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Block Feature, Please ! !

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Subject89P13, 1 Jul 2017.

  1. Subject89P13

    Subject89P13 Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Hello Battle Bay Developers !!

    You are seeing this Post Because Even after adding Seal Clubbing I dont think People would Stop Lowering Down the Infamy and Throwing up battles to go down in Leagues to get Easy wins ! Its still happening there are some Players who are throwing battles master league one where I am currently and A lot of People are Facing Battle Throwing Players ! In master league I know How Hard it its to win battles and If someone is Going To Throw the Battle Every time and Make other 4 Players Lose the Battle for their Self Interest I think they deserved to Get Blocked ! So My Whole Point is Please Please Please ADD THE BLOCK FEATURE IN YOUR NEXT UPDATE So that we can block such players who Throw battle on intention Now I know You will say that Some people will misuse this feature and Block those people who are very hard to beat but someday they have to face them and They cant avoid them! So at the End Please think About this Problem and Solution and Your Response will be Greatly Appreciated , THANK YOU !!!
  2. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    I'm not sure what exactly you mean with the block feature. How would it work?
  3. Subject89P13

    Subject89P13 Member

    17 Jun 2017
    I mean by that If you blocked a Player then He wont be able to battle with you or against you and cant be your friend So In this way We can Change them to Play like we want to cause if they wont stop throwing battles It will be Irritating for Hardworking players
  4. Wishaal

    Wishaal Well-Known Member

    16 May 2017
    This would result in comstantly playing with or against the same players over and over again. Sometimes when you screw up yourself people will block you, and eventually nobody has anybody left to play with anymore and it will take a very long time to get a team together under these conditions
  5. Subject89P13

    Subject89P13 Member

    17 Jun 2017
    Yes I know and I mentioned that but You are Going on Backfoot here and If you are keep on Blocking everyone then You have left no one to play then You may get harder challenges and Its not like You will block every single person I know It can Be Misused but No everyone can Block Every Single Player I mean 1 in 50 players will do that and I dont think We Should Care for that Player cause someday To reach higher Imfamy That Person have to Go against The Harder challenges who they have Avoided using Block Feature
  6. Joey who

    Joey who Well-Known Member

    11 Jun 2017
    I understand your frustration but I can without a doubt say this will never be a feature rovio would add. Too easy to abuse

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