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Sorry Rovio, but I can't finance online abuse.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Admiral DrkRealm, 13 Jul 2017.

  1. Admiral DrkRealm

    Admiral DrkRealm Member

    5 Jul 2017
    Eastern Washington, USA
    Tune in to any if the 9 English globals, and it's painfully obvious that the in-game "Report Player" feature is useless.

    Every day, we see the same tired trolls contributing their vapid, disgusting nonsense completely unchecked. They know that reporting is useless, and they thrive on racking up the wrong sort of infamy. Many have multiple accounts, so even if they're banned on one they just crop up again on another, free to pollute the community with their toxic fail.

    I'm sure the admins try to keep up, but relying on real people filtering through thousands of reports is obviously inadequate. Children play this game, and they are being subjected to an unacceptable amount of abuse. That is not okay, and I refuse to finance it.

    TLDR: Until Rovio takes its community far more seriously, I won't be spending a dime on this rather awesome game.
  2. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    You arent requires to look at chat, so just ignore it and keep battling
  3. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Totally agree.. I'm a free to play at the moment..and paying for VIP Chat isn't and shouldn't be the only option to avoid trolls/constant abuse and people "looking" for girls/sex.
    The report option does work..but..the more people report somebody it gets flagged up quicker. So if only 1 person reports I guess it is at the bottom of the pile.
    I can understand the problems the Devs would have if they had to check every report(maybe they do?)..the thing is..there are hundreds maybe thousands of new players everyday and to be honest..it IS the majority of new comers who are doing the trolling/abuse..the Devs wouldn't have time to sleep..nevermind update this great game if they had to check every single report.
    Look at Drop Dead Gorge chat..it is endless abuse..people looking for girls/sex.
    IMO..ANYBODY reported for trawling for girls/sex should be made PRIORITY for report checks. Surely it isn't that hard to check chat timeline when report was made..then FULLY ban such people. I've said in a different thread..some people may say.."lighten up.. it's just a bit of fun"..BUT it isn't fun..and should be taken seriously by ROVIO.
    There are many vile people out there who trawl chat rooms trying to groom youngsters and sadly terrible things have happened..God forbid anything did happen and ROVIO had ignored reports?
    As you've said..many kids play this game and kids are susceptible to suggestions..and this is how certain people prey on youngsters..anybody can be anybody behind a keyboard.
    So again..come on ROVIO..make this sort of thing a priority and permanently ban such people.
    Captain Gilligan likes this.
  4. Admiral DrkRealm

    Admiral DrkRealm Member

    5 Jul 2017
    Eastern Washington, USA
    This is a serious problem, and it should be taken seriously. Ignoring it doesn't make it go away.
    KilleWh4le and chrisNazty like this.
  5. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Yes it is..and I hope the Devs reply to this thread.. I will bump it every week until they do.
    The curse filter is pretty pointless as they just use different characters to get around it..which I'm sure is also a bannable offence..but IMO that isn't the biggest problem..youngsters hear and obviously use swear words..but the sexual content in chat should be instantly banned.
    As I said.. it's mainly new players who are polluting chat.. I'm positive that most have NEVER even been on this forum..nevermind seen the Rules/Chat Rules thread.
    Then also.. I've seen people who have clearly played this for a while and have "cleared chat"..again..bannable offence. I did tell them it was bannable..the reply?..they thanked me for telling them as they didn't know..try that with the majority of new players and you'd get a tirade of abuse.
    Captain Gilligan and Ultrah like this.
  6. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    He has a point. There is pretty much nothing they can do that I know of. What would you suggest?
    How about this, separate chat restricted to Mk3s and higher, and another to Mk4s. I think that would be cool.
    Last edited: 13 Jul 2017
  7. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Make ALL reports of sexual nature PRIORITY. Check chat log when report was made..if guilty.. Permanently Ban them.
    It's up to us as a community AND ROVIO to rid the chat rooms of this.. eventually the chat rooms will be worth going to.
    Safer..happier chat rooms=happy players..happy players=more likely to play this game for a long while and decide to spend=profit for ROVIO=everyone is happy.
    Simple as that.
    Last edited: 13 Jul 2017
  8. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Hmm.. don't see that working as some of the people who are abusing chat do have MK3 ..it doesn't take that long to get them.
    Besides..there ARE a lot of new players who come to chat for advice about the game..so they'd miss out if you see what I mean?
    Thanks for at least trying to think of a solution..and supporting this thread.
    Do you(or anyone) not think my answer could be simply applied?
  9. Admiral DrkRealm

    Admiral DrkRealm Member

    5 Jul 2017
    Eastern Washington, USA
    Automatic mute. If there is an influx of reports against a specific player, then that player should be immediately muted. This means they think they're contributing to the channel, but nothing is visible to the rest of channel.

