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Thoughts on overboost nurf

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by MOB BOSS, 1 Jul 2017.

  1. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    Overboost feels more fun and balanced now. I actually like it more now because it rewards you for thinking and using it at the right moment, instead of just keeping it up all the time.
  2. Sk1llsaw

    Sk1llsaw New Member

    17 Apr 2017
    Ok so how is this an actual argument for what is better about overboost changes? That makes no actual sense. It doesn't "reward you" for using it at the right moment. It does what it is supposed to do which is give a speed boost which is the same thing it did before except it was more readily available before. A reduction to either cooldown or duration would have been more understandable but the 2 seconds to cooldown as well as duration are excessive imo
    D3X likes this.
  3. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    It rewards you because if it's 100% uptime, there's no skill element involved (OK a small bit, because you still trigger a GCD by using it). If it's not 100% uptime, you have to think about when you want it to be up, instead of just using it whenever it's ready. You can then make good or bad choices, where a skilled player will make more good ones. Hence skill is rewarded.
  4. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    Now you need to learn how to use it and when to use it. No more spamming. Imagine if nitro had no cooldown like overboost did. You would have never learned to be tactical with it. You would have spammed nitro all game long and never would have learned when to use and in what situations to. And you would be complaining in forums that your precious nitro is "useless". Now you have to "relearn" overboost. No more spamming and if you don't like it there are other boats or yellow items.
  5. Pewpewdie

    Pewpewdie Member

    9 Apr 2017
    I like the nerf, its easier to land torps now :D
    HappyUnicorn789 and Stelmo like this.
  6. Pewpewdie

    Pewpewdie Member

    9 Apr 2017
    Proior to update i have a 10 sec cooldown and a 11 duration
    HappyUnicorn789 likes this.
  7. Sk1llsaw

    Sk1llsaw New Member

    17 Apr 2017
    Thanks tips, after 4k matches hadn't realized that lol. Jj.
    But seriously you having played a ton of matches yourself as a speeder do you feel it was warranted and if so why?
    I'd like to see a dev chime in and give some insight and possibly some match statistics like others devs do when they makes such harsh chamges.. or are we the test crew and they are throwing out random numbers knowing things will be tweaked?

    MOB BOSS Member

    26 Apr 2017
    Well my rare overboost is now pretty lame. 7 seconds of SLIGHTLY faster with 12 seconds cool down is a wasted slot. if I use overboost and then nitro. My nitro will be ready to use again before my overboost...

    I've tried running two nitros and I think that's bettor than having the overboost on the ship at all. At least you can dodge around with that.

    Overboost never really made your ship fast enough to not get hit. So now it just feels like a wasted slot cause it not even useful to cover much ground.

    MOB BOSS Member

    26 Apr 2017
    And as far as having durations longer than cool downs. Fine that's pretty stupid. But my rare overboost didn't have a duration longer than cooldown and it's not fair to let me level up an item for half a year it feels like, for you completely change the way it acts. It's not even similar for my rare overboost. Now it just leaves me stranded going the speed of a fast shooter.

    They needed to add cooldown or lower duration.. Not both.

    Shouldn't be letting the p2w items make the F2P items less useful than they've been before. Just because the P2W versions are TOO OP
  10. Captain Gilligan

    Captain Gilligan Well-Known Member

    16 Jun 2017
    Freelance Motion Designer
    Gilligan's Island
    Look at the best players in the world. SO MANY of them are speeders, for that reason only the overboost nerf was and is needed. And this is coming from a lifelong speeder who uses overboost ALL THE TIME
  11. Captain Gilligan

    Captain Gilligan Well-Known Member

    16 Jun 2017
    Freelance Motion Designer
    Gilligan's Island
    but can we all agree that a permanent nitro boost would be amazing :p
  12. MOB BOSS

    MOB BOSS Member

    26 Apr 2017
    I just can't see how we're even talking about overboost being op when there still hasn't been any changes to tesla bolt. And I've been the victim of double tesla bolt and you literally can't do a single thing to stop it.

    Side note I'm really happy with what they did with tesla shield. That 4 second stun helps with double shields. Cause that's pretty op too.

    Now they need to do something about tesla bolt. It's ok to render someone's ship useless for 12 seconds but heaven for bid 10 seconds of slightly increased speed is op
  13. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    But its not just 10 seconds. With how it was before it was ALWAYS activated. The effect literally ends a second or less before the cooldown finishes. How is that not OP to you? And its not just 'slightly' increased speed, it could be as high as 90-120% of whatever your current speed is. On average it probably boosts your speed atleast 50% if youre using a decent rare OB.

    I do somewhat agree with you on Tesla bolt. Its a very strong item.. There is a downside to it if you get hit early then it becomes useless... But for 1 on 1 scenarios its the ultimate item to have and for that reason alone I think it needs some tweaking.. As to how it should be changed, Ill leave that to the developers.
  14. Captain Gilligan

    Captain Gilligan Well-Known Member

    16 Jun 2017
    Freelance Motion Designer
    Gilligan's Island
    I agree a lot with that. My overboost is almost a T4 epic and it does almost 100% increase. I use the tesla bolt too and I wouldn't even mind if it was nerfed down 4s or so. It's incredibly OP if you are in a situation where you can stun an opponent and focus on the other without needed to worry about being stabbed in the back.
    BEN likes this.
  15. BEN

    BEN Active Member

    8 Apr 2017
    Start of the game when its still 5 on 5 the bolt isnt as effective since there are 4 other people who can cancel it. But for 1 on 1 yeah its the one item that can give you a clear advantage if your enemy doesnt have it. Even 1 v 2 would still give you a decent chance by forcing one of the enemies to just watch for 8-12 seconds. If I had to suggest a change then id rather increase the cooldown than decrease the stun duration. That way when the effect is done the enemy will have more than a couple seconds to fight back.
    Captain Gilligan likes this.
  16. Captain Gilligan

    Captain Gilligan Well-Known Member

    16 Jun 2017
    Freelance Motion Designer
    Gilligan's Island
    Or you could hold in the attack button to "charge it up" dealing a higher stun duration. That would be awesome! But maybe I shouldn't be talking about the tesla bolt in a OB thread
    BEN likes this.
  17. ThirstySeal

    ThirstySeal Member

    25 Apr 2017
    OB nerf has really changed how I play Enforcer. I used to do a lot of close-range combat with cannon-style weapons. Now I'm much more of a "hide somewhere, launch mortar-style weapons, then boost to another location to launch them again" type player. The boost isn't really long enough to make close combat survivable anymore. A little less interesting/exciting, I think, but not a deal breaker.
  18. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Needed to be done but I do think that some players who spent money and time on it should at least be reimbursed with something.
  19. Battle Bay Scrub

    Battle Bay Scrub Member

    2 Jul 2017
    Is over boost still worth using if you're not a speeder? Especially a low-level non-speeder since max perks and crew were the only way you could have infinite overboosts to begin with?
  20. Captain Gilligan

    Captain Gilligan Well-Known Member

    16 Jun 2017
    Freelance Motion Designer
    Gilligan's Island
    If you are a non speeder than I assume you are a fixer or enforcer. If you are a fixer then OB are the best if not one of the best items to use still as fixers need to be able to reach their friendlys asap when they are needed. Enforcers on the other hand don't need to heal their teammates. I would still recommend having an OB if you can fit another yellow item on the boat. But if you are ever deciding between an OB and tesla bolt. Then I would choose the tesla first. OB aren't useless anymore but now they aren't essential

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