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No more nerfing

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Dr.pie, 12 Jul 2017.

  1. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Not sure where the idea of mortars being redundant at high levels came from, but I assure you that they are not.
    Most shooters equip some form of mortar weapon, they're excellent for crowd control and hit damn hard.
  2. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    I wish they buffed instead of nerfed too. While speeders are feeling like they are getting too much attention (speeders arent so bad ey, i havent had a problem with them), and fixers are getting nerfed then buffed but in the wrong way so it is just a confusing mess of, "well what do I use now?" Since you literally cant experiment at high leagues with new weapons unless you get them leveled up appropriately which takes foreverrrrr. Anywho on the other side defenders have been completely ignored for awhile now and they are by no means perfect, and definitely need a buff in some way (because extra hp is rarely op)....basically i would think it would be more interesting to buff weapons so that people can gradually add them to their load out instead of nerfing which can destroy peoples game play and make them spend lots of immediate time on changing stuff out. Yknow what I mean?
  3. ThatOnion

    ThatOnion Well-Known Member

    7 May 2017
    Enforcers also need some love, all we've gotten is the fallout of these speeder nerfs
    Netsa, LimeOnMars and behumble like this.
  4. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @behumble not so sure I'd want to see any weapons buffed man.
    Life is hard enough at 3900 hp when many of the weapons pointed at me already deal 2500.
    I feel like balance should be in a pretty good place after the patch, which isn't something I thought I'd ever be saying on here.
    Feels good:)
    Fixers are going to need a little time to adjust, but I'm looking forward to getting hit with more of those green blasters soon (once they stop giving me such a fright).
  5. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Luckily you wont be too affected by this one, but yeah anyone with the yellow slot (including fixers) were nerfed with the overboost and telsa shield/stun nerf...but you are absolutely right, i rarely (say 1 in 5 games) see even 1 enforcer in the match. I dont play it however so i wouldnt really know what it needed. probably more weapon slots
    ironically have seen speeders become more popular after the nerf? At least from mk4-5
    If anything will just take time to see changes, i really think devs are rushing these nerfs, speeders havent had a chance to recover from the first hit! I get why they are upset
  6. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    That said though, a little extra speed and hp on my enforcer would be quite welcome..
    LimeOnMars likes this.
  7. behumble

    behumble Well-Known Member

    26 May 2017
    Haha no doubt. Most of the nerfs happening are to yellow and green slot items (save the sniper, but almost everyone agreed with that one), so when im talking about buffing its more of making the other yellow, green, and blue spot items more viable (like i like how they are buffing frost launcher because no one uses it). Also, some weapons, like flare gun, blast cannon, and carronade are really not on par with the rest. (save legendary forms of these, they are a beast)
  8. Totoro

    Totoro Active Member

    20 May 2017
    Tree Spirit
    Large Camphor Tree
    I'm fine with having all my stuff get nerfed into oblivion if I have a way to replace it relatively easily. I do not. So after I spend lots of time developing a boat, captains and a load out to only have it nerfed in some capacity, I get angry and then feel exhausted. I don't like having to start over all the time since it takes a lot of money and time to do so. Why would anyone feel otherwise?

    Why can't they focus more on what the smart companies do? Tinker with stuff at the top more as you add higher level items and boats. Stop screwing with the progression we have already suffered through by sending us back to start over.
    behumble likes this.
  9. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Hahaha, flare gun and blast cannon!? Instant death!
    That's a combo I'd consider more in line for a nerf than a buff, though I'm not calling for any nerfs.
  10. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Honestly, anyone who thinks balance changes shouldn't be a thing should just stop playing competitive multiplayer games. You are just plain ignorant.
  11. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    For less than 2 months. (I do have like 4,5k battles though)

    Is my comment suddenly invalid because I didn't play this game since the beta version?
  12. GhostYasuo

    GhostYasuo Active Member

    17 May 2017
    I couldn't agree more with this.Instead of nerfing a class of ships they should introduce more couterplay.Nerfing speeders really isn't the way to go.Everybody loves the class they play that's why they even play it.Many people invest a lot of time in playing a class and to see all that effort get pulled down will make them sad and most will quit.Devs please just watch how this patch plays out and introduce more counterplay items.
  13. Dr.pie

    Dr.pie Member

    7 Apr 2017
    To me it loses some validity. Unless you have spent super money on this game your items and ships can't be incredible.

