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[Patch Notes] v. 2.4 "We're gonna need a bigger boat"

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Zeus, 22 Jun 2017.

  1. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Just, don't spend money. I won't ether due to the fact that what we buy may be taken away so fuck it
    SiRHoT and r4z like this.
  2. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @WarCream I was also surprised, but not at all amused.
    A lot of high level players are quitting already, the game just gets more broken with every update.
    I keep waiting for things to get better, but its looking pretty grim.
  3. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    That's a nice meme which surfaces with every balancing update, probably in every game too. Luckily the amount of noise has no correlation with actual quitting. Generally people who quit just do it silently over time instead of advertising it vocally. So it's wise to not buy into the rumours. Change often hurts but it does make the game better in the long run always.
  4. Kitterini

    Kitterini Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Ill agree that the level of complaining is abit over the top atm.
    Ill promise to be positive aslong as you promise to eventually consider why 60%+ of the top players are playing the same 1 boat :) Perhaps spiced with an afterthought on how large a % of other classes, say fx Fixers you think belong in high ranked play.

    This probably sounded more negative than it is meant -- I firmly do believe that balance changes are a good thing & that most of the changes will end up feeling good eventually. The main frustration, I think, is based in the fact that gathering & leveling other items/boats is a months (if not year) long task, so hefty balance changes are quite a slap. But aslong as you eventually decide to look into late game balance we will persevere!
  5. WarCream

    WarCream Well-Known Member

    14 Apr 2017
    Oslo, Norway
    This game requires months or maybe years of grinding just to maximize the effect of an item they use and suddenly you guys nerf it so hard. And I think it's frustrating especially if you worked hard for it. So please devs you should consider on moderately nerfing items that is popular. Instead buff the items that can oppose them. so that it will be balance.
  6. WarCream

    WarCream Well-Known Member

    14 Apr 2017
    Oslo, Norway
    Yeah I was supposed to spend money on this game but then that frost item nerf update came. It just Basically ruined my summer and autumn grinding and frustration comes and quit the game and eventually came back. But then again Im thinking of quitting this game.
    Ultrah likes this.
  7. Stelmo

    Stelmo Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @Miika thanks for the reply, however snide it was.
    It's probably true that a lot more people talk about quitting than actually doing it, it's tough to let go of something you've spent so long building and working towards.
    I'm sure most of us still have a some faith left that this brilliant game will be saved, I know I do.
    This update feels like a step backwards though and the best fixers in the game quitting is more than a rumour, it's a bit heartbreaking to be honest.

    Driving a bigger wedge between rare and epic/legendary items doesn't balance gameplay (another thing these nerfs do), it just gives the guys with better gear an even bigger advantage.

    From what I've seen so far the speeders really hurt were mk5 and below, and while their stuns can still be way too long they weren't really the problem. Not sure I ever saw any complaints about speeders being too fast for too long anyway, it's an hp issue.

    At least defender has some competition now for the title of worst ship on the bay.
    Sk1llsaw likes this.
  8. Bomby McBombface

    Bomby McBombface Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Director of Astronautical Engineering
    Not at all, mine is slow as heck too, was fine before this update, now it's horrible.

    Probably just another glitch in the long list that are being ignored.
  9. WarCream

    WarCream Well-Known Member

    14 Apr 2017
    Oslo, Norway
    It's because of the nerfing of OB. It's what gives you speed You probably did not notice because you just spam it
    Bomby McBombface likes this.
  10. Bomby McBombface

    Bomby McBombface Member

    6 Apr 2017
    Director of Astronautical Engineering
    No, I run a Shooter, that's what is running slower since this update.
    If I run a Speeder, dang right I spam OB, along with nitro and turbo, it's what gives that boat its advantage.
  11. Brizo

    Brizo Active Member

    5 Apr 2017
    @Miika @Zeus @Dmg don I've been playing around with my little T2 epic Repair Bolt. Here are my thoughts:
    - Great new repair item: A+
    - Being a 2 point item, I think it could use a little healing boost or maybe a splash healing effect similar to torpedoes.
    - The auto aiming can be annoying sometimes when it picks up the closest teammate who happens to be slightly behind you.
    - I love being able to unfreeze or unstun friendlies, and replenish some of their health at the same time. Question: Can it do both in one shot, unfreeze and unstun? I bolted a ship once but it remained frozen, but was unstunned. It happened so fast that I'm not entirely sure.

    Great "controversial" update :) . The game is a little more balanced.
  12. The Otherguy

    The Otherguy Well-Known Member

    26 Jun 2017
    Tech support
    behind that rock over there
    It's a lot of fun to do, but I should tell you. If you are a fixer with a repair box, you can lock on to one of your teammates and say destroy The_Otherguy!
  13. P0rthos

    P0rthos Well-Known Member

    5 Apr 2017
    Suckup. :p
    Bradley Thorinsson and SiRHoT like this.
  14. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    I actually quit fixer but ya, that was real fun. One of our speeders panicked and ran into a mine. We lost, but it was a load of fun. The reason I'm leaving fixer is not because of the update, mind you. I learned to use speeder(finally) at mk3. So I just wanted to share...
    Mk3 people may notice a significant change. The speeder, already a soft target, has become softer because of the OB nerf. What I see is that more people at mk3 prefer turbos at their one and only blue slot. That is also okay. Nitro+ OB has gone out of the question because you are vunerable for six seconds. If you wanna be bulletproof, I suggest double OB. It works of and only if you know what you're doing. I practiced a bit and got the hang of it in like three matches. Try. It works like a charm!

