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Casual mode damaging the game

Discussion in 'Suggestions & Ideas' started by tr00po, 5 Apr 2019.

  1. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    This is why I clearly stated bonus for non-damage quests specially win machine quests.
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  2. American Marauder

    American Marauder Well-Known Member

    10 Jun 2017
    CEO of The Skins Factory
    Fort Lauderdale, Florida
    The fact that you state that casual has more players proves that it's valuable to the game. Why would you remove a popular format? "Hey people like this too much, let's get rid of it!" Ridiculous. I just wish they made casual into a full time TDM since that would be the best format for it.
  3. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    tbh, there is barely a difference between ranked and casual. It's way less than what's supposed to be (league bonus).
    It's very necessary to nerf casual because it's way more than enough.
    Just compare the following rewards: I just did theses battles.
    Sidd gamer and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  4. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Yes, I'm against removing it. I'm with making both modes fairly appealing.
  5. Nicolas

    Nicolas Well-Known Member

    24 Nov 2017
    Excuse me. Matchmaking is good, and I'm waiting for them to do some minor adjustments for the top to make it faster which will allow for some tweaks if necessary.
    Fixer should be nerfed tho. I'm expecting a nerf soon.
    Regarding 200 infamy players, I believe it was done to deal with clubbers.
    Sidd gamer and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  6. Cavy

    Cavy Well-Known Member

    26 Feb 2018
    Nerfing rewards is practically removing it tho! No ones gonna want to play casual if you nerf the rewards which is exactly what your hoping for lol call it what you want! It’s still taking away an option that many people like
    So many of us like casual mode and hope to continue having the option of playing there un restricted!
    I dare say those who like having casual far out number those who don’t.
    So stop telling us how much better off we’re gonna be after something is done that we’re against!
    You may be better off as it suits you and those who’re in your boat but that’s a small population of the Wider community
    Last edited: 8 Apr 2019
  7. tr00po

    tr00po New Member

    6 Jul 2018
    Casuals shouldn’t be played for the rewards in the first place though, they should be used for practising and if you want a low pressure chilled experience; hence the name “casual” and the description “test the waters”. Playing casuals all the time without any ranked is like a sports team playing pre-season matches all year round, this never happens because the whole point is to play in a competitive environment and place as high as possible in the table/league/cup/tournament, or in the case of Battle Bay gain infamy
  8. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    You can’t report someone for cheating in casual because it’s casual. You lose nothing if someone did that in your battles. You play a competitive multiplayer game and yet you shy away from competition? I got pissed a lot from time to time for mistakes from teammates or myself but I don’t get stressed out from a game. When you said you got stressed out, you’re either exaggerating or not taking this as a game.
    ScrapKing, Sidd gamer and Nicolas like this.
  9. Cavy

    Cavy Well-Known Member

    26 Feb 2018
    Who are you to tell others how and why they should or shouldn’t be playing?
    Casual is a safe and fun place for many to grind resources and quest trophies! Lol said but true fact in pretty much every mobile game is that people will farm! You don’t like it well tough bickies!
    I’m not there to farm and have generally hated the idea farmers in past games but people like to do it, I’ve still got my own reasons for preferring to spend the majority of my time in casual.

    And TVNPryde what ever man
    It’s simple people like playing casual! I’m confident in saying more people do then those who don’t
    Last edited: 8 Apr 2019
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  10. Cavy

    Cavy Well-Known Member

    26 Feb 2018
    Who said this?
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  11. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    This game is pretty much about farming . getting items by achievement , need to do farming , leveling up items , leveling up boats need to do farming . Guild quests are also like farming . even if someone want to climb Infamy can't just climb it by skill , need to do farming to level up items & boats because the higher you go you face players with higher gearscores .

    recently a guilt mate shared his battle replay . in that battle a player had legendary item at just 300 infamy . and he seems like a new player but maybe able to grind item by achievement from events . so now casual is really helpful to built up items and boats before climbing any infamy . but at 3.5k -4k things are different .
    Sidd gamer and Cavy like this.
  12. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    I know i said it but i say one thing , i can't mentioned any name but there are some well experienced players , who playing it for almost 2 years , some with 25-30k battles . so i am sure they know what they are doing and whats is changed after recent updates . and why it was not happening before why its happened suddenly . so something is changed in a wrong way . but you can disagree .
    Sidd gamer and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  13. Cavy

