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I am apparently a seal clubber?

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by DarkOwl360, 30 Jun 2017.

  1. DarkOwl360

    DarkOwl360 New Member

    30 Jun 2017
    I have been playing now for less than 2 weeks. I got my infamy up to 1040 or so, then saw how others were dropping their infamy by getting a lot of kill points, but then intentionally dying (some just sit and die, but I didn't do that, but did intentionally die). With the update today, I am getting no resources, so did some research and believe that I am what others are calling a seal clubber? It was not my intention to cheat...I was just doing what I saw others doing to keep my infamy low. I simply was not aware that dropping infamy was frowned on...until joining this forum to see if I could figure out why I am not getting any resources, I had no idea I was doing anything wrong (assuming that this IS the reason why I am no longer getting any resources when we get a win. It would be nice if this was pointed out by the game developers...had I known it was wrong, I assure you I would not have done it.

    So, now that I know what I was doing was not right, I have no problem playing fair. I just did what I saw others doing and just thought I was being smart...not cheating. So, is there a way to get back into good graces? I'd like to keep playing, but see no point if I will not get any opportunities to advance. So, mea culpa for my indiscretions...what now?
  2. manueliz30

    manueliz30 Member

    6 May 2017
    gain more infamy. or equal your infamy at your current league.
    so if you in ace league 2300+ you must be atleast at 2,000 i think
  3. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    lol pathetic dude. You're playing a competitive online multiplayer game. If you think intentionally losing games does not breach the rules or just plain morals in any multiplayer game, you're just plain ignorant. Not to mention a douche bag
  4. DarkOwl360

    DarkOwl360 New Member

    30 Jun 2017
    Perhaps, but unintentional...but your rudeness is VERY intentional. So I guess that makes you a better person than me? I'm just trying to have someone explain what is expected as the game doesn't tell me anything. I was following what I saw others doing. Now that I know it isn't kosher, won't do it any longer. Just looking for some guidance. Not guessing I'll get it from you retryW as you are obviously such a righteous person.
    Ian, RangerCA and Riddlerpaji like this.
  5. DarkOwl360

    DarkOwl360 New Member

    30 Jun 2017
    Warrior league I believe...will look up the requirements. This makes sense I think. Thanks.
  6. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    I'm not righteous; I just hate d*ckheads who ruin an online game on purpose. You said in your post that you did intentionally die, and that you copied other people. If you see someone steal from a shop, does that make you think it's okay ? Even if no one has directly told you not to ?

    KILGOR Member

    27 Apr 2017
    I don't mind loosing but I absolute refuse to play with idiots that don't work as a team. It is a waste of my time and effort so I want that game OVER ASAP !!!!!
  8. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    They do teach us not to steal as kids. But if someone did steal in front of you, someone who was like a father figure to you, you would steal. It has been seen before. That aside, manipulation of infamy may be a crime, but new players or even seasoned players might not get it. We owe it to them to explain.
  9. DarkOwl360

    DarkOwl360 New Member

    30 Jun 2017
    I guess civility is lost on you.
    I suppose no one taught you civility when you were growing up?...apparently you didn't learn that lesson, hypocrite. I admitted my mistake and am trying to rectify my error. Apparently you aren't capable of doing likewise.
  10. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Dont expect much sympathy here. What happened is, most of these guys joined the forum to report seal clubbers. Get to know them. They good people! But, since you wish to rectify, find a friend who knows you and is still up there in infamy. Fleet with him til you reach your native infamy. This will prevent the lower players from meeting you out there. Happy battling!
  11. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    And no, nobody retaliate to what he said. Drop it. The guy is asking for active participation and advice, give it to him. Dont troll.
  12. retryW

    retryW Well-Known Member

    13 Jun 2017
    Seriously though. What advice is there to give ? The Devs have stated that this is a bannable offence; it is also just a known fact that any abuse of a system in a game to ruin the experience of other for your own benefit is just a d*ck move and highly likely to have penalties.
    I don't see how being blunt is uncivil, but whatever mate.
    Wishaal likes this.
  13. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Well, lets be cool headed here. I agree that the guy was wrong to do it. But let's atleast consider the possibility that he was sincere. I believe him, at least. In this case, all he can do is keep fleeting from people around his native infamy and keep going.
    Helius Maximus likes this.
  14. oDDD

    oDDD Member

    9 May 2017
    Its a COMPETITIVE MOBA intentionally losing being frowned upon is something that should be PAINFULLY OBVIOUS to even a 5 year old. No excuse, if you truly thought this was "ok" then please stop playing now.
    Wishaal and retryW like this.
  15. oDDD

    oDDD Member

    9 May 2017
    Sincere or not. Who the hell thinks losing intentionally is ok in a COMPETITIVE game. Nothing about losing intentionally is competitive. Period.

    Its incredibly selfish when you are on a TEAM!
    Wishaal and retryW like this.
  16. aKifer

    aKifer Active Member

    27 May 2017
    I believe you didn't know this gimmick was a bannable offense, but I doubt you didn't feel it was wrong. You were literally profitting out of your team's loss. Didn't you feel bad about the people you owned with an overpowered ship? All the new players who quit because of impossible battles?
  17. Miathan

    Miathan Well-Known Member

    22 May 2017
    @DarkOwl360 You can get rewards again by climbing infamy until you are closer to what you previously were at.

    But yeah, as others have said, though you may not have known it was a bannable or punishable thing, you must have known it was wrong. It's kind of obvious that if you take your higher upgraded boat into the low infamy ranges, you're spoiling the fun of the people you play against. Whether it was smart or not is irrelevant if it hurts other people's game experience.
  18. sp1234

    sp1234 New Member

    30 Jun 2017
    jerky thing to do
    It's bc of ppl like u, others that have done nothing wrg are getting punished for it
  19. xxxBISMARCKxxx

    xxxBISMARCKxxx Well-Known Member

    5 Jun 2017
    What a lovely assembly of grammar and sentence structure. Almost makes one sympathetic to the purveyor of the lies and spin gathered within.

    Scared of getting banned, ok you didn't get banned. You're in the midst of your well-deserved punishment. Seems like if you stop doing stuff you'll be fine.
  20. Riddlerpaji

    Riddlerpaji Active Member

    5 May 2017

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