    Perhaps muting occurs in tiers, with increasing penalties for each:
    1st mute: 5 minutes
    2nd mute: 20 minutes
    3rd mute: 48 hours
    4th mute: Admins must unmute.

    Devs can then add a new class of reports to their queue, to review a player further and determine if they should be unmuted, or more likely, banned.

    They're sabotaging the community by using abuse mitigation measures that will only get exponentially worse as the game's popularity increases. If they let the community police itself, it'll be far more effective at keeping things clean.
    Last edited: 13 Jul 2017
  10. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    Not that bad of an idea. You are at least more invested at that point and it would help filtering. Perhaps you can't even participate in chat until you reach a threshold. At least it makes it work to troll.
  11. Admiral DrkRealm

    Admiral DrkRealm Member

    5 Jul 2017
    Eastern Washington, USA
    Note: It isn't just new players contributing to the abusive in-game environment, so separating us out by progression won't work. That would also gimp newcomers ability to seek help from the community in the game.
  12. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    Interesting idea..but a 5..20 minute mute isn't long enough by far.
    Then a little later..or next day they'll just do it over again..also the trolls/abusive people seem to outnumber regular players and if nobody reports them..then it will continue.
    It is up to us players to make the 1st move..so that ROVIO can act.
  13. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    I just don't buy this. If you get kicked for trolling, you have to spend time to get back in if you want to create another account...not worth the effort for most. And global is just a cesspool. The average person will steer clear of it based on the current level of monitoring. I don't even know how any business tolerates it honestly.

    And ya...mute would help big time too.
    Last edited: 14 Jul 2017
    P0rthos likes this.
  14. mang inasar

    mang inasar Active Member

    19 May 2017
    mute button can solve this. i wonder why rovio stubbornly refuses to give us the mute button on global chat. learn from supercell rovio.
  15. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    Players are regularly been banned because of their chat behavior based on reports. Because of the cheer amount of reports we are prioritizing the cases which get the most unique people reporting them, so keep reporting and we will react!

    Unfortunately any automatic banning functionalities are very problematic because it opens the opportunity for misuse.

    Unfortunately it's not exactly like we would be sitting on completed features and just refusing to give them to you. Every feature takes time to design, implement and test, and we need to prioritize where to put our resources. Clash of Clans got its mute feature exactly 1 year after global launch, we are well in that schedule. ;)
  16. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
  17. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    @Miika, I know everything takes time but surely when you guys allow in-game chatting, you must have a plan to mitigate the abusiveness ensure with a chatroom. Muting is a good option from @Admiral DrkRealm if done right. Automatic banning is a no-no. Here is my 2 cents on cleaning the chatroom.

    Have players as moderators with limited privileges. No banning. Moderator can temporarily mute a person for a period of time. Moderator can build a case against someone that's abusive. That will help cutting the admin time for review. This is a situation that requires human input and not easily automated. Also, since the moderator is not on Rovio's payroll, there are a lot of privileges he/she can't have and that's up to you to find out.

    Moderator should not has any privilege for in-battle punishment as he/she is bias like everyone else.
  18. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Who cares . dont go in the chat. Welcome to the world of the internet.
  19. Biffter

    Biffter Active Member

    27 Jun 2017
    What a ridiculous comment. I guess Rovio cares about it's business and profits..and people with an ounce of decency WANT to chat. Why should we stay away from chat because it's full of people trawling for sex?
    There ARE chat rules.. they're there for a reason.
  20. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Well unfortunately once again thats the internet for you.
    Just ignore it. Or go in a guild where you only chat with members.

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