OB most certainly needed a nerf - 100% uptime, zero thought input required for whether to activate it or not and much heavier usage than nitro.
The main issue with OB nerf is that it highlights how slow the enforcer is -- But that is a matter of buffing enforcer base speed, not an OB nerf issue.
I do suspect that we will see a Fixer rebalance in the next patch, if Fixers are meant to be a part of high end play anyway.
But who knows, I was not expecting them to hit a class with less than 10% penetration at top ranks this much and the patch did nothing serious towards ending the rule of our supreme speeder overlords

When 19/20 boats in the top 20 are speeders it should be fairly obvious that balance is perhaps not exactly perfect!
Suggestion - Take a serious look at hp and turn speed for the mk6+7 Speeders. Or more controversial, cut 1 blue point to remove the option to run Big Shield on the banana boat.
@Miika Now that you are here; Some thougths behind the reasoning to nerf Fixer (and enforcer) harder than the dominating boat in Nightmare league would be appreciated. Was 3-4 Fixers in the top 50 leaderboard too many? Is 30+ Speeders in the top 50 ideal?
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