quests is the most efficient way to get gold, sugar, and pearls, however, it's the only way to get many stars.
    Previously, when I played a lot, at least I got lots of stars, so when the purple boxes come, I can get some wonderful epic equipments. That was pretty exciting. But, now what we can get from stars is only three green boxes per day, which give mainly green stuff. Fact is after these three weeks, I have got 400+ green cells and 10000+ green parts. I have nowhere to use them because once I use them, the common parts run out extremely fast (ironic, the so-called common parts become rarer than uncommon parts). This way, the usefulness and excitement of collecting stars had been weakened 80+%. And now even rare boxes can only be obtained by pearls, don't bother to concern about epic~.
    Thus, after the excitement of collecting stars being killed, it has become meaningless to play more battles after completing all quests, so I intuitively started playing less.
    Last edited: 14 Apr 2017
    Kitterini, Joey who, Miss-B and 6 others like this.
  2. Echo

    Echo New Member

    11 Apr 2017
    The mismatch also makes it very difficult to even get stars. As a mk3 with no items better than tier-1 rare, I too often get match against mk4/5 with like tier-3 rare or epic. If my team losses, I never get even a single star. If my team wins, I usually get only 1 star because my ship deals so little damage and it's more like me trying to survive than to fight. If I perform absolutely amazing then maybe I could get 2 stars. I used to sometimes get 3 stars with a win or 2 stars even with a loss back when I was still a mk1 or mk2, but I got to mk3 things just get ridiculous.
    Miss-B likes this.
  3. Melv

    Melv Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Absolutely agree with you.
    My commons are more rare than my un-commons.
    Rusty Scupper likes this.
  4. Shekelsteen

    Shekelsteen New Member

    12 Apr 2017
    Everyone here has the very same problem. The entire overhaul is a complete mess. Nit only has it become harder to actually level up items, they have managed to take all motivation out if it because it is solely luck dependant. Just think of how frustrating and stupid power cells are. You can't even buy them with pearls. Instead you have to scrap items in hopes of getting them. Items you also can't buy but have to acquire through item parts or in battle chests. Everything is just random, the distribution of scrap and items is also terrible, with uncommon being now widely available, wile people have problems getting common scrap. Just fucking terrible. Whoever came up with this system needs to be fired for massive incompetence.
    Rusty Scupper likes this.
  5. Gnu

    Gnu Well-Known Member

    7 Apr 2017
    The better way of matchmaking in my opinion should be to battle players inside your league E.G If your in Ace 2, you shouldn't be able to battle Nightmare players. Basically in Nightmare are super OP players such as +sniper+ with his 2k crit sniper cannon or Blacktail with a Epic t5 Flare gun + Epic t4 bc for instant 3k damage. It just makes balancing more fair and equal for other players
    Miss-B and Dobson like this.
  6. Memorize

    Memorize Member

    5 Apr 2017
    That solution won't help either, it will make the game even more complicate because of a few nightmare league players.
    I'm understand that's a lot of nightmare players has powerful weapon but that came from hard work grinded and experiences.
    We need better solution which I'm surely Devs are working on it daily.
  7. ToddTHY

    ToddTHY Member

    5 Apr 2017
    this has nothing to do with my topic.
  8. kylek33

    kylek33 Member

    5 Apr 2017
    They "fixed" something that wasn't broken just to earn a few dollars. Now it sucks but they claim it's much better. They are less like devs and more like politicians.
  9. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Amen Toddthy. Couldn't agree more if it came with a milkshake.
  10. Dobson

    Dobson Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Marketing Lead
    Agree very much with the original post, in the previous system, if you would get on average 1.7 stars per match you could get
    to 150 stars (Epic Box) by playing about 90 matches.

    Now after accomplishing the daily quests, it is very hard to find motivation to keep playing more, unless there is a rare perk that I absolutely need in the shop, and then it is a race against the 5-6 h shop refresh limit.

    One other thing bit related to the star system, the old star boxes were in my opinion WAY more beautiful than the common/uncommon boxes in the shop now. Those are very plain, basic and computer-generated looking dull boxes, the old ones were crates you just loved to open!
    Miss-B and TheEpicWarlord like this.
  11. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    The issue with that math is that you are ignoring that in the old system you couldn't just buy an epic box. You had to wait for them, and they appeared in the shop roughly once per month. Currently you can buy 3 green boxes per day, which means you can grind 90 of them per month. And 90 of the green boxes are way more valuable than just 1 old epic box.

    I guess one place where we have done a poor job is to clearly communicate the value of the boxes to the players. You can get good stuff regularly from the free and the star box now, while previously the drop rate was more like winning the lottery.

    I'll relay your comments about the box graphics to our artist.
  12. Melv

    Melv Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Firstly, when you make comparisons, they need to be equal. Old system, 150 stars give you one epic box, guaranteed. And personally it seemed to appear more than once per month. New system, 150 stars give me 10 uncommon boxes, NO epic guaranteed. Maybe if you are lucky a rare piece or epic piece.