    I will show you my setup. 5 months of playing and 259,8 euros has granted me this, not Super incredible or even incredible, but it's ok for now. If you feel weak in midrange battles, then you don't belong there just now imo.

    Lol look at my setup. That's 5 months of playing every day plus the sum of money I told. Oh and I have scrapped a lot of good items because I was a simpleton in the very beginning.
    Now I'm at 3400+ infamy. Few months ago getting to 2000 infamy and staying there felt impossible and frustrating. Now I doubt I will go below 3000. Just loving to play. In 6 months I will be a steady nightmare player just because I train my crew and slowly but surely evolve my items. No nerfing needed.

    Attached Files:

  14. WarCream

    WarCream Well-Known Member

    14 Apr 2017
    Oslo, Norway
    No what I mean is the early player had advantage because they grinded a lot more than player after global launch. And on soft beta launch we used to have almost no update and IT was fun. But after global launch this game gone senile.
  15. JDAR

    JDAR Active Member

    8 May 2017
    Im not gonna spend a dime until I see how this game fairs it's first six months :p
  16. Melv

    Melv Member

    8 Apr 2017
    If you played the game in beta you would have definitely spent money.

    Leveling was much easier and not so costly. When they first changed the upgrading and evolving system 'for the better', the devs gave some lame ass reason about making it easier for ppl to understand or to reduce waiting time. I called their bluff and it was a decision driven purely by the profit margin. Now that we are a few months into the game and seeing so many legendary item users, all I can say is the devs are going to get a damn good year-end bonus.

    My conspiracy theory for the speeder nerfs are also along the lines of their profit margin. Speeders use 2 weapons. Whereas shooters and defenders use more. So nerf speeders, make them less popular so that ppl play shooter and defenders more and spend more $$ to get those juicy legendary items. Genius. But evil genius.

    IMHO, if there is anything that needs to get nerfed is that enfo jigging business. I mean seriously wtf... let's break it down....
    Speeders drive fast and straight - easy to lead the shot
    Shooters slower and pew pew pew from long range - either you battle long range too or get in close (so much more difficult with all the speeder nerfs now). It's become a long range game now and every one is pussying behind cover (me included)
    Defenders - slow big fat tanks. Meant to take the shots so if anything, they should beef up the defense more or give them a healing bonus or something
    Enforcers - WTF IS THIS JIGGING-DANCE-STOP-START BS? Who the hell drives a boat like that?
    Fixers - I feel for you guys. Even with the recent speeder related nerfs, I feel it's easier to kill fixers than before. This probably means that you fixers really need skill to survive. Kudos to you lot.
    D3X likes this.
  17. Epekka

    Epekka Well-Known Member

    6 May 2017
    in the not too distant future
    Well, jugding what some people *cough*joeyaa*cough* in this thread said, if speeder is aparently the "best ship" for "good players" who know how to do more than "buy high level items and shoot" that means that speeder should be nerfed so these aparently very uptight 'were better than everyone else because we use speeder' players have a choice of what ship to use, because, speeder is the "BEST ship for GOOD players."
  18. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @Melv enforcers had our instant acceleration nerfed already mate. If you can't hit us, especially with the added overboost nerf you may want to look at your aim.
  19. Melv

    Melv Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Speeder isn't the best ship. There isn't a best ship. A skilled shooter/defender is as good as a skilled speeder is as good as a skilled enfo.
  20. Melv

    Melv Member

    8 Apr 2017
    My aim is normal. I hit fixers, shooters and defenders all fine. Its the enfos which are hard to hit.
    Anyways, the point I was trying to make is.... speeders aren't as OP as ppl make them out to be. They are just more fun to play. More fun to play doesn't mean OP.

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