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Coukd use some help with a BB mystery.

Discussion in 'Game Discussion' started by Rhummy, 7 Apr 2019.

  1. Rhummy

    Rhummy Member

    22 Feb 2018
    Hello people of the bay,
    Recently I am noticing more and more players I have seen playing this game for years already with extremely low infamy. I mean people with between 20,000-40,000 battles played. I hace seen many of them with infamy as low as 200....
    Why or how have these people fallen in infamy so much?
    I remember them as being good players but they are now very low...as well, it is also strange to see these very low infamy levels in my battles. Especially when they are so far off my infamy at around 2800.
    Any help with these mysteries is greatly appreciated!
    Nikkie!, Su-57 and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  2. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    It's odd really... I don't belong to that particular generation of players, but I guess @envylife will be able to answer you on this one. It's probably people who got caught in the crossfire when the infamy system went to shit, and somehow weren't smart enough to take a break when streaks happened.
    Nikkie! likes this.
  3. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    If you talked to them, you’ll know that most of those accounts are no longer belong to the original owners. People quit and gave away their accounts.

    It’s really hard to lose 2000 infamy really. When you’re in the penalty, you’re match with players at your peak infamy only 50% of the time. The other 50%, you’re the overpowering players in the battle. One can always blame it on bad teammates but you can’t have that many bad teammates or played that badly to lose 2000 infamy if you’re trying.
  4. ViscountSniffit

    ViscountSniffit Well-Known Member

    3 Sep 2017
    I think bad teammates/matchmaking is just to get the ball rolling. You don’t need to lose the full 2000 because of them, you just need to lose enough to get hit with the tanking penalty.

    Once you’re earmarked as a tanker, you start getting put back into higher rated games, regardless of your infamy. That means you can keep losing ad infinitum without your games ever getting significantly easier.

    If that happens, I think it’s fairly easy to get pushed down to zero (or almost zero). Even a 49% win rate will eventually result in accumulated infamy loss.
    Last edited: 9 Apr 2019
    Nicolas, Nikkie!, Su-57 and 1 other person like this.
  5. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Yeah, I can totally see that happening to someone who doesn't know about the tanking penalty... The 800 loss penalty is no longer relevant to the game mechanics, and punishes more innocent players than guilty ones. It needs to go.

    We really need those infamy floors below which a player cannot drop.
    Nikkie! and Su-57 like this.
  6. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    That’s not totally how the tanking system works. You get 50% at peak infamy and 50% at current infamy. That was how I was when I was in the penalty.

    At the very least, the penalty should take the peak -800, not the peak. When someone peaked out, that means they have yet to belong there. The floor system works as well. Maybe -1000 from peak? The 800 infamy should still be there for the floor system though. At 1000, you get nothing, I think.
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.
  7. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    this started happening after some recent updates . i was shocked when a ace league player sent me fleet request because he dropped infamy to 1300 something . but i knew match making gonna put us against 3k-4k infamy as he used to get before so i cancelled the fleet and talked to him about what really happening .
    yesterday i fleet with someone who dropped at least 700 infamy . we gain some infamy but then 2-3 battles in a row we had disconnected players so we stopped playing .

    something is changed after recent update because , before updates those players were managing to stay at higher infamy for long so its not like they forgot to play .

    i am also sure once they dropped like 100 or 200 infamy , they may have stopped and took a break decided play other time . but after break they may have experienced same thing .
  8. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    One thing battle bay can do is to reduce number of infamy per battle . at the moment one need to win 4 battles to gain almost 100 infamy . if someone get 4-5 wins in a row he can stop playing , same about losing infamy 3-4 lose in a row one can lose almost 100 infamy . thats a big number for only 4 battles . this is also why player play only few battles in ranked .

    but if they reduce infamy gain lose per battle , for example if infamy per battle gain is +5+6 for a win and -4-5 for a lose . then someone can keep playing and climb infamy over the time , without being frustrated after having a losing strike . I know its not a perfect idea but current system also have flaw .

    if risk and gain is small then player may play ranked as casual i mean i am talking about number of battle per day . this can improve number of battle per day in ranked by average players . because +24 -24 is a big number , one lose a player can out of master or ace league . so +5+6 and -4-5 will make them play more often and over the time it will make them feel like they are making progress . but risk will be still there its not like taking away the risk of dropping infamy .

    then they can even remove Casual .
    Last edited: 9 Apr 2019
  9. envylife

    envylife Well-Known Member

    17 Jun 2017
    It's not that difficult to drop 2000 Infamy... it's only 85 matches, which many of us can play in a day or two. Last summer I had a streak of 38 losses in 40 games over 3 days, which was enough to put me close to the tanking penalty risk. I was trying, as I do every match, I took breaks after losing a bunch, but luck (or the system) was against me. I was able to climb back up over a week or two, got crushed several hundred Infamy, went up again, then had a really nice run over a week, set a new high, and immediately was crushed down about 1300 Infamy from my high, which is what caused the tanking penalty to go into effect. Someone commented earlier that it is a bit unfair to base the tanking penalty on a very recent, very brief, all time high, and I agree. The penalty started working at 800 Infamy drop, and was fully in effect by 900, and beyond that my rewards were reduced to almost nothing... was getting like 3k Gold and 1k sugar per match when i was used to 50k+ gold. I went through two full seasons playing for almost no battle rewards trying to work out of that hole..

    The players that are <500 Infamy yet still being put in 3k matches are in a tanking penalty zone well beyond where I went.

    I had a half dozen guildmates mysteriously struck with this Infamy deterioration disease about the same time... we had all been high Ace players 2800-3500 for months, and in a flash we were flirting with Master league. No one has fully recovered from that, and that experience drove me from ranked play entirely other than very carefully getting my Infamy up a notch. I'm fairly certain the cause of this issue was newly expanded matchmaking criteria, as a 2200 Infamy player I was constantly in battles players 1400-3000+ Infamy... and as such it was extremely difficult to control a match when players of all different levels and skills were thrown together.

    And here we are today, matchmaking criteria is even worse. Last time I was in there it was a full 3000 Infamy spread in many of my matches, so ranked has degenerated into RNG. The impact of lack of control by players is a substantial risk of dropping leagues, dropping league rewards, and getting into the Infamy tanking zone which cut battle rewards. Ranked is a riddled with far too much risk, and to add insult to injury many of these <500 Infamy accounts with new players are being thrown into 3k matches making the matches even more random. This is why it's not worth playing ranked any longer, and it is why even NML players won't risk ranked without a fleetmate. The game shouldn't, and doesn't have to be like this.
  10. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    only players who experienced it gonna understand it . other will say its all your fault .
    xBonk and envylife like this.

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