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Power Cells

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by AndyAshton, 6 Apr 2017.

  1. ToddTHY

    ToddTHY Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Just my opinion, not judgement. Welcome disagreements.
    About the old fusing system. I heard you guys saying new players don't get it. While my opinion is that the fusing system was one unique point of this game by the old time and it's easy to teach and learn. The new leveling system(parts, cells, sugar) is really complicated, as a top20 player myself I couldn't handle it well for over these three weeks, do you really expect the new people to love it? Plus, lots of other games had done this kind of systems, so it's no longer unique. A common, rigid system can never beat a unique, flexible system. Like my professor always says: complexity generates bugs. Most people don't pay to win, they pay to have fun~.
    Last edited: 13 Apr 2017
    360NOSCOPE and TheRedSpeeder like this.
  2. Shekelsteen

    Shekelsteen New Member

    12 Apr 2017
    Don't piss on us and tell us it's raining.

    Ever since the upgrade you run around trying to be a smartass, telling everyone it's easier now to level up and you did the math.
    Than another update comes around that addresses part of the issue everyone was complaining about even though you did the math. Now you try to be smartass again for whatever reason, telling the people that actually play the game and test the new system that they have no clue, because you did the math again.

    Of course the upgrade process is faster now than in the 2.0 version, since you had to address the obvious sugar issues. It's still far longer than it took before the 2.0 update. Before you could buy items. You could use all items for leveling up any gun. And not just some miniscule scrap part of these items. If a player was just a bit smarter than a potato, he used the bonuses the items gave on top of that, combining them with higher rarity items for additional xp.

    Now you can do none of that because you can not buy items anymore, there is no bonus, it doesn't help that you have several items of the same type, you need power cells on top of that which are super rare and require you to scrap items you almost never get. Try to level common items. It's an insane grind because the only way to get scrap is the free box in the shop, scrap that shows up in the shop and the daily 3 win bonus box. That's it.

    It easier with uncommons, since you have the uncommon star box and the uncommon challenge boxes.

    But it's almost impossible with rares. To get the scrap required you have to scrap rares, the only source being the fusing of 10 rare parts from scrapping, buying, rare and uncommon challenge Boxes and uncommon star boxes.

    This gives you 1 rare item if you get 10 of one type with 4 types being in the game.

    But for some reason you thought: well, the grind is not enough," and put the requirement of power cells on top of it.

    Now try the same shit with epics. It's impossible to level them up. Or legendaries. Even getting a legendary requires you to pay 3900 pearls ten times. Then you get one item and you have almost no source for legendary scrap or legendary power cells.

    Stop trying to spread this shit of it being easier now. You might as well argue we need less gold than before because we only pay for fusing. But we need insufferable amounts to get the scrap and all the other required materials to do it. Same goes for sugar.
  3. ToddTHY

    ToddTHY Member

    5 Apr 2017
    1, let's try to talk nicely. I believe that there is nobody wants this game to be liked by us more than the developers. Now we have arguments, that's normal. We should just stay calm and talk. ^_^
    2, what you wrote and I quoted, this paragraph is totally true. ~
    PCCA494 likes this.
  4. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    who said mobile games were cheaper??? hahaha... $25 just to upgrade 1 freakin' weapon... geez
  5. yellowocean

    yellowocean Well-Known Member

    13 Apr 2017
    get this, i can't even level up my common rail gun to t2 coz i've been waiting and waiting for another common RG to evolve it... i think that in itself is a clear representation of the flawed upgrade system... it's been almost a week now and i still can't get lucky enough to get a common RG.

    with that, the devs should consider the following suggestions:
    1) expand the shop... it should include power cells and full items (still at random but it should be there)
    2) bring back the blue and red star boxes (random occurrence) and bring back the old star capacity (they can add an ultra rare "legendary" mystery box for 250 stars
    3) allow parts to go beyond 10 pcs, for every part you combine beyond 10, you get a higher chance of the item becoming a T2 or T3 (ex. combine 11 parts, you get 10% chance for T2 and 5% for T3, 14 parts = 40% chance for T2 and 20% chance for T3)
    4) allow substitutions in evolution: if evolving a rare t4 to T5 requires 2 T1 of the same item, maybe they can allow 2 T1 rares from the same crew member (ex. T4 rare sniper can be evolved to T5 if you have 2 T1 rares of any combination of sniper/blast/explosion/standard cannons which are all under bhurt) OR 3 rares can substitute for 1 epic and 3 epics can substitute for 1 legendary
    dean, ToddTHY, Jammo and 1 other person like this.
  6. Jammo

    Jammo Member

    6 Apr 2017
    The Fighthouse
    @yellowocean point #3 is an awesome idea! Use a rarity item from the same crew member to evolve rather than the exact duplicate. Devs, pay attention to this guy.
  7. Felipowski

    Felipowski New Member

    13 Apr 2017
    Business Man
    I liked your ideas. very nice.
    I also consider that shop should have power cells (at random) to sell. But we could have the opportunity to buy it. At the moment I have almost of items stucked waiting either for power cells or another item to level up.
    Daily bonus should also be reviewed. It is a shame that a winning battle gives so little reward.
  8. Jammo

    Jammo Member

    6 Apr 2017
    The Fighthouse
    @Zeus @Miika

    I need 120 rare power cells to progress further in this game. I have 18 useful cells and hundreds of low tier rubbish I cannot do anything with. Do you understand the problems we are having with this new upgrade system yet? I feel like I am literally at a stand still for the next few months. Heavens forbid if I was trying to upgrade epic items! Check out the paltry amount of epic parts and cells I have managed to acquire after nearly a full month of playing this new update. The balance does not need tweaking... it needs a complete overhaul!
  9. ToddTHY

    ToddTHY Member

    5 Apr 2017
    While, I need only epic cells, and I have cumulated 700 uncommon cells and 300 common cells. I think 90% people don't use uncommon cells, and 99.99% people don't use common cells, they are just garbage now.
  10. AndyAshton

    AndyAshton Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Does anyone still having difficulty getting power cells ? I do.

    I tried upgrading rare items to T2 and scrapping it in order to get epic power cells. The process consumes lots of common, uncommon and rare parts. We have to keep buying from the shop. Once it becomes T2, scrapping it gives me only 2 epic power cells.

    It is difficult enough to find identical items. And we still have to face with scarcity of power cells.

    Evolving an epic item needs plenty of cells. So at the moment, my weapons are unable to evolve.

    Please reduce the requirement of power cells for evolving. Or make power cells available to purchase in shop.
    Thank you
  11. Jammo

    Jammo Member

    6 Apr 2017
    The Fighthouse
    I reached a point where I required about 120 rare power cells to move forward in the game. I quit shortly after.
    AndyAshton likes this.

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