    Regarding the waiting bit, that's what added to the fun - balancing my stars so that I don't waste any (i.e. buy rare boxes and hover between 130-200stars)

    After playing for a few weeks, I do echo majority of the players sentiments. The grind has gotten tedious and the game is waning interest. Previously I could gather items for optimum leveling and concurrently work on a side project - this kept my busy. Now, I'm struggling to even work on one item.

    The new system essentially added an additional new resource. Instead of just gold and sugar and items, now there is pieces, parts and cells which are slow to accumulate from random sources and hard to obtain from already scarce items.
    Miss-B, Splash0rboy3000 and ToddTHY like this.
  13. ToddTHY

    ToddTHY Member

    5 Apr 2017
    I understand you want to explain how good this new system is, I wish it's good too. But my dear, don't forget that in the old system, the green boxes appear also in a good chance, 2-3 per day in my experience. And it was just one of many options. Having more options is always an encouragement. Now it became the only rigid option, and it gives mainly the most useless things, the uncommon cells and parts. Just think as a man yourself, would you be happier when there are four girls love you and you get the right to choose which one to marry, or when you are set up with only an ugly girl for life time by your parents since you were born, with no right to choose? Sorry I can't count the green box as a pretty girl because it's so not lovable.
    Also, please remember that this is a game, people don't play for the better/lower chance of getting what kind of in-game virtual weapons, we play only when it's fun to play.
    Now, at least, please fix the fact that the uncommon stuff is being more common than the so-called common stuff.
  14. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    I'm not trying to explain how good something is. I'm just trying to set the facts straight while reading all of yours feedback so that we're talking about the right things because it makes the discussion much more useful for everyone.
  15. Sk1llsaw

    Sk1llsaw New Member

    17 Apr 2017
    That's a joke right? The new system is garbage. It's nearly impossible to level up rare items now and for for epic it is impossible. U can grind and grind for a month and never get the cells needed. The 3x 15 star boxes daily are just sad. And we are supposed to thank you for the permanent epic box that costs pearls ( I.e real money ) that give a "chance" for epic pieces or items? Where are the power cells?? Lol. Geez you completely miss the point. Impossible to get power cells without dismantling which we do not want to do
    Miss-B likes this.
  16. ToddTHY

    ToddTHY Member

    5 Apr 2017
    It is useful for everyone because it seems like all replies here are on the opposite side with you man. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the new update~
  17. TheEpicWarlord

    TheEpicWarlord Active Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Really??? because all I have gotten is a load of junk does it get better as you get higher level on my old account I got rare tritorps but that was it. The rest I have to grind from pieces which you claim are better here are two reasons why they are worse they cost as much as a weapon that cost 2 slot points, second rares or epics showed up as much as you could get 10 pieces (probably faster) then you have a choice do I want it or not now it is just given too you if you want it or not you don't want it so you scrap it you have 40 more parts 1-3 more power cells and one piece to start over again at the cost of (for a rare) 500,000 gold and a lot of time. Yippee.
  18. TheEpicWarlord

    TheEpicWarlord Active Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Really??? because all I have gotten is a load of junk does it get better as you get higher level on my old account I got rare tritorps but that was it. The rest I have to grind from pieces which you claim are better here are two reasons why they are worse they cost as much as a weapon that cost 2 slot points, second rares or epics showed up as much as you could get 10 pieces (probably faster) then you have a choice do I want it or not now it is just given too you if you want it or not you don't want it so you scrap it you have 40 more parts 1-3 more power cells and one piece to start over again at the cost of (for a rare) 500,000 gold and a lot of time. Yippee.
  19. TheEpicWarlord

    TheEpicWarlord Active Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Here are some ways you could improve I think.
    1. Unlimited parts for gold buy as many as you want from the shop (reason being a lot of people complaining about parts also reduce the price for epic and rates)
    2. Same for power cells
    3.increase star cap to 500 stars (reason will come later)
    4. Put in some items (like 10) one being a guaranteed rare all of them having an x% chance of being higher (refresh every 48 hours)
    5.Increase the amount if pieces to 2 guaranteed
    6. Put back rare boxes for 50 stars (same as premium basically except the ability to buy them with stars) epics same as before, legendary guaranteed legendary pretty obvious 350 stars then for 500 stars you could get the epic container.

    You may notice these ALL are about the shop this is mainly because there is nothing in my opinion wrong with the leveling system just about how you obtain the items. Now this is pretty bad for you it would rust your fine money making machine that you worked hard to build but way more people will play if you do it. (I'm I sorry if I offended you with what I said about battle bay but it sure seems like that from the last two updates pearl box, and now the shop that seems to need pearls to get decent gear)
    Miss-B likes this.
  20. ToddTHY

    ToddTHY Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Unlimited parts and cells from the shop will definitely destroy this game by making it completely pay to win. Bad idea.

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