Do you mean *Bhlurt out the information? in Bhurt... I'll leave now...
Okay. Well I can't answer some of these right away--or at all, like the power cells... and because I don't have any legendaries. But from my experiences, I would say you get one epic item in every 10 epic chests you buy.
I've never really thought about playing battle bay not on mobile, but I play on my android phone. Never really tried anything else.
I would say you can get around 10000 to 15000 gold per match in the 1000's, and around 8000--10000 sugar per match. (Nevermind--I realized I'm still in the green league, despite being at 1900 infamy)
I would say you get your first epic weapon at around 1000 infamy...
When you watch a video in the shop, it doesn't reset the timer of when the shop resets naturally. Use pearls, however, and the timer resets back to 6 hours. You can use this so you get the reset when you are about to sleep and when you wake up so you don't waste it when you are sleeping.
You probably should avoid using both the blast and sniper cannons together. Bhurts upgrades usually make you choose between making one of them better.
I would say it's worth expanding your inventory to 25 or 30 early in because it's pretty cheap. Anything more isn't needed until late game.
Well that's all off the top of my head. You probably already knew most of this, but I hope some of this info was useful to you
Oh and my level 22 rare blast cannon does 449 damage with perks and training... But only 295 without :O
My level 6 epic flare gun does 18 without any perks or training.
My level 30 uncommon cannon does 187 with training and perks, 148 without.
My epic big shield level 11 has 410 hitpoints, 360 without anything. (I only have 50 extra hitpoints from my training

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