    Cavy Well-Known Member

    26 Feb 2018
    One of my guild mates started today off with 2600 infamy lol I noticed he broke past 3000 when I finished work and he ended the season at 2400 :( poor guy lol I know for a fact he’s trying hard! And if was actually on forums he’d be supporting the nerf casual squad lol
    It happens!
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  14. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    once he reached 3000 he should have switched to casual before season reset .then try to climb other time .
    Sidd gamer and TheAntiSnipe like this.
  15. TheAntiSnipe

    TheAntiSnipe Moon's haunted

    11 Jun 2017
    Classified top secret ;-)
    Like, set a floor below which you don't wanna go... And if you get to within a 100 infamy of that floor... Stop playing. That's four games you can afford to play later.
    That's basically what I do when I push ranked.
    Sidd gamer likes this.
  16. GigaBeard

    GigaBeard Member

    11 Feb 2018
    Of all the options presented in the initial post the best is to encourage play in ranked by improving further the rewards. Such as adding in power cells. Who among higher level players wouldn't love a chance at some epic power cells!!!? ;-]

    The other thing that would greatly improve ranked and otherwise is to more directly link infamy gained or lost to individual performance in a match. Like Stars... I still don't understand why they do it the way it is. @devs Still waiting on a good explanation of the current infamy reward system.
    Sidd gamer, TheAntiSnipe and Su-57 like this.
  17. Su-57

    Su-57 Well-Known Member

    20 Nov 2018
    I wish they can bring Infamy based on individual . that can bring more players to Ranked . because sometimes you do your best but maybe your team have disconnected player or team mates die in seconds because they run into unfriendly rather then stay closer to team . then players feel like infamy should be based on individual .

    today i had 2-3 battles in row where my team had one disconnected players . in one i did my best but we lost because at the end other team had left with fixer and shooter and i was left with disconnected player . so that kinda battles make you think like it should be based on individual so then it will be not gonna matter what my team mate or unfriendly did .

    also had a event battle recently which i lost but i got 10 coins but top player from other team got 7 . if they can make something based on individual in events then there are possibilities to make it happen in Ranked .

    And Reward can't bring more players to rank . for example April fool event , perk box was cheaper but i only did few battles because gaming experience was not good . my main items were not working well . it was just about big bertha spamming or Gatling gun .
    I think improving game play is more important . nobody like to have 4 fixers in team or low level players in teams . players need to have good gaming experience then they will play Ranked more often . Individual based infamy can help .

    Attached Files:

  18. GigaBeard

    GigaBeard Member

    11 Feb 2018
    One of the most frustrating things about this game is playing well in a match - win or lose and have it make no difference in the infamy rewarded. Period.
    Su-57 likes this.
  19. Sidd gamer

    Sidd gamer Active Member

    8 Jun 2018
  20. TVNPryde

    TVNPryde Well-Known Member

    8 Jun 2017
    From a player playing longer than you, I can tell you there are so many wrongs in your statements. When a player trying to maintain the highest infamy capable, that player often contributes the least because he/she likely is the weakest link. So you basically stated the devs should punish players trying their bests. On the negative side of that, you promoted minor tanking/seal clubbing. Why would I want to be at 3800 when I often underpowered when I can dangle around 3200 and dominate most battles?

    Disconnected players happened to both sides. That’s life and this is a game. It’s annoying when it happens on your losing streak. It’s as fair as it can be.

    Your scenario in event stating exactly what is wrong with individual contributing system. A shooter can stay back and spammed shots will often does most damages. Does he contribute the most by doing that? Spamming FB against multiple unfriendly fixers does nothing except make you look good at post battle screen but not helping at all. I can tell you about a battle when I only did about 2.5k damages in a win but much more valuable to my teammates than you. I chased a frost combo speeder all over the map and blocked a big torp for my frosted teammates. I was proud of myself for the smart plays after that battle even though I only got 1 star.

    Uneven fixers added diversity to ranked. With the right load outs and teammates, you can win both ways. I don’t know what you and everyone else complaining about there. It’s like only the unfriends get multiple fixers.

    Lastly, you hated ranked and complained about the spamming in event when you don’t have the load outs for it? When does your complaining going to stop?
    TheAntiSnipe likes this.

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