    Last edited by a moderator: 12 Jul 2017
    The Otherguy likes this.
  15. 13RAVO

    13RAVO New Member

    6 Jul 2017
    Is there going to be a fix on torpedos not exploding in close range?
    Mamamyers likes this.
  16. Mamamyers

    Mamamyers Well-Known Member

    18 May 2017
    Your mom
    Would be nice lol
  17. Miika

    Miika Game Lead

    29 Mar 2017
    That is intentional and how they have always worked. Torpedos have an arming time, they are not close combat weapons.
    TheRedSpeeder and SiRHoT like this.
  18. Robos

    Robos Member

    17 May 2017
    That is intended. Torps already are extremely good in the right hands and don't need that change. Imagine tri/big-torp on a speeder at point blank against a group
  19. SiRHoT

    SiRHoT New Member

    29 Jun 2017
    Dear @Miika ,

    @Zeus did not answer my posts, maybe you will, please answer.

    The issue is the last update of the game. As far as I know, you are the speeder player still. I am like you that I prefered to play with queen of the bay. However, you are currently at the top and the game has just released on first week of May, 2017 in my country and I have been playing since that time. So, only 2 months already past. Now, I'm at level 26 with MK4 speeder and before the update my situtation was not so bad , not so good. After update (overboost nerfed - totally 4 seconds taken from us now, tesla shield - now is useless especially at my level with MK4 - MK5 speeder with lower tier rare tesla shiel item. you must have at least tier 3-4 epic tesla shield to use), now it is really diffucult to survive at 2000-2200 infamy points with MK4-MK5 speeders, believe me in this point I'm absolutely right. Maybe like you, at top players do not so affected by this update as much as we do - MK4 & MK5 speeders. Also, as you know, with MK4 speeder, we have only 2 weapons & 2 yellow items & 2 blue items with 1400 - 2000 health point. However you have 2 weapons & 3 yellow items & 3 blue items on your MK6 or MK7 speeder. So, it is not so hard for you.

    Thus, what is your opinion with low level speeders? Don't you think that we are nerffed really?

    Believe me, now we are speedy as like as defender. It is no need to say "speeder" for below MK6 level speeder ship any more, I think.
  20. The War Net

    The War Net Member

    9 May 2017
    I understand the need for balancing of gameplay. I also understand that the developers collect data in order to formulate best strategies of making these balances take effect. What I don't understand is what data was provided to believe that killing off an entire class of ship at mk4 and below was necessary. The hit to fixers was absolutely devastating, with the majority of the update truly affecting it more than any other ship. Combine the overboost reduction, pulse destruction, repair box hoodini act, with the ability to lock onto a single target in a group from across the map..... It's instant death for fixers. (Don't forget to add the already available reductions to repair effects from Tesla Bolt, Frost Blaster and Flare).

    Needless to say that Sniper Rifles got what I would call a laughable at best reduction, it didn't address their primary problem (critical striking every other shot) and they are still the most widely used item in the game (because people know this and exploit it). It can strike at distances starting at 40 with a projectile speed to match, making it nearly impossible to avoid as a fixer, even with a turbo. So why bring one? Now you need to bring shields with defense perks, maybe a bandage, and while you're at it, paint the ship blue.

    While I agree that Double Pulse was absolutely over powered, I would love to see what Data you collected that suggested that single pulse fixers at MK4 and below truly needed to be hit. A simple solution of making one pulse negate the other for the fixer would have been wonderful. Couple that with making the repair bolt a single slot item with reduced efficiency and you would finally see a well rounder fixer above MK5, starting with a single pulse, a box and a bolt. Allowing for close, mid and long range repairs. Nevermind the fact that the repair bolt is not intended for MK4 and below players, as evidence by its extremely late game boosts from Feelix (removes stun at lvl 25, so what's that, mk6?) and developers openly admitting it.

    I love this game, I truly do. I have spent an assload of money in game and in getting a YouTube channel set up. From buying a tablet just for the game, to the capture card and a bunch of peripherals/software to support the channel, I don't think there is anyone who truly enjoys it more than myself and was wanting to share it with the world. But the Developers refused to take input on the update prior to launching, and ignored their player base, and took a huge figurative dump on an entire class of players. A player shouldn't be FORCED to change ships just to be able to play and be successful. That is not what balancing is supposed to do. But that is exactly what this update has forced fixers who are MK4 and below to do. Especially those who are rocking uncommon and rare equipment. They just cant compete with the totality of the reductions to a single ship class.

    The issues at hand need to be resolved soon if people are to continue playing their beloved ships. It was way too much at once for a single ship class to be dealt. And to be offered no recompense for MK4 and below by way of an alternative healing item (don't suggest Bolt, read above) that can self repair, its just downright dirty.

    Now I know what some of you are going to say, "At the higher leagues they deal more DPS so it's just as equally hard hitting for MK5 and above." No, it's not. You at least got the ability to have a new item that may be useful in allowing you to affect a new long range strategy. Allowing you to remain safely behind friendly lines without worry of sustaining serious damage. MK4 and below don't get that luxury. Using the bolt at that level is surely certain death for your teammates who rely heavily on the pulse for area heals and sustainability. Its the life blood of battles, and now at the lower tiers it may as well be poison for the fixer who uses it.

    Some input from your player base would have been warranted prior to affecting such a debasing update that is far from balanced. Bouncing ideas of balancing between the same supremely small group of people over and over again is likely to get you nowhere. New data and new perspective is certainly needed if you truly want this game to succeed as much as we, the player base, want it to. And again, telling someone to change ships is as asinine as telling someone to drink bleach. No one should be forced to switch ships because of balancing in order to be successful. That is the wrong answer.

    Anyway, that's my 2 Cents, now where is my change?

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